Doomsday Circle

Chapter 89 You are looking more and more like a foreign species

Circle of Doom ()

On the gravel wilderness, Qi Xinzhu was watching the performances of Lu Luo and Gu Fang.

Lu Luo stood in front as a melee and human shield, while Gu Fangyi assisted in shooting and dealing damage from behind.

The two of them cooperated very well, and their killing efficiency was getting faster and faster, but these were not things that surprised Qi Xinzhu.

What really surprised Qi Xinzhu was Lu Luo's almost crazy fighting style. Why do you say crazy?

At this time, Lu Luo was no longer cautious. He kicked a rock open and allowed the poisonous insects under the rock to bite him.

But he didn't care at all. The vengeful blade in his hand cut the largest one first, and then cut the other smaller ones one by one.

There was no evasion, no intention of retreating, no need for Qihe, just relying on one's strength to perform the four words vulgar martial artist to the fullest.

He dared to act like this because all the attacks of these poisonous insects were neutralized by the effect of perseverance.

[You were attacked by a two-tailed scorpion. Your perseverance effect made you immune to this attack. The poison entered your body and you were immune to the poison's damage. 】

[You were attacked by the Silver Centipede, and your perseverance effect made you immune to this attack...]

The powerful effect of perseverance is the reason why Lu Luo dares to run rampant here. The final damage is -4, which is too restrained to deal with the multi-stage continuous damage of the poison attribute.

Originally, Lu Luo was not so aggressive in his attacks and had no intention of dodging at all, but these attack prompts were occasionally mixed with such prompts.

[You have suffered multiple poison effects, and your resistance to poison has been slightly increased. 】

After seeing this prompt, Lu Luo completely let himself go.

That's right, he's fighting with drugs.

Although the effect of perseverance can make him immune to a lot of poison-type damage, there will always be poisons that he cannot withstand.

So under normal circumstances, dodging is still necessary.

But now that he can gain prostitution and poison resistance from the process of fighting, it is natural that he will not gain prostitution without prostitution.

Lu Luo would never think it was too much when it came to his own attribute resistance.

When the time comes, physical damage reduction + Fortitude damage reduction + own poison resistance + Fortitude final value damage reduction, and if you wear a gas mask or something, you should be immune to most poison damage, right?

This is Lu Luo's truest thought. He always feels that any behavior that can improve overall strength is worth trying.

For example, if you take the initiative to let bugs bite you, it won't damage your house anyway, so just bite them.

The efficiency of killing monsters here is very high. In just one day, Lu Luo's agility has increased to 13 points.

And after he killed this wave of monsters, he also collected 500 energy points and 30 sequence points.

This efficiency has far exceeded the previous search-based hunting methods in urban areas.

The only drawback is that the risk of fighting here is extremely high. He can only be so reckless after he has strengthened his perseverance with a constitution of 20.

If I had come here when my attributes were not good enough before, I might have been poisoned and overturned in a matter of minutes.

Even now, the way he and Gu Fangyi fought still had a chance of overturning, mainly because of the presence of wet nurse Qixinzhu, which made Lu Luo feel relieved.

Lu Luo has confirmed that Qi Xinzhu's strength is at least level 2. Even if Gu Fang accidentally overturns, Qi Xinzhu can still help.

During the intermission of the non-stop killing, Lu Luo couldn't help complaining in his heart.

There are so many silver centipedes and not a single black wolf spider. What kind of bad luck is this!

There are many poisonous insects in the gravel wilderness, and there are also common poisonous insects such as silver centipedes. However, the black wolf spider he wanted has never been found, which is a pity.

Lu Luo.

Qi Xinzhu tugged on Lu Luo's pants. The main reason why he tugged on Lu Luo's trousers was because Lu Luo had no choice but to pull on his trousers because he was not wearing a shirt at all in order to resist the temptation.

What are you doing? You're upset.

Is that black lump what you are looking for, Black Wolf Spider?

