Doomsday Circle

Chapter 90 The unfaithful Lu Luo

Circle of Doom ()

The three of them walked towards the city again. Returning to the city was a waste of time, but Lu Luo still did not change his choice.

Lu Luo often heard in his previous life that many people would say that now is the time of rapid development and when time is most scarce. If you don't hurry up, it will be too late.

But he was just the opposite. Lu Luo believed that when a person feels that something is too late, it is precisely the earliest time.

He is still very young. If we look further ahead in the timeline, we can put aside the 250,000 contract.

Then the thing he lacks the most is time. He can take his time and proceed steadily.

Even if I don’t have all the attributes of 20 this time, I’ll just come out again when I get a chance.

On the way back, Lu Luo and the others had almost cleared away the alien species, so the three of them moved very quickly. In about two hours, they were able to see the buildings in the distance.

Looking at the nearby buildings and Qi Xinzhu who was humming a song, Gu Fangyi couldn't help it.

Why is she still so happy after all this time?

Why do you think I didn't know it just now and will know it now?

Lu Luo also wondered, was he so happy to be back in the city?

When they reached the edge of the city, it was already very dark. Lu Luo glanced at the nearby buildings, and finally his eyes stopped on a second-floor convenience store.

Such a small place is very easy to clean and they don't need to spend too much time.

We just improvised one night and continued to the gravel wilderness the next day. The conditions basically didn’t matter.

This is it, let's first...

Lu Luo, there is someone here. Gu Fangyi interrupted Lu Luo.


Lu Luo put down his hand that was really going to point to the convenience store on the second floor and looked towards the gravel wilderness.

On the already dark skyline of the gravel wilderness, the team of Blue Sky Pharmaceuticals was scattered, walking towards the urban area.

The original team of 20 people now only has 12 people left, including Chu Qi and Wang Zheng.

Except for Chu Qi, only one of the other five women survived. In this kind of escape and attack situation, women's physical strength is a natural disadvantage.

The remaining 12 people were all injured and exhausted, but even if they were a remnant of soldiers, their bodies still exuded strong blood.

When Lu Luo and others saw each other, the other party naturally saw them.

After the two sides were in a stalemate for a few seconds, Gu Fangyi and Lu Luo were already confronting each other with guns raised. When Qi Xinzhu saw this, he also raised his concussive sword.

But this time, captain Wu Sen pressed the muzzle of the team member's gun.

Let's not get into trouble for now. It's just a few children. Let's wait until we regain our strength.


[The distance is too far to analyze the other party's internal dialogue. 】

Wu Sen made a flat palm gesture to Lu Luo and the others from a distance. This gesture was reserved for people outside the wall, meaning they could live in peace without interfering with each other.

Seeing that the other party had no intention of attacking for the time being, Lu Luo and the others slowly retreated, put down their guns, and made the same gesture to Wu Sen.

He didn't want to conflict. If nothing else, in this case, if the opponent's firepower covered him, there was a high chance that Gu Fang would die.

Qi Xinzhu depends on his specific strength. He is the only one who is relatively confident of escaping under fire.

As the other party approached, Lu Luo took a general glance and made a certain judgment in his mind.

They must have encountered some dangerous alien species. The level of casualties...

Lu Luo knew very well what kind of power a well-equipped team had.

Complete weapons and firearms system, sufficient ammunition, team members to cooperate with fire coverage, cross shooting.

Various grenades, shock bombs, and even hand cannons.

In addition to their own armor, the medicines that Blue Sky Pharmaceutical may allocate to them, and the accumulated extraordinary equipment, etc.

Apart from anything else, a team of 20 people like Blue Sky Pharmaceutical should be completely crushing in combat effectiveness in a place like the Gravel Wilderness.

The alien species that allowed them to flee in such embarrassment should not be the alien species in the gravel wilderness.

It would be easy to conclude then that they moved on.

According to the records in previous hunter's manuals, the end of the gravel wilderness is the Zimu Swamp.

The Zimu Swamp is already a high-risk area in C13. In addition to the endless emergence of alien poisonous insects and various swamp mutant monsters.

There is also the regenerated deformed species that once made a group of hunters hate, the mother-in-law water lemon.

If the monster these people encountered was a mother-in-law water lemon, then the result of such heavy casualties would be easy to understand.

When Lu Luo was observing each other, Wu Sen was also observing Lu Luo. As he walked, he looked at Lu Luo and the others. His small triangular eyes were like poisonous snakes.

He recognized Lu Luo, the boy he had met once while working in the 404 Biological Exhibition Hall.

When his eyes glanced at Lu Luo and Lu Luo, no other emotions could be seen in their eyes except a disregard for life.

Only when he saw Qi Xinzhu, Wu Sen's eyes paused for a moment, showing a hint of greed.

However, Wu Sen's professional quality is still very high. What he values ​​most is himself. Even if he wants to take action, it is not now.

Wu Sen quickly looked away from Qi Xinzhu, turned to the other team members and said calmly:

It should be safe here. Let's find a place to rest first without disturbing others.


