Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 14 - Promote the stars

  As the spacecraft landed, three Yanguo astronauts soon came out of the spacecraft, and each took up their tools to get busy.

   The time for meteorites to pass through the moon’s orbit is very limited. If they want to use the influence of the moon’s gravity to push the meteorite out of the impact orbit, then they must race against time.

   Looking at the astronauts wearing heavy spacesuits busy on the surface of the meteorite captured by the spacecraft camera on the screen, Chen Xin continued to cheer for them silently.

   This is no better than the fact that there was no news after the Federation team rushed down just now. The Yan Guo team is a non-stop live broadcast, so the progress of the project can be seen at a glance.

   There is also a narration from the TV station. The audience does not even need to watch it, just listen to it to know the progress of the site, which step the astronauts have taken, and how far they are from completion.

Compared with the Federation team drilling holes in the meteorite, the task of the Yan Guo team is easier. Although the same needs to be drilled, the Yan Guo team only needs to drill the bolt holes to fix the propeller, not like the Federation. Drill a deep hole several hundred meters deep.

   So even though there were a little more holes to be punched, with the hard work of the three astronauts, the work was quickly completed.

Seeing that they had finished punching the holes, Chen Xin was as excited as everyone who watched the live broadcast together in front of the TV. Even the host’s excitement as the narrator came from the TV: “Okay! Now the bolt holes are all. Finished! Next, the astronauts only need to install the bolts to end ground operations, return to the spacecraft to start the thruster, and use it to propel the meteorite!”

   Hearing this, Chen Xin couldn’t help but stand up and watched the three astronauts in the TV set the bolts clumsily with their thick gloved hands. He even wanted to reach out and help them tighten the bolts.

   But at a distance of 380,000 kilometers, Chen Xin’s hand could not reach even if he could reach into the TV, so he could only watch in a hurry.

Fortunately, the astronauts considered the problem of **** bolts before they set off. Not only were they equipped with professional electric tools that could screw a bolt in one second, but also three people worked together. When three people started work at the same time, all The bolts were tightened one by one under the eyes of six billion people around the world.

   Seeing that the astronauts have completed all the ground work, the commander-in-chief in charge of the on-site command in the space center grabbed the microphone and shouted at the astronauts: “Go back to the spacecraft now and start the thrusters! Don’t worry about the mess on the ground!”

Looking at the screen just switching to the gray-haired commander-in-chief in the space center, Chen Xin is really hard to imagine that this old expert can be so excited. This makes people worry about whether his heart is right. Can stand it.

   But it is understandable that the commander-in-chief is so excited. After all, at this time even Chen Xin couldn’t help but urge the astronauts to ignore the tools on the ground, go directly to the spacecraft, and leave after starting the thrusters.

Compared with the time when the tools on the ground are packed, the astronaut can start the thruster one second earlier when getting on the spacecraft. Starting the thruster one second earlier can push the meteorite out of the impact orbit one second earlier, or one second earlier. Save the blue star.

   Under the premise of saving the Blue Star, the Federalist’s multi-billion-dollar space shuttle was blown up, not to mention just a bunch of tools.

The commander’s order was immediately executed by the astronauts. They only checked whether the bolts on the ground were in place, and then quickly returned to the spacecraft. Then, under the gaze of six billion people around the world, they activated the thrusters. .

   With the violent tail flames from the tail of the thruster customized for this mission, the spacecraft that the astronauts boarded also separated from the thruster, and quickly ignited and lifted off the surface of the meteorite.

   When the Federation team leaves the surface of the meteorite, they can use the impact of a nuclear bomb explosion to blow away the debris flow on the surface of the meteorite. Because the Yan Guo team did not use a nuclear bomb, naturally they could not enjoy such convenience.

However, the heavy thrusters they installed on the meteorites are not as effective as the impact of a nuclear bomb explosion in blowing away the debris flow of the meteorite. Although they cannot blow away all the debris flow on the surface of the meteorite in an instant, the thruster tail The continuous ejection of the flame can make a gap in the flow of debris on the surface of the meteorite.

Through this gap opened by the propeller tail flame, the Yan Guo team’s spacecraft smoothly left the surface of the meteorite, returned to space, and merged with the Federation team’s Endeavour. The two set foot on the return to Blue Star. The return journey.

   When the Yan Nation and the Federal Spacecraft were returning home, the meteorite also shifted due to the thrust of the propeller and the gravity of the moon.

“With the unremitting efforts and heroic sacrifices of the astronauts of the Yan Nation and the Federation, the huge meteorite that is flying towards the blue star is now gradually being pushed out of the impact orbit. According to the scientists It is predicted that this meteorite will be completely pushed out of the impact orbit within a few hours. In the next few days, it will pass near the blue star. The threat of human extinction has been lifted!”

Listening to the almost broken cheers of the beautiful hostess on the TV, Chen Xin couldn’t help but yelled loudly. Although this meant that all his preparations were in vain, if he could avoid the meteorite hitting the blue star, in the future If he can continue to live in the sun, he would rather all his preparations be wasted.

   yelled loudly, until Chen Xin’s emotions calmed down again when his voice hoarse and wanted to drink water.

Only as Chen Xin calmed down, he discovered an important point that had been deliberately ignored by the TV station, that is, the meteorite had been blown into two rapids. The Yan Guo team installed the thruster and is now pushing away the larger one. One piece, the smaller piece was pushed away without mentioning it!

   Thinking of this, Chen Xin hurried to the computer, looking for the latest information, and the TV was also on. He kept switching channels, wanting to see if there was any latest news about meteorites.

However, there was already a lot of laughter on TV at this time. It seems that the crisis has been resolved. Everyone’s mood at this time is very optimistic, and the TV reports have become lighter. This makes Chen Yu who wants to hear if there is important information very much. Disappointment.

   Fortunately, some information can still be found on the Internet. Someone raised the same question as Chen Xin. Will the smaller meteorite hit the Blue Star?

   About this question, someone on the Internet has given an answer, and it is very reasonable and well-founded, that is, “Rusians will blow it to pieces with a nuclear bomb.”

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