Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 16 - Joy begets sadness

  Because of the fear that the crisis has not passed, the Yan State government did not allow most of the people who had been evacuated into the shelter at this time to come out of the shelter.

   Instead, they took advantage of the time when the meteorite has not yet arrived to carry out emergency construction on the unfinished refuge, and wants to build a few more refuges before the meteorite arrives, so that more people can have a safe place.

At the same time, the Yanguo government is urgently building supporting facilities to match the shelter, and at the same time strengthening and transforming a series of important life support facilities such as power plants, water plants, etc., to ensure that these facilities can survive what may happen. disaster.

   You must know that if the meteorite does fall, the Blue Star’s surface will experience a series of disasters including but not limited to earthquakes, fires, meteorite impacts, etc.

   If these safeguards fail, it will have a huge impact on the survival probability of the people who have taken refuge in the shelter.

Chen Xin expressed his agreement with the state’s move. Although news reports seem to be in a good situation, large-scale celebrations are being held in many places abroad, and some cities have even organized demonstrations, but Chen, who has a strong sense of crisis Xin felt that the crisis would not be over until the meteorite completely flew away.

   He still moved various supplies and daily necessities to his refuge according to the original plan, and made the final preparations for moving into the refuge.

   But he himself has not yet entered the evacuation shelter. After all, there is neither water, electricity nor internet access in the evacuation shelter. Staying there will not only consume his own reserve resources, but also cannot obtain the latest information.

   This is obviously unacceptable to Chen Xin.

   I don’t know when the disaster will come, I don’t know where the meteorite hits, I don’t know whether the crisis will pass…

   just blindly shrinks himself in the underground shelter and waits to die. This is not Chen Xin’s style.

For him, if the disaster really comes, then face it head-on, just like he actively prepares shelters and various countermeasures, he wants to be proactive and face difficulties head-on, rather than passively waiting. dead.

   Even if the meteorite really hits his head, Chen Xin will face the direction the meteorite is flying from, put his **** up towards it, and curse: “Ganglinliang!”

   So for Chen Yu, it is absolutely unacceptable for Chen Yu to shrink in the refuge like a tortoise, waiting for his destiny to be judged whether it is the end of the world or the hero saving the Blue Star.

   That will make him feel that his life is being manipulated by others, and he will lose his sense of security even if he hides in an underground shelter.

   Because of this, Chen Xin will still stay at home, instead of entering the refuge now like a few friends in the survival group.

   As for receiving radio and television signals from a root antenna in the shelter, this is not impossible, but Chen Xin gave up this idea after some consideration.

   This is not to say that Chen Xin finds hiding in the shelter to listen to the radio unacceptable, but because Chen Xin does not intend to set up his antenna before the meteorite actually falls.

According to Chen Xin’s prediction, as the meteorite hits the blue star, the EMP shock wave generated by the ionosphere that was disturbed during the impact is sufficient to destroy most of the electrical and electronic equipment on the surface, plus various disasters that follow, such as antennas. This fragile external device is likely to be destroyed in the first wave of disaster.

   So on the one hand, it was to save money, and on the other hand, it was unnecessary. Chen Xin didn’t set up his antenna.

   He prepared a short-wave antenna that can still work in a low temperature environment of minus seventy degrees. This kind of high-quality goods can’t be obtained casually.

Even with the help of a group of friends, Chen Xin finally got two Russian-made military supplies. Obviously, it is impossible to use this kind of things as consumables. Chen Xin put them in a box. The inside was wrapped in tin foil and placed in his big iron box, planning to wait for the environment to stabilize after the meteorite hits before using it.

   The tin foil wrap is to prevent EMP shock waves from damaging the antenna. This is what Chen Xin learned from the movie. Although it is not as good as putting things in a microwave, it can at least protect these fragile electronic devices as much as possible.

   After all, he is in an underground refuge. The EMP shock wave is still electromagnetic wave in nature, and its ability to penetrate the soil is not enough. With the addition of metal boxes and tin foil, it is enough for protection.

   After tidying up everything, Chen Xin still sat in front of the TV while swiping the phone while watching the latest news on the TV. As for the computer, he had already been sent to the shelter.

The rescue operation is still being broadcast live on the TV, but obviously the attention has dropped. Although the live broadcast is still on all channels, the content of the live broadcast already has studio pictures instead of only the pictures of the command hall and spaceflight as before. The image captured by the camera. UU Reading

   At this time, the Lucian spacecraft has arrived at the predetermined position, the meteorite has appeared in the Lucian spacecraft lens, and the nuclear warheads that follow are ready to respond.

   Looking at the TV host or the experts invited in the studio, they showed an optimistic and relaxed attitude. Chen Xin also felt that this wave seemed to have stabilized.

   At this moment, it is not a few nuclear warheads that have arrived at the attack position along with the Lucia spacecraft, but a total of more than two dozen strategic nuclear warheads with 10 million tons equivalent.

If it were not for the purpose of fighting meteorites, it would be absolutely impossible for the Blue Stars to produce so many nuclear warheads at one time. This is the first time in human history that so many nuclear weapons have been used. Even in their respective nuclear tests, they have never used them once. After so many nuclear bombs.

   More than two dozen nuclear warheads of ten-million-ton equivalent bombarded a target with a diameter of four kilometers, which was enough to blow this meteorite into **** in a real sense.

However, while Chen Xinxing was enthusiastically watching the footage taken by the Lucia spacecraft broadcast on the TV, and was about to appreciate how the nuclear warhead blasted the meteorite, the aerospace command center on the screen was suddenly in chaos, as if something happened. The unexpected situation was the same, so that the Lucia spacecraft’s attack mission was temporarily suspended.

   Chen Xin is a bit unclear, so it’s the same situation after changing several channels in a row.

Just when he was puzzled, the live host on the TV finally figured out what was going on. He turned pale and said to the camera: “The meteorite that was originally pushed out of the impact orbit was torn into pieces by the blue star’s gravity. Three meteorites with a diameter of 5 kilometers were captured by Blue Star’s gravity. They are currently flying towards Blue Star!”

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