After Wu Sen issued the order, the tense nerves of the other Blue Sky Pharmaceutical team members temporarily calmed down.

The killing of Zimu Shuimeng put a lot of pressure on them. Fortunately, they had enough explosive bombs, otherwise it would be really difficult to escape.

Even now, they are not sure whether the monster continues to chase after them.

The team members walked into a small building behind Lu Luo in an orderly manner. Everyone was silent, but several people's eyes rested on Qi Xinzhu for a moment.

[These people are very hostile to you, please be cautious. 】

Unlike Wu Sen who can still control himself, the greed in their eyes is not concealed at all, it is naked possessiveness.

If nothing else, this look made both Lu Luo and Qi Xinzhu uncomfortable.

Old classmate Wang Zheng paused in front of the stairs. He looked at Gu Fangyi and then at Lu Luo.

Gu Fangyi went back to his hometown and became your little brother now.

Lu Luo couldn't bear hearing such provocative words, but when he glanced at Gu Fangyi from the corner of his eye, he found that Xiao Gu was actually quite calm.

It seems that for him, there is nothing wrong with being Lu Luo's younger brother.

However, it was calm after all, and he still couldn't lose in terms of momentum. Xiao Gu raised his eyebrows.

What? You don't accept it?

Wang Zheng curled his lips, the friendship between classmates had long been wiped out in the more than a month of his training.

He actually wanted to terminate the contract naively. Without the resources of a big company, how could individual people like Gu Fangyi and Lu Luo get along?

Gu Fangyi has suppressed the people in the orphanage for so many years, who is not convinced at all? If given the chance, he wouldn't mind giving this genius a ride.

Succumbing to self-destruction.

After Wang Zheng said these words, he turned around and went upstairs. The last person left in the Blue Sky Pharmaceutical team was Chu Qi.

At this time, Chu Qi was dirty, with mud, dust, and sweat all stuck together, looking a little embarrassed.

She walked forward, patted Lu Luo and Gu Fangyi on the shoulders, and showed an intriguing expression, which seemed bitter and helpless.

When a junior brother like Gu Fangyi saw Chu Qi's expression, he immediately began to wonder if Chu Qi had suffered a loss or been bullied.

As for Lu Luo, if he hadn't been a prostitute in their gang club for six years in his previous life and was used to seeing all kinds of acting emperors, he would probably believe it.

How are you two doing lately?

It's okay. The friendship between Gu Fangyi and Chu Qi is relatively deep, which he has never denied.

If the two hadn't parted ways because of the Blue Sky Pharmaceutical contract, it might really be possible for them to get together.

Where's Lu Luo?

Ah? I'm okay too. I'll just wait until death. Life has to go on. What can we do with this group of losers who have left the company!

Lu Luo's answer made both Gu Fangyi and Qi Xinzhu look askance.

Especially Qi Xinzhu, she originally thought that Lu Luo's attitude was only yin and yang when he spoke to her, but she didn't expect that he would still be like this when she met an old classmate.

It seems that Lu Luo's uncanny ability has been deeply rooted in his bones.

Chu Qi's expression was a little embarrassed. She originally wanted to use her years of friendship as classmates and the help she provided them in the company last time to get Lu Luo and the others to give her a hand.

While Wu Sen and the others were still in physical condition, they attracted Lu Luo to have a small conflict with them, take him away, or give him a chance to escape.

She thought that she saved Lu Luo in the company last time, and now it was natural for Lu Luo to help her. Isn't that what human relations are like?

But Lu Luo's unconventional way of speaking made all the words she had thought of when meeting the two of them useless.

This guy Lu Luo, did he forget the last time I helped him? No, I can't fall here.

In fact, when Chu Qi thought this way, Lu Luo also had his own thoughts. He had said long ago that he did things based on cause and effect.

The cause of everything is the 404 incident of Blue Sky Pharmaceutical. This is the underlying logic and will not change.

Why were they sent to Blue Sky Pharmaceutical? It wasn't because of the incident at the 404 Exhibition Hall. If Chu Qi and Lantian Pharmaceutical hadn't had problems, would anything have happened to 404?

If nothing happens to 404, they have a problem with the hammer contract. Are they in danger of being in trouble? There is no problem with this logic.

Therefore, what happened at Lantian Pharmaceutical that night could not be regarded as help at all in Lu Luo's view, but could only be regarded as Chu Qi's remedy.

Taking into account the gains from the red armor and equipment, Lu Luo could barely calculate that she was even.

Lu Luo never agreed with helping or anything like that. Only Chu Qi thought so.

This is not because Lu Luo is cold and ruthless, but because of his many years of experience as an undercover agent. What is truly valuable is the valuable experience he gained at the cost of many of his subordinates' lives.

In the 404 incident, they were passive, while Blue Sky Pharmaceutical and Chu Qi took the initiative. The underlying logic of the matter was very clear.

Even the battle at Blue Sky Pharmaceutical was an extension of the power struggle between Chu Qi and Song Hana.

It’s true that Song Hana is a vicious woman, but Chu Qi’s inner ambition is not small.

