Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 704: East wind heating

When Chen Xin wondered why some of the high-level officials chose to build a defense line in the Himalayas conservatively, the military’s offensive went quite smoothly.

Through the vibration monitoring of the underground situation of the entire Dongting Lake area, the military found that alien creatures were converging towards the end of the tunnel, so this became the center of the battlefield and the most anxious place in the battle.

Relying on the good performance of laser weapons and the unobstructed terrain in the tunnel, Yan Nation’s army quickly blocked the crazy counterattack of alien creatures, and began to push back gradually.

But the alien creatures don’t care about casualties at all. They continue to dig through the walls of the tunnel despite the shocking casualties, but they are burned through their heads by laser weapons as soon as they emerge.

A large number of corpses piled up in the tunnel, even showing that the corpses of extraterrestrial creatures directly blocked the passages they dug around the tunnel.

In fact, because the top of the tunnel was not dug through, and the alien creatures did not dig a tunnel from that direction, a large number of corpses were directly piled up there, and there was even a tendency to gradually silt up after being piled up.

One can imagine how many alien creatures died in this battle.

If it’s on the ground, it’s hard to see how corpses pile up like a mountain in the literal sense.

But in this tunnel, even though Chen Xin initially enlarged the tunnel diameter to 20 meters in consideration of the issue of army offensive, he still quickly filled the tunnel due to the extremely high casualties of alien creatures.

Even because the accumulation of corpses blocked the passage, alien creatures are constantly digging new passages along the tunnel.

In the face of this situation, the military was not polite. After a strong counterattack, it threw the long-awaited counterattack forces into the tunnel, and began to launch a counterattack along the passages dug by those alien creatures.

However, despite the successful reversal of the past, the military still feels that its strategic intentions have been hindered.

Because their original plan was to open up a large underground cave about 1,500 meters below the ground through digging, which is the location that was determined to be the nest of alien creatures after detection, and then destroy the breeding ground of alien creatures and block it. Their strength is supplemented.

But now, affected by the counterattack of alien creatures at no cost, it is obvious that the military can no longer continue to dig. The bottom of the tunnel is piled up with corpses over fifty meters in length, and the walls are also tunnels dug by alien creatures.

Under such circumstances, it is obvious that the original strategy cannot be continued.

But the military was not reconciled to just abandon the original plan. After all, this plan seemed to them to be far more effective than using ammunition consumption to fight the opponent’s reproduction speed.

But now it is obviously impossible to continue digging according to the original plan, and the military has to modify the current plan.

Only in the face of the current situation, the military staff can only think of continuing the offensive with conventional tactics, opening the situation by relying on the current advantages of laser weapons.

After all, even if someone intends to continue digging, there is no suitable digging tool at the moment, it is impossible to plug the shield machine back into the tunnel, and continue to dig down with the corpse that has been filled with nearly a hundred meters of tunnel, right?

Without mentioning the issue of these corpses, the alien creatures that dig through the tunnel wall from time to time in the tunnel are a very troublesome problem.

If it weren’t for the counter-propulsion of the troops in those passages, it would be considered effective. It has already achieved a lot of advantages, suppressed the opponent’s offensive, and improved the situation where the tunnel was dug from time to time. I am afraid that even the offensive of the military will now be affected.

However, attacking with conventional tactics has another problem, and that is time.

Even if the tunnel has reached the ground one thousand and four hundred meters, there is only the last one hundred meters away from the nest of alien creatures, but if you want to attack the nest of alien creatures according to the original plan, the military will spend at least one for the last one hundred meters. It will take more than a few months to push back from the passage around the tunnel.

This is still in the case of a smooth attack, if the current alien creatures’ crazy counterattack situation, and the hidden hands they may still have, it is almost a certainty that there will be an accident.

Under such circumstances, the military had to find a way to find another way.


“What? Are you asking me if there is a way to make at least one DF missile-sized object pass through the last 100 meters of soil to reach the nest of alien creatures?” Chen Xin expressed his opinion when asked by an officer sent by the military. Is very surprised: “What do you want to do? Don’t you want to throw a nuclear bomb down?”

Regarding Chen Xin’s speculation, the officer sent by the military did not deny it, but replied: “This is beyond the scope of what I can answer.”

Hearing what the officer said, Chen Xin could only pinch the bridge of his nose and gave up finding the answer from the opponent.

After all, even if the military really wants to use a nuclear bomb, it cannot be known to an ordinary officer. Even if this officer is involved, it involves important preparations for the use of a nuclear bomb.

However, judging from the questions asked by the other party, the military estimates that it really has this idea.

Instead of spending a month to attack slowly, it is better to drop a nuclear bomb and solve the problem directly.

Based on the analysis of the current situation, continuing to attack with conventional tactics will undoubtedly consume a lot of resources, consume precious troops and waste a lot of time. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

If nuclear bombs are used, as long as the nuclear bombs can be smoothly penetrated into the nests of alien creatures, relying on the power of strategic nuclear bombs is enough to solve the problem and save these consumption.

Chen Xin put down his work, stretched out a finger and tapped rhythmically on the desk, falling into thinking.

The officer didn’t urge, and just stood in front of Chen Xin, waiting for his answer.

Chen Xin’s thinking did not last long. After all, he was thinking only about the possible consequences of bombarding the nest of alien creatures with a nuclear bomb, not about how to make a DF missile into the nest of alien creatures.

“It is not difficult to modify a DF missile to penetrate a 100-meter layer. I can do it as required by the military.” Chen Xin gave an affirmative answer, but also emphasized to the officer: “But The consequences and impact of a nuclear bomb attack need to be carefully considered. After all, the entire Dongting Lake area is filled with caves and tunnels excavated by alien creatures. Whether these caves and tunnels have destroyed the geological structure of the area and whether the nuclear bomb exploded Will cause geological movement…

These are things that require careful consideration. If large-scale geological activities are triggered, the consequences will be unimaginable. I hope you understand this. “

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