Qi Xinzhu hates bugs. Monsters like wolf spiders are even more outrageous than spiders. What's more, it has hair all over, which makes it even more annoying.

But she just heard Lu Luo talking about this thing all the time, so she asked about it.

That's it! Well done.

When Lu Luo saw the Black Wolf Spider, it was like seeing a long-lost relative, and he rushed forward.

The most frightening thing about the poisonous variant of the black wolf spider is its venom, but Lu Luo happened to be able to restrain this.

[You have been bitten by a black wolf spider and you have been poisoned. 】

Although Lu Luo was still poisoned, the black wolf spider's toxicity was reduced so much by its tenacity and poison resistance that Lu Luo was still in full swing even after he was poisoned.

Lu Luo held down the black wolf spider's head with one hand, gathered his energy with his right hand, and punched it directly.

This heavy punch directly blew out the eight eyes of the Black Wolf Spider.

Then he drew out the Wraith Blade, and with lightning speed, chopped off the eight legs of the Black Wolf Spider with two knives.

The blade was inserted into the belly of the black wolf spider, its head was clamped with both hands, and the pressure on the mechanical arm was increased.


[Friendly reminder, when you extract a tooth, you must keep the poison glands, otherwise they will be useless. 】

Lu Luo broke its neck with his bare hands. After doing all this, it finally sat down carefully on the ground and began to pull the black wolf spider's fangs with his hands.

Lu Luo, what are you doing? It's poisonous!

I know it's poisonous, don't bother me, I'm busy!

The main reason for using hands to extract teeth is to avoid damaging the venom glands in the fangs. Compared with a knife, fingers are more reliable.

Lu Luo didn't realize how much his behavior shocked Qi Xinzhu. He used his bare hands to remove the poisonous fangs of the second-order alien species? Is this an act that humans are capable of?

Even if she is a second-level light seeker, she cannot do such a thing!

So Qi Xinzhu is certain of one thing.

Lu Luo is getting stronger during this time, and getting stronger quickly!

Lu Luo's growth rate was so amazing that Qi Xinzhu also thought of Lu Luo's behavior of devouring alien species, but she didn't ask because she knew that Lu Luo wouldn't tell her if she asked.

Not only Lu Luo, but also Gu Fangyi was extremely shocked by Lu Luo's growth rate, but he would not ask, or even have the thought of asking.

Why ask? Wouldn't it be nice to have an awesome boss? Asking this kind of question, isn't it unnecessary to take off your pants and fart? Gu Fangyi understood it in his heart.

After collecting the teeth of the black wolf spider, Lu Luo felt very happy.

The fusion formula and unknown attribute potion are obtained.

Although I don’t know what the three poisons will eventually be synthesized into, but it is produced in the S-class series and I have never encountered a bad one so far.

Let's take a break and eat something first, then continue after eating.



Sitting next to some cleaned rocks, Lu Luo was about to start adding some strengthening points.

Will the upgrade of Devourer have a big impact and fluctuation?

[No, the whole process is silent, please feel free to upgrade. 】

Lu Luo felt relieved after seeing the observer's prompt.

According to this efficiency, if I kill another day tomorrow, my agility can reach 20, and I can also save enough sequence values ​​required for the observer's upgrade.

Therefore, Lu Luo did not intend to save the current serial value of 30.

Activate Strong first.

[Consuming 10 points of sequence value, activating D-03-Strong, please wait...]

5 minutes later.

[D-03-Strong activation completed. 】

Effect - Strong: Vitality increased by 25%, physical attack power increased by 5%

Introduction: Strong guys always die slower than others, and they are also more powerful.

Just after Lu Luo activated his strength, he got a new prompt.

[Sequence D-03-strongly complies with C-00-polar sequence chain, is it a fusion sequence? 】

What the hell? This inclusiveness is too broad, fusion.

Lu Luo was a little surprised. The coverage of the D-00 sequence chain was so wide, and what it covered seemed to be related to physical fitness.

