Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 608: The expedition team encountered an avalanche

The sky is still dim, and although there is a hint of whiteness, it is almost insignificant.

The biting cold is still there. Although the protective clothing on his body isolates the cold, listening to the cold wind blowing outside the helmet and the frost on the mask are enough to make people understand how cold the weather is.

Stepping on the thick snow, the members of the expedition team moved forward with difficulty.

They are one of the expedition teams of the National Geological Expedition Program. This time the mission is to conduct a geological survey of the mountainous areas surrounding the city.

As an expedition team sent by the country, the equipment is naturally well equipped. When they set out, they also have a specially allocated all-terrain vehicle as a means of transportation.

Only when they arrived in the mountains, because the terrain was rugged and the ATVs could not drive up, they could only leave two team members to guard the vehicles, and the others entered the mountains on foot.

Fortunately, as a geological expedition team, the team members have rich experience in field surgery, and in the past they also hiked into the mountains, but there was no problem with this.

It’s just that the current environment is very different from before the disaster. If it were before the disaster, they would never enter the mountain with such deep snow, because that would be too dangerous.

But now, the whole world has become such an icy world, if you are afraid of danger, then don’t do anything, just stay in the refuge and wait for death.

And they are not blindly taking risks. In addition to everyone equipped with protective clothing to ensure that they can survive in the wild, they are also equipped with all kinds of equipment to deal with dangers. They face the current environment. Although there is still a certain degree of danger, there is still the ability to protect yourself.

“Captain, how long do we have to go?” A member of the team asked the captain of the expedition team through the communicator in the protective suit.

They have been walking for most of the day, and they have also gone deep into the mountains, but the captain of the expedition team did not intend to stop, still leading the team forward.

According to their original plan, they need to rush to a recessed area in the mountains, where they have established a campsite, and then investigate, but they are still not a short distance away from the campsite.

So the captain also replied in the phone: “We have to rush to the camp to rest. At our current speed, we will probably have to walk another hour. Comrades hold on. We can rest when we arrive at the camp. ”

After the captain explained, he didn’t forget to encourage everyone. In fact, he himself was already very tired, but as a captain, he needs to lead his own players, but he can’t complain about it at this time.

After all, if the captain starts to complain and feel tired, how can we expect the team members to persevere?

The captain’s words really encouraged the players a little bit. Although everyone was very tired after walking for a day, and they also knew that they had to build the camp by themselves when they arrived at the camp, but there was always a little hope, no As for the feeling that I am walking blindly like this.

Perhaps it was encouraged by the captain who said that the campsite was ahead, and everyone’s pace accelerated a lot, although this might consume more energy, but everyone unconsciously wanted to arrive at the campsite earlier.

When the captain saw this, he didn’t say much, but he quietly speeded up his pace.

After all, everyone is tied together by a rope, like a long string. If one person walks fast or slow, it will affect others, so everyone can only move forward at the same speed.

This is also a safety guarantee for advancing in places such as snowy mountains, glaciers or swamps. It is tied with a rope. Even if someone falls or falls into a sinkhole or glacier crevice, other people can still hold him. It will not fall directly to the end or get stuck directly and cannot escape.

In addition to the safety rope, the members of the expedition team also have various field equipment such as locators, flare, ice axe, and some newly produced field emergency supplies to ensure their safety in the wild.

As the captain moved forward, he pressed a button under his helmet, and a mouthpiece popped out of the helmet.

This is used for food while traveling in the wild. It is connected to a detachable container containing a nutrient paste similar to jelly.

When you are in the wild, if you want to open the mask to eat, under the circumstances where the external environment temperature is tens of degrees below zero, you can instantly glue your mouth and food together, and the food itself will quickly cool off , Even frozen.

Therefore, when installed on the protective clothing, the heat can be maintained by the thermal insulation effect of the protective clothing itself, so as to ensure that the food does not get cold, and it is also convenient to eat the food directly during the journey. It is convenient to find a place to start a fire to cook and waste time.

As for the food in the container, it’s easy to eat. You can directly replace the container with the food, remove the empty container and replace it with a new one.

The nutrient cream in a container like this is sufficient to maintain the nutrients that a normal adult needs for a day, and it is also rich in water. Although it is not able to provide satiety, it is for the expedition team that often conducts scientific research in the field. That said, it is practical enough.

Moreover, this suction nozzle can be switched to the other side of the kettle to drink warm and palatable hot water, which makes people no longer want more.

The group of people walked quickly, and with the help of the equipped exoskeleton, they finally arrived at the scheduled camp.

Here is a mountain col, surrounded by mountain walls, blocking the surrounding cold wind, as long as the tent is set up, it is a perfect campsite.

“Compared with the shack that we used to build a shack, the conditions are much better now!” While the captain instructed the team members to support the tent, UU could not help but sigh with emotion.

In the past, expedition teams like them used to come to scientific expeditions. After entering the mountain, they basically used local materials to build a shack. It was almost impossible to live comfortably and comfortably.

Even if the conditions are better and can be equipped with tents, the conditions in the field are still very difficult.

But now, the equipment they are equipped with ensures that even in the wild, they can still at least eat hot meals and have a warm and comfortable bed to sleep in.

It’s just that when everyone was busy and gradually set up the tent and was about to start cooking, the captain heard some low roars.

The sound was covered by the strong wind around it, and it seemed unclear when mixed with the howling sound, but when the captain listened attentively, he suddenly felt the vibration coming from under his feet.

The surrounding snow also seemed to be collapsing, and the roar that the captain heard was from the mountain wall.

This caused the captain to lose his face in shock and suddenly shouted: “There is an avalanche!”

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