Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 609: Emergency survival cabin

“There is an avalanche!” The captain yelled, and at the same time hurriedly pulled a striking orange-red pull ring on the backpack that had not been removed from his body.

As the captain shouted, the other team members also noticed the falling snow, and hurriedly found their backpacks and did the same actions as the captain.

Giant silver **** spread around them like inflatable balloons. The members of the expedition team quickly got into these balls, sealed the entrance of the **** from the inside, and then firmly grasped. The handle inside the ball.

In these short minutes, everyone has completed the avoidance action of hiding in the ball, leaving only a ball on the spot and a half-built camp.

The captain was hiding in the ball at this time, firmly grasping the grip inside the ball, and his heart was extremely nervous.

He had encountered an avalanche, but he was very lucky that time. He just watched the avalanche happen from a long distance, and did not face the threat of the avalanche being buried.

But that experience still left him an extremely deep impression, especially watching the avalanche pouring down all the way, completely destroying the mountains and forests, which made him unforgettable for the rest of his life.

Therefore, he is very suspicious of the reliability of the so-called emergency survival cabin he is currently in.

However, at this time, they had no better way other than hiding in the emergency survival cabin that was allotted before departure, hoping that something like this inflatable ball could withstand an avalanche.

We must know that the speed of avalanches is very fast, it is impossible for them to escape the avalanche range before the arrival of the avalanche.

As the ground shakes more and more intense, the hearts of the members of the expedition team are also full of tension and worry. This mere few minutes is the longest torment for them.

Finally, with the growing roar, the avalanche arrived.


He raised his ears and listened to the quietness outside. The captain knew that the avalanche had finally passed.

This made him breathe a sigh of relief. At the same time, he could not help but secretly rejoice. The emergency survival cabin that was issued was indeed top-of-the-line. Although it was smashed in the avalanche just now, it was finally just rolling around in this survival cabin. Apart from being a little uncomfortable, there was no injury.

After the captain turned on the light on his protective suit and illuminated the narrow space in the entire survival cabin, he was checking his physical condition while calling the other team members through the intercom.

The space in this emergency survival cabin is quite small, allowing only one person to curl up in it.

But this is also for safety reasons. When encountering danger, if the space is too large and people roll over inside, it is easy to cause injury or secondary injury.

A narrow space like this can make people curl up in it, but instead can play a role in fixing the body.

Although it is uncomfortable to let the body roll along with the emergency survival cabin, at least this can ensure that the person staying inside will not break their arms or pin their legs to their heads due to the roll.

Through the intercom, the team leader confirmed the situation of the players around him. Generally speaking, it was not bad. Only two or three people suffered minor injuries, but they were all minor injuries and not serious. They could deal with it by themselves.

This made him feel relieved and can wait for rescue with peace of mind.

Although it’s a bit frustrated to stay in the emergency survival cabin, it’s better than just climbing out.

Although the emergency survival cabin is inflatable, it is made of a very effective insulation material, which can effectively resist the external cold and maintain the internal temperature.

So even if the protective clothing on your body does not work, you can stay in the emergency survival cabin for a long time without being frozen to death.

And what they had just encountered was an avalanche. Even if the weight of the emergency survival cabin was relatively light, it could displace the snow that rolled in the avalanche and float to the upper layer of the avalanche. They might also be buried by the snow at this time.

At this time, although it is said that digging a way out while the snow is still frozen is a way of self-rescue, but for the sake of safety and insurance, it is better to stay in the emergency survival cabin and wait for rescue.

After all, before they arrived at the camp, they had already walked for a day and consumed a lot of physical energy.

They were all ready to start a fire for cooking, ready to rest, but now they have encountered an avalanche, and the players basically don’t have enough energy to do the work of digging out of the snow.

So at this moment, they can only stay in the emergency survival cabin to make do with one night, waiting for the rescue to arrive.

Fortunately, the outer layer of the emergency survival cabin has become hard at this time, can maintain its own form, and resist the accumulation of surrounding snow, ensuring that these expedition team members will not be in any danger when staying inside.

Although the team members can’t make a fire to cook and eat steaming food at this time, the protective clothing on their bodies can still provide them with emergency nutritional cream and drinking water to maintain their survival.

The only thing you need to pay attention to is that you should not drink too much water because you are nervous. After all, you are staying in the emergency survival cabin. Wanting to go to the toilet is a hassle. No one wants to pee in the small space where they have to stay for a long time. , Even if there is a helmet blocking the smell, it will be very uncomfortable.

The captain has sent a signal to the two team members guarding the vehicle outside the mountain area that they are in danger, asking them to ask for help.

The captain didn’t worry at all about whether he would be rescued.

The location they were in before the avalanche was a mountain col, surrounded by mountain walls, so even if they encountered the avalanche, they were still buried in that col. UU reading www.

Even if the rescue cannot arrive for a short while for various reasons, after a night of rest and recovery, the team members can rely on the exoskeleton to find a way to get out of the snow.

In addition, everyone has a communicator and a locator. It has been confirmed just now that everyone is still in touch. They also carry their own backpacks. It is not a problem to hold them for a while.

The captain couldn’t help but rejoice at this time. They encountered an avalanche when they were halfway through the construction of the camp. Everyone had time to pick up their backpacks, deploy the emergency survival cabin to avoid danger, and bring their own backpacks.

If their camps are all set up, everyone unloads the supplies and exoskeleton they carry, and prepares to rest before encountering an avalanche, then their situation at this time will be far worse.

Now they are just having a little trouble. As long as they stay at ease until tomorrow morning, they can think of ways to help themselves while waiting for rescue.

And what they have to do right now is to fill their stomachs quickly, and then take a good night’s rest.

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