Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 703: The center of the world island

Because the war has started, the military has begun to fully engage in the counterattack, and Chen Xin has also become busy.

But this time, he didn’t need to go to the front line or take charge of all aspects of the work. After all, it was in the country. There were people doing all these things, and the situation in Yan Country was much better than that in Europe, and there were very few things to worry about.

Therefore, although a lot of work has been piled up on Chen Xin’s desk, he can still think about the defense in the Middle East after finishing the work.

The so-called Middle East refers to the part of the region from the southern part of the eastern Mediterranean to the coast of the Persian Gulf, including most of West Asia except Afghanistan and Egypt in Africa, and the Transcaucasus region on the border of Russia.

This area connects the three continents of Asia, Europe and Africa. Since ancient times, it has been a transportation hub between the East and the West. It is a land of “two oceans, three continents and five seas”, and its strategic position is extremely important.

In 1902, the English geographer and geopolitical scientist Halford McKinder put forward the theory of the world island, which regarded the three continents of Asia, Europe and Africa as a world island, and the Middle East is the center of this world island. .

In the world island theory, whoever controls the center of the world island can then control the entire world island, and then the entire world.

The cold weapon era is limited by the problems of transportation, technology, and productivity. No country can control the center of the world island. However, in history, this place is still an important transportation link connecting Asia, Europe and Africa. It continues to this day.

But with the development of history and the continuous improvement of productivity, even without the world island theory proposed by Halford Mackinder, this land has always been coveted by people.

From the empire where the sun never sets, where “God is in the sky and I have the right,” to the two superpowers fighting for world hegemony after World War II, the wars that have occurred in this land since World War II are almost all left over from the British occupation of this land. The mess, and the war provoked by the Federation and Suvia for world hegemony.

From this we can also see how important strategic significance this area is.

For the world after the disaster, this area is still an important traffic throat. Even if you can travel from Lucia to Europe from the country of inflammation, Africa has cut off all information exchanges, but the Middle East still has a very important strategic significance.

After all, extraterrestrial creatures can invade the Middle East from the Mediterranean, and after that, as long as they cross the Arabian Peninsula and cross the Iranian plateau, whether they are going south to attack the Indian Peninsula or going north to attack Central Asia, there is no obstacle.

The only thing that may constitute an obstacle may be the Himalayas, known as the roof of the world, which can block alien creatures from advancing eastward and penetrate the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau by virtue of their terrain.

This situation really confirms Halford McKinder’s theory of the world island. Whoever controls this area can control the three continents of Asia, Europe and Africa, and control the entire world island.

This is the worst situation for humans.

Currently there are two important lines of defense built by mankind, one is built along the northern shore of the Mediterranean Sea, and the other is across Eastern Europe. Although the southern end of the Eastern European line of defense extends toward the Middle East, it currently only extends to the vicinity of the Greater Caucasus Mountains, which can be blocked with the help of mountain terrain. The aliens are on their way.

If alien creatures cannot be blocked on the Mesopotamian plains, once they are allowed to cross the Iranian plateau, it means that the entire Asian continent has opened its doors to alien creatures.

Therefore, Yan Guo’s current plan is to solve the problem in the Dongting Lake area as soon as possible, and then use the army and resources for defense in the Middle East.

It’s just that there is controversy over how to build the defense line in the Middle East.

At present, the most effective method is naturally to build a defense line on the western side of the Iranian Plateau in the Zagros Mountains with the help of terrain, and then connect it with the Greater Caucasus Mountains part of the Eastern European Defense Line to form a whole. If the aliens really attack from here , You can block the alien creatures on the Mesopotamian plains.

However, some high-level domestic officials think that repairing the line of defense is too far.

They felt that Yan Nation should not go to the Middle East to build a line of defense, but should build a line of defense along the Himalayas to protect the national border.

From the perspective of the length of the defense line and the amount of work alone, there is not much difference between the Zagros Mountains and the Himalayas.

Both are mountain terrain, and the length of the defense line is not too different. The terrain of the Himalayas is even steeper, and the construction of the defense line is more conducive to defense.

But if you compare the locations on the map, you will understand that if you only build a defense line in the Himalayas, it can indeed block the route of alien creatures from attacking the country of Yan and protect the country’s own home.

But at the same time, Central Asia and the Indian peninsula are undefended areas for aliens that have passed through the Middle East.

Even because the ocean surface is frozen, alien creatures can get involved in Southeast Asia as long as they run a little further east.

In Chen Xin’s view, the location of the defense line is undisputed. Repairing the defense line in the Middle East can effectively connect the defense line to Eastern Europe. It can not only enhance the defense effect of the defense line, but also unite with allies, and make it more effective. The line of defense guards more areas.

It can be said that repairing the defense line in the Zagros Mountains in the Middle East is a multi-tasking task.

But if the line of defense is retreated to the Himalayas, the role of this line of defense will be greatly reduced. UU Reading

Not to mention that the two regions of Central Asia and the Indian Peninsula will directly lose their barriers. There is no obstacle to the attack of aliens. It is just the fact that aliens can pass through the Middle East. Very significant impact.

The most intuitive point is that after the fall of Central Asia and the Indian Peninsula, Yan Nation will face alien creatures that have attacked from three directions.

For Yan Country, this will undoubtedly greatly increase the cost of combat.

Moreover, after the aliens have captured Central Asia, they can continue to go north to Lucia, and Lucia will face the situation of being attacked by the enemy. It is very likely that they will lose the territory of Europe, lose their most elite land, and even the entire country. All fell.

Chen Xin really hates that he can’t understand why the senior leaders have different opinions on this matter. Is it true that some people are short-sighted to such an extent?

Or is there someone playing a disgraceful role in this, and what benefits are they trying to get from it?

But the problem is that alien creatures are just a group of beasts like insects. It is impossible for human beings to sell their national interests to rely on alien creatures for personal gain!

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