Her unnatural expression of imitating someone in power had been clearly seen by Lu Luo, who had been fighting for power for many years.

Chu Qi wants power and is fully prepared for the moment when she takes power.

She would save Lu Luo and the three of them. It seemed impulsive, but it was also the result of careful consideration. She wanted to cultivate herself and Gu Fangyi as her own power.

In fact, if Lu Luo's ideas were not too advanced and his abilities were not too strong, then they would definitely not be able to pay off the 250,000 debt.

When the contract debt is paid off, he will definitely join Chu Qi's camp in Blue Sky Pharmaceutical in the future, and then become her subordinate.

These were things Lu Luo figured out when he was bored while practicing.

This is a very far-sighted and well-planned woman, and even Lu Luo has to admit her merits.

But her shortcomings are also obvious. She is too ambitious and has too many plans, so that she lacks the ability to complete her own planning and the means to respond to accidents.

How could Chu Qi's current embarrassing situation escape the eyes of Lu Luo, an old man?

Last time at Lantian Pharmaceutical, Chu Qi was trapped by Chi Jia. How similar is the situation to today?

These two incidents actually reflect Chu Qi's problem. He has a big heart but little ability, and does not have the corresponding strength to deal with the problems he caused.

But he had no intention of lending a helping hand unless Chu Qi showed enough sincerity.

Of course, the sincerity that Lu Luo wanted was not as simple as apologizing, begging for mercy, or saying hello. He looked at the ghost crab eyeballs hanging on Chu Qi's waist. Such meaningful things would It's what he needs.

[Level 3 alien species, the Eye of the Swamp Ghost Crab, has very high medicinal value. It is also a material for some alchemy items and is extremely valuable. 】

Aren't you going up? It's so late, your companions should be waiting for you, right?

Lu Luo's words were equivalent to forcing Chu Qi to a dead end. Gu Fangyi wanted to speak, but Lu Luo reached out to stop him.

Gu Fangyi was an emotional person, but Lu Luo was not.

If Chu Qi seeks their help very sincerely and sincerely at this time, and pays sufficient remuneration.

Lu Luo would let Gu Fangyi and Qi Xinzhu go first, while he alone held up Chu Qi's hand.

With his current strength, relying on his tough damage reduction and 20 points of constitution, he can still resist some ordinary bullets that have no dark energy attached to them.

After acquiring a highly valuable third-level alien eyeball and an intelligence line from Blue Sky Pharmaceuticals, this deal can be done.

But if Chu Qi continues to play small tricks and emotional cards, it will be boring. It is really unnecessary. Everyone chooses their own path.

Chu Qi's face looked a little ugly. She knew that Lu Luo had seen through her thoughts, but she still refused to give in.

Looking at Lu Luo, Chu Qi said with some dissatisfaction:

Lu Luo, don't we have any friendship at all? Does it have to be like this?

I have come to work as a scavenger outside the wall, and you want to talk about friendship with me? And have you forgotten that there was the Blue Sky 404 incident first, and then the contract?

Chu Qi was speechless for a moment by Lu Luo's words and didn't know how to refute. She found that Lu Luo had been staring at the ghost crab's eyeballs, and his meaning was already obvious.

However, Chu Qi has no intention of giving up the eyeball. She will also need resources to stand up. If the eyeball is given to Lu Luo, how will she stand up? How to beat Hana Song?

Shouldn't friends help each other? Help me, UUReading Just for Qin Wanyu's sake.

Their current state is very bad. If we join forces, there is a chance. When the time comes, all their equipment will be yours. I only want the blood sacs.

Still painting cakes, this woman is really boring. Do you really think Wu Sen and the others won't take precautions? Four people going to surprise a defenseless team?

And there is no problem in using the word friend with Xiao Gu and Zhou Kai.

As for Chu Qi, Lu Luo felt that it would be better for them to engage in dirty profit transactions.

Chu Qi, you still don't have a clear self-understanding. There are some things that you can't do or should do.

Before a person has ambition, he needs to have the corresponding ability.

This was Lu Luo's last reminder, but Chu Qi couldn't listen at all.

She wanted to continue playing the emotional card until her eyes suddenly glanced at Qi Xinzhu, who had been standing behind Lu Luo.

Beautiful face, tall figure, perfect temperament, looking at Qi Xinzhu, Chu Qi showed a surprised expression, she said with some disappointment:

I see, Lu Luo, it seems that you have a reason not to care about friendship. Don't talk so high-sounding. I have my own ideas. If you don't help, forget it.

Chu Qi turned around and went upstairs. Lu Luo knew that she seemed to have misunderstood something, but he was too lazy to explain. Just misunderstand, they didn't owe each other.

Lu Luo looked at Gu Fangyi, wanting to ask what Gu Fangyi meant, but Gu Fangyi lowered his head and hid his expression.

Seeing that Gu Fangyi had no intention of speaking, Lu Luo could only shake his head and left with the two of them.

He did not go to the convenience store next to the team building of Blue Sky Pharmaceutical. Instead, he chose a small store farther away to keep his distance and rest.

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