[Fusing sequence chains, please wait. 】

[The sequence chain fusion is completed, and your C-00-Ji has new changes. 】

Sequence C-00-Pole

Effect - Fortitude: 17% damage reduction, stacks with any other damage reduction, final -4 to all damage.

Effect - Dexterity: Increase dexterity by 12% and reduce damage caused by falling from high altitudes.

Effect - Force: Increase physical damage by 12%, physical damage penetration by 1%.

Effect - Strong: Increase vitality by 30%, increase physical attack power by 6%.

Introduction: The ultimate is the ultimate, and only the peak can create the ultimate realm.

[Sequence C-00-Extremely advanced: Material 1+Material 2+Physical fitness is fully enhanced to 20+Life Essence Level 2]

[Material 1: Titan’s blood + 30 grams of dark spirit stone + energy value 1000]

[Material 2: Level 3 deformed muscle 60kg + Dark Spirit Stone 30g + Energy value 1000]

After activating Strong, Lu Luo felt his surging vitality. Not only his vitality, but his own strength also increased. These were all derived from the increase in the Strong sequence.

I seem to be drifting further and further away from the blood cow tank, but why can't I gain weight by eating?

Lu Luo pinched his muscles subconsciously, feeling a little dissatisfied with his current figure.

And he found that other sequences that were integrated into the sequence C-00 pole would get a small enhancement.

This enhancement is not too much, but it is not too little either.

However, after Ji became stronger, its level of difficulty also changed.

In addition to the previous basic requirements, 20 all attributes + level 2 profession, 2000 energy, 60 grams of dark spirit stone, and 60 kilograms of level 3 deformed muscle are also required.

There is also the very expensive Titan's blood. In Lu Luo's eyes, these things all have the same nature, money.

So making money is equivalent to becoming stronger.

Lu Luo changed his mind. Women would only affect the speed at which he drew his sword. The most important thing to become stronger was to stay away from women. This was true.

But the rich woman won't. The rich woman will buy him a new knife and a large vat of wolfberry seeds to replenish his health.

Thinking of this, Lu Luo looked at Qi Xinzhu with a more pleasing look.

Continue! Strengthen the Devourer.

The powerful activation of D-03 is just an appetizer. The real highlight, which will affect Lu Luo's future progress, is S-02-The Devourer.

[Consuming 20 points of sequence value, strengthening sequence S-02-devourer, please wait...]

This process was a bit long, so much so that Gu Fangyi and Qi Xinzhu had already rested, and instead were watching Lu Luo in a daze.

However, they would not disturb Lu Luo, they would just wait quietly for Lu Luo to return to normal.

Half an hour passed, and Lu Luo didn't move at all. He could feel that his body was undergoing some kind of transformation.

This transformation seems to affect the structure of his entire body, so he dare not move.

[S-02-The Devourer is advanced to LV2, and the basic effects of the Devourer are fully improved. 】

[The efficiency of your Devourer Mimicry Dark Energy Talent is increased to 120%]

[Your devouring speed is increased by 100%, allowing you to retrieve lower energy values. 】

[The number of your Devourer's Tentacles has been increased to 4]

Effect 1 - Swallow: You can swallow energy matter.

Effect 2 - Alien species: During the process of swallowing, energy is copied to form alien species, up to 2 types, and the energy (fire poison) is currently saved.

Introduction: The core that devours everything.

[Observer’s fair comment: Have you noticed that you are becoming more and more like a different species? 】

Originally he was very happy, but the evolution direction of Devourer made Lu Luo narrow his eyes.

A different species!

The only relatively obvious attribute energy that Lu Luo is currently exposed to is indeed poison.

Most of the alien species he killed were low-level alien species, and a large part of them were poisonous.

The most powerful poison is the Chijia encountered in Lantian Pharmaceutical. Now the fire poison of Chijia has also been retained, and it has condensed into a red ball next to his Qihe point.

Lu Luo knew that this thing should be the so-called alien species.

Lu Luo stretched out his palm and tried to mobilize the energy of the alien species.

He discovered that the alien species actually directly extracted the Qi from the air pockets, turning it into a hot energy that appeared in the palm of his hand.

