Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 32 - There is no day or night

   To contact the outside world and receive broadcast or shortwave signals, Chen Xin must set up the prepared antenna so that he can get in touch with the outside world.

   If you want to do this, at least it will be possible to wait until the outside mountain fire is completely extinguished, the temperature drops, and Chen Xin can open the door of the refuge and go out.

   However, according to Chen Xin’s prediction, it may take at least a month to wait for the outside temperature to drop and the fire to extinguish.

   But if the impact caused by the EMP shock wave dissipates, it will be almost the same in a few days.

   The so-called EMP means electromagnetic pulse. It is a kind of high intensity pulse of sudden, broadband electromagnetic radiation. The electromagnetic pulse usually lasts for the longest time.

Electromagnetic pulses are usually caused by nuclear explosions, lightning, sunspots, duct effects or electrical sparks. Old-fashioned TVs are damaged by thunderstorms because the electromagnetic pulses caused by lightning burn down the electronics inside the old-fashioned TV. element.

Under normal circumstances, the duration and impact time of electromagnetic pulses are very short, but this time the electromagnetic pulse is caused by a meteorite disrupting the ionosphere, and its duration is obviously longer than that caused by a nuclear explosion or lightning. Longer.

   The reason why Chen Xin waited so many days was mainly because in addition to the main meteorite, there were many small meteorite fragments and the material that was hit by the meteorite and lifted into space.

   These meteorite fragments and the materials lifted into space will fall continuously for several days to several weeks after the impact of the meteorite, causing continuous ionospheric disturbances and causing electromagnetic pulses.

   So if you want to avoid damage to electronic products, it is safer to wait a few days.

Of course, this cannot be waited indefinitely, because the meteorite debris formed by the impact of the material thrown into space and the meteorite may not fall clean even in the next 100 years, and their disturbance to the ionosphere is also It will continue, but the scale of the disturbance caused by these debris and dust will not be very large.

Large pieces of meteorite debris and materials that were lifted into space will fall first, and their disturbance to the ionosphere will have an impact on a global scale. When these large pieces of matter have fallen, the remaining small pieces of matter will not only The falling time will last for a long time, and the electromagnetic pulse effect caused by it will be much smaller, which can basically be ignored.

  According to Chen Xin’s estimation, the falling of these large pieces of material will last for about a week, so if he wants to unblock his electronic products, he will wait for about a week.

  Because the large pieces of material have fallen, even if the remaining small pieces of material can cause EMP shock waves, they have a layer of soil 100 meters above the head, and they will not affect the electronic products in the shelter.

   This can be judged by the fact that the light bulb flashes non-stop throughout the day at the beginning, and even burns out the light bulb, until it flashes every few hours.

   However, even though it only takes a few more days to take out the phone and computer to play, Chen Xin is still very bored.

   This is an underground refuge. Although Chen Xin didn’t dig very deep, the 100-meter-thick soil layer above his head not only protects his refuge from various disasters, but also isolates almost all sounds from the outside world.

In fact, if it weren’t for Chen Xin to stay alone all year round because of his occupation, he has become accustomed to a relatively lonely environment. If such a person stays in such a very quiet environment for a week, I’m afraid he will be with the military The people in confinement are the same.

   It is too quiet here, and the lighting can only rely on the light. After turning off the lights, Chen Xin can’t even tell whether he is day or night.

   If it weren’t for a mechanical pocket watch and the daily settlement of the system as a time reference, Chen Xin really felt that he would be confused if he stayed for a few more days, and he didn’t know how long he had been here, whether it was day or night outside.

  Although with the impact of the meteorite impact, the sky outside should have been obscured by dust, the sun will not be visible for hundreds of years, and there is no difference between day and night.

   Chen Xin tapped on his forehead, and suddenly felt that he should buy a smart window. Of course, it is not the kind of smart window that can automatically adjust the light and ultraviolet rays, but the smart window that can change the scenery.

   A pair of display screens can display different scenery according to different time periods. For Chen Xin, who is underground and isolated from the outside world, it is simply a must for physical and mental pleasure.

And with the advent of long nights and cold winters, after the surface of the Blue Star has been devastated by global fires, it is clear that the past scenery of birds and flowers has become extinct, leaving such a beautiful window that reminds people of the past is undoubtedly a kind of commemorate.

   It’s just that Chen Xin obviously didn’t consider this at first, so that now he can only stare at the cold ceiling in a daze.

   Otherwise, UU reading, even if you just stare at the bushes and woods in a daze, will be more pleasant than the ceiling in front of you.

Of course, without a smart window, Chen Xin can’t change one. Maybe when upgrading the room in the future, through the overall upgrade of the room, you can add more such equipment, but now Chen Xin feels that he might upgrade the lighting system first. .

   adds intelligent functions to the lighting system, adjusts the light intensity and color according to the time, so that you can feel the change of time even when you are in an underground shelter, which is undoubtedly much stronger than the current rigid fluorescent tube.

   And with the change of time, you can also plan your time better, so that you don’t have to live so muddled.

   Thinking of this, Chen Xin turned out his notebook, and then wrote light on the page where the two items of food and medical treatment were written.

   But if you upgrade the light, will it increase the power consumption?

   After Chen Xin finished writing the light, the pen tip stopped for a while, and after thinking about it, he inserted the power supply in front of the light.

Although the power consumption of the shelter is not very large, and the generators are not running at full capacity throughout the day, most of the generated electricity is stored in the batteries, but considering the increase in power consumption after various equipment upgrades, the upgrade of the generators It should also be included in the consideration.

   Just upgrading the generator will undoubtedly mean an increase in fuel consumption. How long can the three tons of gasoline stored by oneself last?

Chen Xin is thinking about this problem seriously, but it doesn’t take too much trouble to solve this problem, whether it is to wait for the external environment to stabilize, according to the original plan, take fresh vegetables out to find people for supplies, or upgrade the power supply system through the system to generate electricity from fuel. Upgrading the machine to a higher-tech or even black-tech power generation equipment is a solution to the problem.

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