Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 683: Quality war

Chapter 784 Quality War

Watching a heavy howitzer shelling up close, Chen Xin finally returned to the land cruiser with satisfaction.

“Send a squad of power armor to the position I’ve been to. People who work hard to receive and entertain me will always give me some benefits.” After Chen Xin came back, he instructed the people around him.

The power armor of a class is naturally a generous gift, but for Chen Xin, it is nothing more than a 3D printing device for printing.

In fact, the land cruiser has the power armor packed in boxes. These power armors are all reduced versions for European countries, and they are all packed in a squad quantity. They were originally used to provide front-line troops. use.

Separate out a box now, and it will not cause any impact.

Naturally, Chen Xin also had the authority to make such a decision. Therefore, after hearing his order, the people beside him did not ask much. They just checked the quantity with Chen Xin, and then took a list for him to sign. After going through the formalities, I went to arrange helicopter delivery.

“Academician Chen, what is the result of the inspection? Do you have any thoughts?” Seeing Chen Xin’s return, the political cadres came to him and asked.

Chen Xin insisted on inspecting the line of defense, which really made it very difficult for political cadres to do. Fortunately, now that Chen Xin came back unscathed, he was relieved.

“I don’t think about it, but I understand a lot about the situation.” Chen Xinchong, a political cadre, smiled. He had no idea about this previous blockade of himself. As he walked towards the bridge, he said: “The European battlefield is here. The offensive of the alien creatures on the border is indeed more fierce than the domestic ones. Although the Europeans suffered from the loss of equipment, the number and type of alien creatures are stronger than those encountered in China!

To be honest, even if we change our fighters, facing such an offensive, although we can do better, but it is also limited, but it is not as embarrassed as they are.

When the quantity reaches a certain level enough to cause a qualitative change, the quality of the soldiers and whether the weapons are advanced or not is meaningless, and everything has evolved into a quality war. ”

“Quality war? Academician Chen, what do you mean?” Suddenly heard a new term from Chen Xin’s mouth, political cadres couldn’t help being a little more curious, and at the same time wondering how Chen Xin commented on this alien creature. The defense of the war.

“The so-called quality war is that what the two sides are fighting is no longer the industrial production capacity, the comprehensive quality of the soldiers, and the technological advancement of weapons, but a simple competition who can deliver more materials on the battlefield.” Chen Xinxiang Zhenggong The cadre explained, and gave a special example: “It’s like the famous Van Fleet ammunition during the War of Resistance against U.S. Aid Korea. It is already a prototype of a quality war. Although our ancestors withstood such fierce artillery fire, I have to admit that such firepower strikes are effective.

For any other army during World War II, when facing the ammunition of Van Vleet, I am afraid that it will be crushed. Only our ancestors can withstand the firepower of 70 bombings per square meter. ”

Hearing what Chen Xin said, the political cadres could understand what Chen Xin meant, so he asked Chen Xin: “But now, whether it is in the European battlefield or in the country, the amount of firepower delivered has not reached Van Vriley. The standard for the amount of special ammunition, right? Although the alien creatures do have a tendency to kill us with the amount.”

“So I said it was a quality war!” Chen Xin smiled and was about to explain, and suddenly noticed the Eagle Titan who was on the ship. He remembered one thing, so he stopped talking and walked over there. .

“Academician!” The pilot of the Eagle Titan just got off the body, and saw Chen Xin approaching oncoming, so he stood at attention and saluted him.

“Take a minute, I’ll ask you something.” Chen Xin also nodded, and then asked: “Just now you drove the body to circle over the battlefield. Have you noticed the flying units of alien creatures? Did you come into contact with them? ? For those flying units, I want to hear your opinion.”

Hearing Chen Xin’s question, the pilot of the eagle slightly sorted his thoughts, and then replied: “I did see some flying units of alien creatures before, but before I came into contact with them, they were already The air defense fire on the ground was shot down, so no contact occurred.

However, judging from the pictures I have observed, the size of these flying creatures is about the size of a fighter plane, with a wingspan of about fifteen meters and a body length of more than ten meters. The body structure is somewhat similar to ancient pterosaurs or bats. I didn’t see the feathers. The wings are a membrane structure, which is similar to the Fengshen pterosaur of the dinosaur era.

As for combat effectiveness, I can only say that flesh and blood can’t resist air defense fire at all. Unless these flying units rely on a hard pile, it is difficult to break through the air defense net on the previous position. ”

“Really? The information you said is very important. I took it down.” Chen Xin nodded and recorded the information the driver said. Then he asked him: “If you are asked to catch a foreigner When the flying unit of the star creature comes back, do you think the eagle can catch it?”

“This…” Facing the question of Chen, the driver hesitated and did not dare to agree.

“Have difficulties? Tell me, I will try to find a way to see if I can solve it.” Chen Xin looked at the driver’s hesitation, but smiled, not paying attention.

Hearing what Chen Xin said, the pilot gritted his teeth and replied to Chen Xin: “If it is a flying unit that kills alien creatures, the eagle will have no problem at all, but I lack the necessary means of aerial capture. Killed and brought it back.”

“Can only be killed and brought back? I understand, it is really difficult to catch alive in the air.” Chen Xin nodded in understanding, and turned to look at the eagle Titan who was parked aside.

This Titan was built by Chen Xin himself. Naturally, he is very familiar with it. All the designs are also familiar to his chest. Chen Xin clearly knows that there is only a pair of power claws for close combat on the eagle. The flying unit that tears apart alien creatures will be very useful, and can even be used to cut through the turret of a tank, but if you want to catch alive, it is really difficult for the pilot.

“Okay, I see, then if possible, get some complete corpses back.” Chen Xin gave up the idea of ​​letting the driver catch a few alive and let him get some more complete corpses back.

Seeing that Chen Xin had changed his mind, the driver hurriedly agreed with a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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