Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 608: Extreme cold storm

Whether the alien creatures can resist the drastic cooling and strong wind brought by the bomb cyclone is unknown to Chen Xin, but it is clear that such severe weather is not something humans can bear.

Even if grassroots soldiers have popularized equipment such as protective clothing and exoskeleton, even if the protective clothing can withstand the extreme cold of minus 100 degrees, the frozen exoskeleton will still fix people into ice sculptures.

In this kind of weather, no one dares to stay outdoors. If they lie on the ground, even the whole person will be frozen on the ground.

The military couldn’t help but feel fortunate at this time. Fortunately before, the defense line was upgraded to a permanent fortification. Otherwise, there would be no place for the soldiers to escape.

Although it is said that shrinking the soldiers into the bunker will indeed affect the defense of alien creatures, at this moment, they are not concerned about the danger of the line of defense being broken, and the soldiers cannot be directly frozen on the ground.

Fortunately, the bunkers are equipped with defensive cannons, and after forming a cross-fire coverage, they can also withstand the offensive of alien creatures.

In addition, the alien creatures seem to be aware of the threat posed by this terrible weather, and their offensive has slowed down a lot, and they even have a tendency to gradually retreat and shrink their forces.

In the tension and waiting between humans and aliens, the storm finally arrived.

The cyclone pushed by the cold wave southward approached the East Dongting Lake area and soon reached the East Dongting Lake area.

The soldiers stationed in the bunker can clearly see that with the arrival of the storm, frost began to condense on the walls of the bunker under the sudden drop in temperature, and it quickly spread to the entire wall.

Even if there are heating facilities in the room, the temperature is falling quickly, and the heat that the heating equipment can provide under such a rapid cooling, can play a very small role.

However, this is just the beginning. In the areas where the storm has passed, heating pipelines and equipment have been cracked or blown up due to the sudden drop in temperature, and even an energy tower has failed due to the sudden drop in temperature.

Human beings rely on technology to deal with this problem so hard, and the alien creatures that only have to deal with it are naturally not much better.

Although Chen Xin was worried that this sudden storm and cooling would not have any effect on alien creatures, after all, their body temperature is more than 70 degrees, and they are more adaptable to survival in a cold environment.

But even so, it is difficult for these alien creatures to resist the extreme cold as low as minus 100 degrees.

Although their chitinous exoskeleton can effectively prevent heat loss and preserve their body temperature, the body temperature of more than 70 degrees is also sufficient to resist the severe cold and allow them to maintain body heat.

But this does not mean that they can withstand the extreme cold of more than one hundred degrees below zero.

On an observation post in a human bunker, an observer clearly saw through a telescope that a combat sub-body was frozen in the wind and snow, and then quickly turned into an ice sculpture.

Although these extraterrestrial creatures can survive in low temperature environments, their chitinous exoskeletons prevent the loss of heat while also causing the fact that their body surface temperature is also very low.

And this also causes them to be easily frozen. After all, the body surface temperature is too low, and quick freezing does not require much cooling.

“This is too exaggerated? Are these alien creatures frozen to death?” Looking at the alien creatures that were frozen into ice sculptures outside for almost an instant, the shivering observer asked the comrades on the side. .

At this time, the heating function of the protective clothing on his body has been turned on to the maximum, and the heating facilities in the bunker are also the same, but at this moment the soldiers in the bunker are still feeling colder and colder.

Many people have already formed a layer of frost on their bodies, especially on the surface of the exoskeleton. Even if they are wiped with their hands, it is difficult to wipe off the frost on their bodies.

The helmets and masks that cover the head are the hardest hit areas. It is even necessary to turn on the deicing function of the mask to remove the thicker and thicker frost on the mask. But even so, most people still have a thick layer on the mask. Thick frost.

The low temperature caused everyone in the bunker to shiver with cold. Many people even stomped on the spot, trying to warm themselves up, but it didn’t help.

Even if the heating equipment in the bunker is working hard to release heat, even if it has been turned on to the maximum, it still can’t make people feel a trace of warmth.

Even if these soldiers stayed next to the heating equipment, they still couldn’t reduce the chill on their bodies.

At this time, the soldiers who are still standing in the combat post suffer even more cold, because they must stay next to the shooting hole where they can shoot, and this is connected to the outside world, and the cold will directly erode their bodies.

In fact, the two hands of the shooter on the defensive machine gun had been frozen on the grip of the machine gun and could not be taken off.

Although the hands are covered with thick gloves, and the gloves and protective clothing are integrated with the heating function, the shooter still feels that his two hands have lost consciousness, which makes him very worried when he needs to fire. Can you press the button for shooting?

If it weren’t for those alien creatures outside that had also been frozen, given the situation of the human defense line at this time, it would not be able to withstand the attack of alien creatures.

Such a cold temperature can no longer be sustained by will.

The commander in the bunker himself was cold enough, but at this time he still insisted on standing at the observation port, observing the outside with a telescope, and constantly monitoring the situation of alien creatures.

However, his telescope was frozen, UU reading www. The uukā lens could not withstand such a low temperature and cracked.

Looking at the frozen and cracked telescope lens in his hand, the commander had to give up the idea of ​​continuing to observe, and instead shouted to the soldiers in the bunker: “Remove the person next to the shooting port. Keep everyone with the shooting port. Distance, close the bunker! Only keep the observation port!”

Upon hearing the commander’s order, the soldiers hurriedly moved away from the bunker’s firing opening, and found something to plug the holes that lead the cold air into the bunker.

Many soldiers were frozen and had to rely on the help of others to be dragged away from their original positions.

The commander looked at the thing that the soldiers used to block the shooting port was frozen almost instantly, his face became very serious, and it was obvious that such a low temperature had seriously affected the operation.

The commander commanded the soldiers to move the frozen people to the heating equipment, hoping that the almost useless heaters could bring them a little insignificant heat, and at the same time, he was preparing to ask for help from the rear.

In such a situation, if the soldiers continue to stay here, it will really freeze to death.

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