Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 33 - Finally touched the phone and computer again

   One week after entering the shelter, Chen Xin finally waited until the light bulb no longer flickered and quickly opened the iron box, took out the mobile phone, laptop, and game console inside, and tore off the tin foil on it in two times.

   After opening it impatiently, Chen Xin finally felt the happiness brought by technology again.

  For modern humans, mobile phones have long been an indispensable thing in life. Even without the network and mobile phone signals, a smart phone can still provide many services for humans.

   Although the various fancy, multi-functional and complicated apps are not very eye-catching, if you look closely, you will find that these apps have already penetrated all aspects of our lives.

It’s like Chen Xin used to use his mobile phone to scan for half an hour every morning and before going to bed. He didn’t want to scan something or chat with someone, but he had a habit of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Click on every APP installed on your phone.

   Even if there is no network signal now, the first thing Chen Xin does after charging and turning on his mobile phone is still subconsciously clicking on each APP, wanting to see if there is any new news.

   However, if there is no signal, there is no signal. Even if Chen Xin checked all the apps, all the news was from a week ago. The last news was almost all the news that the interception mission failed and the meteorite hit Blue Star.

   silently stared at the last piece of news on the phone. After a long time, Chen Xin sighed and became a little depressed.

   Because this news announced the glorious passing of human civilization yesterday, mankind has entered a new era full of difficulties and obstacles.

   It can even be said that this news is the clarion call to end the dazzling and glorious era of mankind, and now human beings will struggle to survive in the long, extremely cold night.

   But after a while, Chen Xin cheered up again.

   The old order of human civilization may have been destroyed, but for mankind, it is far from losing hope.

   The brilliance and brilliance of human civilization may have become a yellow flower yesterday, but human civilization still exists! Humans still survive!

  Even though we have lost our homes on which we depend for survival, and have fallen into the predicament of lack of food, energy and other materials, the entire world has become a desperate situation under the shroud of winter and long nights!

   But as long as humans still exist and we have not given up hope, we will be able to overcome difficulties! Conquer all of this and rebuild our home!

This is the most precious and greatest spirit of mankind, and it is also that we are able to walk step by step from the age of no fire, to become the ruler of this planet, to establish a brilliant civilization, even free from the shackles of gravity, to set foot The motivation and reason of the universe that people have set foot in!

   Because human beings always have hope.

   This hope is like fire, perhaps insignificant, or inconspicuous.

   But it is precisely because of the existence of hope that we can continuously overcome one suffering after another, overcome one obstacle after another, and pass on the light of human civilization from generation to generation!

  Perhaps the predicament we are facing today is indeed very difficult, but compared with our ancestors in ancient times who had only wooden sticks and stones but faced a more difficult environment, we have much more than our ancestors!

   The sturdy and warm refuge replaced the ancestor’s cave

   Warm clothes replaced the fur of the ancestors

   Various fully functional tools replaced the original stone tools

  The powerful war machine is far better than wooden sticks and stone axes

   We have so many conditions for surpassing our ancestors, why can’t we be able to cut through the thorns like our ancestors and open up a new path between them?


   After adjusting his mood, Chen Xin called the computer and sorted out the information he had on hand.

   Because I knew from the beginning that there would be no internet or cell phone signal after hiding in the shelter, Chen Xin filled his cell phone and laptop with all kinds of data, and even specially built a mobile hard disk to copy a lot of things into it.

   These materials include a full set of text and video explanation version of planting methods for various crops grown in the greenhouse, a full set of materials on generator failure detection and maintenance, and a full set of tutorials on car maintenance…

   In short, what Chen Xin wanted was to download the data and store it in the computer and mobile phone, so as to avoid the difficulty of searching for the information when there is no Internet.

  With these materials, Chen Xin will not know what to do if he encounters problems in the days to come.

  Of course, novels, movies, and games are also indispensable.

   It’s just that there is no internet. Chen Xinchang’s several novels are hopeless in his life to end. If the game is played, he can only play the single player that has been placed.

But even if there are only stand-alone games, for Chen Xin who hasn’t touched any electronic products for a whole week, even just playing cards and minesweeper is good, not to mention that there are many 3A masterpieces on his long-lost touch When it comes to electronic products, Chen Xin did not eagerly wait for a game to relax. Instead, he checked the storage of various data in the computer and confirmed that these important data were not damaged by the EMP shock wave. I started the upgrade plan of the shelter on my computer.

Before, Chen Xin always used a pen to write in the notebook. It was inevitable that the writing was a bit simple for the convenience of records. Now that he can use a computer, Chen Xin naturally started an Excel spreadsheet so that he can understand more clearly and intuitively. Upgrade information to the shelter.

   In order to facilitate and intuitively understand the specific conditions of the shelter, Chen Xin also used CAD drawings to make a set of simple drawings of the shelter, so that he can better plan.

   The easiest and most direct way to upgrade the refuge is to upgrade the refuge as a whole. This is the most convenient and quickest, but also the simplest and rude way.

   However, the survival points required for the overall upgrade of the shelter is a difficult goal for Chen Xin, who has a daily income of no more than double digits.

   “simple shelter”

  ”Upgrading plan 1: Upgrade the protection level of the refuge, improve the disaster prevention ability of the refuge, improve the comfort of survival, the overall technology of the refuge is +1, and the survival point required for the upgrade is 12,000″

  ”Upgrading Plan 2: Expand the shelter’s living space, increase the capacity of the shelter, increase the capacity of shelter materials, the capacity of the shelter +5, and upgrade the required survival point 15,000″

There are still two upgrade plans with different routes. Chen Xin didn’t look at the survival points needed to raise his blood pressure. He just analyzed how to improve the refuge and upgrade from the two upgrade plans provided by the system. Own living conditions.

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