His palms began to turn an unnatural warm red color, and he was very surprised by this very obvious attribute change.

Is this fire poison?

While Lu Luo was observing the fire poison, Qi Xinzhu, who had always wondered why Lu Luo had to rest for so long, noticed something was wrong with his palms.

Lu Luo, what's wrong with you? Are you poisoned? Is it the poison from the black wolf spider just now? Let me help you treat it.

Need not.

Lu Luo retracted his hand. The red color on his palm had gradually faded, but Qi Xinzhu was still a little worried.

If you are poisoned, I can cure you.

I said no.

Lu Luo's reaction was a bit loud, and Qi Xinzhu was startled, but he sat back obediently.

Lu Luo really wasn't targeting Qi Xinzhu this time. Only Lu Luo himself knew the reason. He didn't want others to know his details.

Seeing Qi Xinzhu lowering his head, Lu Luo softened his tone and explained.

It's not your problem, don't think too much about it.

As if surprised that Lu Luo would explain to her, Qi Xinzhu raised his head again.

Ah? Oh, do we still want to continue?

Lu Luo glanced at the sky. Although the gravel wilderness had a wide field of vision, it seemed brighter than the urban area.

But the sky was already very dark at this time. According to the tips given by the observer, the time was already around 5 pm.

The sun was still not visible outside the wasteland wall, but at this time, it was definitely not far from dark.

Are we going to spend the night here tonight? If we are going to spend the night in the gravel wilderness, I think we should prepare in advance and set up a temporary camp.

If we don't spend the night in the gravel wilderness, we can rush to the construction area now. The night is too dangerous, so it's better to prepare in advance.

Qi Xinzhu took a look at the surrounding environment. On the gravel wilderness, there were only some scattered large rocks, and some weird-looking cacti and tumbleweeds.

There is almost no place to hide. It is very dangerous to spend the night in such an environment. It is best to prepare in advance and build an area with stones.

Lu Luo glanced at Qi Xinzhu and Gu Fangyi. It was okay for him to camp here for the night. The problem was with these two companions.

In this kind of wild environment, the more people there are, the safer they are. They can alternately guard and protect. Unfortunately, they only have three people. No matter how they move around, there will always be a shortage of people.

So after thinking for a while, Lu Luo finally shook his head.

Originally, he did plan to camp and rest in the gravel wilderness, UU Reading But thinking about it carefully, Qi Xinzhu was right, there was no need to take risks.

There are level 3 alien species in the gravel wilderness. Although they are rare, they do exist, such as the mantle.

Mantle is a monster that can crawl underground in the gravel wilderness, but its physical strength is problematic and its range of activities is limited.

If it were daytime, Lu Luo and the others could completely escape from the mantle's range of action.

But the night was different. At night, they encountered the third-level mantle. They had to face the hard steel and kill the mantle, or they ran away.

Whether you are escaping at night or fighting the mantle head-on, there is a high chance that it will attract monsters. It would be terrible if other alien species swarmed around you.

No matter which of the two options you choose, it is a very risky choice.

go back.

Ah, do you really want to go back?

She was ready to stay vigil here tonight, even though she hated bugs, and there were all kinds of bugs here.

But who makes her a light seeker? A light seeker should have courage.

Unexpectedly, his opinion was adopted by Lu Luo, which made Qi Xinzhu wonder if Lu Luo had changed his gender today?

She had always thought that Lu Luo was a very arbitrary person. She just said it casually and didn't expect Lu Luo to agree.

Well, go back.


After Lu Luo gave the order, the three of them began to retreat in an orderly manner.

Actions should still be based on safety. There is no need to take risks at this time.

Lu Luo's recognition and choice undoubtedly put Qi Xinzhu in a good mood. She was even so happy that she hummed a few hymns while returning to the city.

Gu Fangyi: What is she happy about?

Lu Luo: I don't know! What song did she sing?

Gu Fangyi: It's a hymn, it's quite nice.

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