Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 15 - It’s not time to celebrate

   “We Lucias are invincible in space! Ulla!” With this slogan, Lucia’s spacecraft was launched into space.

   Along with it, there are more than 20 nuclear bombs of 10 million tons equivalent launched by the top five Blue Star.

Because this mission is to intercept meteorites with nuclear bombs in outer space, the trajectory of the nuclear bombs launched by the Blue Star’s top five is different from the parabolic trajectory under normal conditions. The nuclear warhead did not fall after leaving the atmosphere, but followed The Lucian spacecraft flew in the direction of the meteorite.

   After being blown up by the Federation and pushed by the Yan Guo, the meteorite was divided into two pieces, one large and one small, coming from two adjacent but different orbits towards the blue star at the same speed.

Driven by the gravity of the moon and the thrusters installed by the Yan Guo team, the larger meteorite has now deviated from the orbit of the impact on the blue star and will pass near the blue star, but the smaller one will still follow the original The trajectory will still hit the Blue Star.

   However, this situation is still within the original expectations of various countries. The third part of the rescue operation is that the Lucias use a spacecraft to guide a nuclear bomb to conduct a saturated nuclear attack on the small meteorite that hit the Blue Star and destroy it in outer space.

The original meteorite had a diameter of more than ten kilometers. After the nuclear bomb blasting, the larger one of the two meteorites it split was about seven kilometers in diameter, while the smaller one was only a little more than four kilometers in diameter. .

   sounds a lot smaller in size, but if it hits a blue star, the damage caused is just as serious. It just changes from global destruction to half of the blue star destruction.

   So even if the large meteorite has been pushed out of the impact orbit, this small meteorite cannot let it fall on the blue star.

  The best way to solve it is to intercept it in outer space and explode it into fragments directly with a nuclear bomb.

  As the most powerful weapon of destruction invented by mankind, nuclear bombs are undoubtedly powerful. It is just that detonating a nuclear bomb in space has a completely different effect than on a blue star.

  The nuclear bombs used on the Blue Star have air as the medium. The main damage is the shock wave generated by the explosion and the continuous secondary disasters caused by nuclear radiation.

   However, in space, because the vacuum environment lacks medium, the explosion of a nuclear bomb will not cause shock waves, nor will it form the iconic mushroom cloud.

As for why the Federalists were able to blow away the debris flow on the surface of the meteorite twice before detonating the nuclear bomb, it is because the debris flow is the debris peeled from the meteorite, which itself can act as a medium to transmit the impact of the explosion. .

   In terms of radiation, to be honest, the nuclear bombs used in various countries are actually very clean, and will not cause a large amount of nuclear radiation, let alone the formation of Chernobyl’s no-man’s land that cannot be inhabited for decades.

  Furthermore, the radiation produced by a nuclear bomb explosion is nothing compared to the various radiations that are already flooded in space.

But even so, the energy released by the nuclear charge carried by the nuclear warhead when it produces a fission reaction can still cause amazing destructive power. After all, the largest equivalent strategic nuclear warhead used by various countries now has a charge of 10 million tons. Level up.

   More than 20 ten-million-ton nuclear warheads bombed a meteorite with a diameter of four kilometers, enough to blow it into slag.

   For this reason, most of the countries on the Blue Star have actually become more relaxed after the astronauts of the Yan Nation and the Federation have completed their missions.

   After all, the previous missions of the Yan Nation and the Federation were very successful, and the Lucian mission was very simple. They believed that the rescue of the Blue Star was basically successful.

In the eyes of these countries, after the Yan Nation and the Federation have completed the tasks they are responsible for, the meteorite crisis is actually over. The next thing is to wait for the piece of meteorite pushed away to pass the Blue Star, and The meteorite that hit the Blue Star was completely crushed by a saturated nuclear strike.

   It is now preaching that the crisis is over. Although there is some suspicion of risk, the impact of the previous global crisis is very heavy for all countries.

  In this crisis, no matter whether it is economy or people’s livelihood, countries all over the world have suffered huge losses. Some small countries have simply fallen into chaos and collapse, and the entire country has suffered heavy losses.

   Especially in Southeast Asia and Latin America, several countries have simply fallen into anarchy, and the whole country is in chaos, as if the end has come.

  Under such circumstances, all countries in the world hope to resolve the crisis as soon as possible so that they can devote their energy and resources to post-disaster reconstruction.

   And for countries that can still perform government functions, they can enter the post-disaster reconstruction state as soon as possible, and eat the political dividends brought about by successfully handling the doomsday crisis and guiding post-disaster reconstruction is what politicians care most about.

   So now we start to guide the people’s emotions and prepare everyone for reconstruction after the disaster. It has become a normal operation. After all, the losses caused by the chaos and emergency situation are incalculable every day.

However, for the top five Blue Stars, they did not relax their vigilance. This was not only because there was still a meteor in the sky flying towards the Blue Star, but also because the meteorite that had been pushed out of the impact orbit was still hitting. The danger of going to Blue Star. UU reading

This is not to say that the missions of Yan Nation and the Federation were missing, but because the countries were all desperate at the time, and did not strictly calculate the volume and orbit of the meteorite, and the thrusters and nuclear bombs that went up could be found. And the largest number that can be sent.

   As for how effective the delivered things can be, and to what extent they can be achieved, neither the scientist in charge of the command nor the astronauts who go up to work have no idea.

Although the mission has been completed with the efforts and sacrifices of the astronauts of the Yan Nation and the Federation, the mass of the meteorite itself has exceeded the estimate, so even though the massive meteorite has been pushed out of the impact orbit, it is actually still In a very dangerous position.

   will be disturbed by the blue star’s gravity when it passes the blue star orbit and is closest to the blue star. In this case, if the meteorite is directly impacted by the blue star’s gravity…

   No one can bear the consequences.

Therefore, the action team established by the United Nations not only did not relax its vigilance at this time, but increased its monitoring of the meteorites. It is completely measuring the orbits of the two meteorites 24 hours a day, providing data support for the Lucias. At the same time, for the meteorite pushed out of the impact orbit, all they can do at this time is to pray that it will not hit the blue star.

  Because at this moment, mankind can no longer take out the strength to deal with this meteorite.

The nuclear bombs that can be launched by various countries have been shot into space to block the small meteorite that is about to hit the blue star. The space power has been almost consumed at this time. Although it is not impossible to send a spacecraft that can go to the sky, it can be in the meteorite. The space shuttle that bore the hole and the heavy thruster that can propel the meteorite are gone.

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