Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 684: Strategic stalemate

Chapter 785 Strategic stalemate

After arranging manpower to capture alien creatures that had never appeared in the country before on the European battlefield, Chen Xin calmed down to think about how to strengthen the combat capability of the frontline troops.

Although it is said that the result of this inspection is that the front-line troops have been able to resist the attack of alien creatures and have shown a certain degree of calmness, but this does not mean that they do not need to enhance their combat capabilities.

Stayed in Europe for the past few months. Although Chen Xin is not very able to obtain domestic information, there are still newsletters from the country every week, and the instant messaging is still smooth, and he knows all the information he needs to know.

The   Dongting Lake theater has now turned from defense to offense. Although the offensive is not strong, several offensives have not yet achieved results, and were repelled by alien creatures, but it is obvious that offensive and defensive has changed.

Relying on landing ships and mobile bases as strategic support, there are Titans and powered armored forces as the main force. Even ordinary soldiers have exoskeleton equipped with heavy machine guns and jet backpacks to ensure firepower and mobility. There is a fairly obvious generation gap between countries.

Although Europe has also begun to equip power armor and exoskeleton, there is a big gap between Europe and Yan Nation in terms of the number of equipment and the application of equipment.

Although Europe, relying on the support of Yan Nation, has gradually changed from shaky before to being able to support and resist the attack of alien creatures, but it is clear that it is far from enough to resist the attack of alien creatures.

Humanity will inevitably fight back, and must fight back, because this is the homeland of mankind and it is impossible for aliens to invade it.

If it’s just to isolate disasters, whether it’s Yan Country or European countries, it’s actually done.

Relying on the solid defense line and the fighting of the army, they have blocked the disaster of alien invasion and stayed out of the defense line.

Although this has brought huge military expenditures, and humans have to spend a lot of vitality on resisting the attacks of alien creatures, blocking is blocked after all.

For some people who are not so enterprising and responsible, who just want to maintain the status quo, this is enough.

After all, they don’t have so many ideas. They can maintain their current lives without being affected. As for how humans and civilians live, they have never been in the care of those big people.

Some people may have the idea of ​​turning this war into a so-called perpetual war, so as to obtain endless benefits and benefits from it, but for mankind, there are all harms and no benefits.

In the eyes of real people of insight, this is absolutely impossible.

Chen Xin had no such thoughts, nor did the senior officials of Yan Guo.

In their eyes, construction and development are what they need. Relying on continuous war to gain personal gains harms the interests of the country and even the whole mankind. This is something they will not consider and choose in any case.

This is also why Yan Country’s army will launch a counterattack with an almost impatient attitude just after it has the ability to counterattack.

Because from the high-level perspective, the war with alien creatures has severely slowed down the road to the construction and development of Yan Nation, and even more seriously affected the production and life of the people. If these alien creatures are resolved as soon as possible, the country will be able to do so as soon as possible. Turn energy and resources back to construction and development.

Even if such a rush to attack may bring some unnecessary losses, these losses are within a tolerable range compared to the consumption caused by the current state of war.

However, when the country of Yan was already able to counterattack, the European side had just got rid of the passive beating situation, took a sigh of relief, and was able to deal with the attack of alien creatures.

Although there is Chen Xin who helped Yan Guo open up, but I have to say that the situation in Europe is really messed up.

If it were not for the hard work of Chen Xin and the European aid fleet during this period, coupled with the great assistance of Yan Country, it would be impossible for Europe to recover in such a short period of time.

So it is unrealistic to hope that Europe will have the ability to counterattack in a short period of time.

If we take the three stages divided by the founding father of Yan Guo in “On Protracted War”, the Yan Guo side has now entered the stage of strategic counter-offensive, but the European side has just turned from strategic defense to strategic stalemate.

During this period, Europe should accumulate as much strength as possible to wait for a counterattack.

It is for this reason that Chen Xin will vigorously rectify the chaotic order in Europe, and establish an effective public order maintenance system, as well as organizations such as the militia and the knights that can be regarded as reserve forces to train for the European side. Sufficient reserve forces.

In this way, when the European side enters the strategic counter-offensive stage, it can quickly arm enough troops to invest in the counter-offensive.

It’s just that if you want to counterattack, it’s not enough to rely on reserve forces.

Although the resource output of Europe has recovered a lot, coupled with the efforts of the European aid fleet, it is so-so to protect the front-line consumption and the people’s living needs, but it is clear that this will not be able to save resources for the counterattack.

In order for the European side to accumulate the power for strategic counterattacks, in addition to increasing the output of existing resources as much as possible, so that the output exceeds the consumption, UU看书 also needs to reduce the existing resources as much as possible. Consumption.

Although the people’s consumption of living materials can’t be reduced, in fact this part is often the first to be squeezed to the limit during the war.

Although Chen Xin is very reluctant, he has to admit that even if the situation of material production improves, the living conditions of people in Europe will not be improved in a short period of time.

Although countries have limited ability to control their respective countries, autonomous cities can be said to be out of their control, but they can still squeeze the bottom people as much as possible and obtain more resources.

This is the same even for those autonomous cities. After all, the key point for them not to be regarded as hostile forces by the military of various countries is that they are still paying taxes to the governments of various countries.

As long as a small amount of tax increases within the tolerance of autonomous cities, they can be continuously squeezed. As long as it is controlled to a level that will not cause a rebound in autonomous cities, there will be no problem.

So if Chen Xin wants to reduce the existing consumption, he can only find a way from the front.

How to reduce consumption as much as possible without weakening or even improving the frontline combat effectiveness, this is what Chen Xin needs to consider.

(End of this chapter)

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