Doomsday Virus

Chapter 268 - Red light

| | |->-> Everyone saw this disgusting and thrilling scene, their faces became pale in an instant, they clenched their teeth and closed their eyes, so as not to be hypnotized by the spider.

Suddenly, the soldier who had been infused with a lot of spider eggs became bigger than his pregnant October! I was awake from the hypnotic state, but it was too late.

士兵 The soldier looked at his swollen belly in horror. With the reminders from others around, he already knew that the spider had laid eggs in his stomach!

The breeding method of these volcanic giant spiders is that they need to lay spider eggs into the body of the prey, and allow the spider eggs to hatch out at the temperature of the “food”, and the hatched small spiders can just eat the “hatching room” to This supplements its own nutrition …

No wonder the surrounding skeletons do not have a rib and skull jaw intact. It turned out that the small spiders were violently drilled from the chest cavity or from the mouth!

He was struggling frantically, trying to vomit the spider eggs full of cavities, but with a crisp and crackling sound coming from his belly, they had started to hatch …


Suddenly, the entire cave echoed the screams of the soldier, even directly covering the thunder outside, and hearing a panic from others around it, which was even more horrible than death!

Suddenly! The soldier who had become a “hatching room” raised his flushed face, but opened his mouth wide but never made any more noise.

A white spider larva, the size of a fist, crawled out of his mouth, with red blood stains and visceral debris sticking to them!

But from the corner of his slightly twitched eyes, this soldier is not dead yet, he is feeling the feeling of being broken by a spider completely …

“Animals! I must pull your legs out one by one!”

Seeing this scene, Soro, who is the leader of the watch soldiers, has completely suppressed the anger, and his teeth growled and growled, his wide eyes wishing to crush these mutant arthropods on the soles of his feet!

However, it was tightly wrapped in the tough spider web, but there was no possibility of breaking away. I could only watch each other’s companions volcanic giant spiders used the hooked claws to open a closed mouth with a huge mouth, and forced the spider Eggs poured in!

The larvae-prone spider larva broke through the soldiers’ mouths, chests, abdomen, and every corner of the body, and then devoured the parasites crazy!

For a while, the screams screamed in my ears!

The **** and cruel picture makes Solo’s anger value almost reached the apex, his eyes have been stained with bloodshot blood!

Suddenly! A fierce beast-like power burst on each of his muscles, and the body’s surface also extended one by one tentacles, but these tentacles were no longer black, but became blood red!

Fick, who hadn’t been infused with spider eggs, saw Soro’s situation, and was shocked. He involuntarily blurted out a few words that he would never forget, “Red light virus ?!”

Red light virus is a mutated branch found and extracted from black light virus, which can produce an unstoppable explosive power in a short time, which greatly improves the capabilities of various viruses!

But the disadvantage is that if you enter the state of red light virus, everything will become uncontrollable, the host will lose all reason, kill all the creatures in front of it, and even kill them at the end, and they will back bite themselves!

So this is a double-edged sword, which is equivalent to a one-time virus that kills the enemy, and in the end you will not be able to survive!

爆发 The outbreak of the red-light virus instantly increased the power of Solo by several steps!

Click! !!

The soaring muscles and powerful strength instantly broke the tough cobweb and spattered around, allowing Solo to regain his freedom.

It’s just that he is no longer him at this time, his face is exuding a brutal breath, the scarlet pupil seems to be able to leave blood and tears, and even the teeth have become sharp like beasts, especially those blood red on his body The tentacles are like a golden snake dancing wildly, wriggling frantically on his body, like possessive murderous possession!

A volcanic giant spider preparing to lay spider eggs in his body before he saw his prey broke free, and immediately made a hissing noise, raised his sharp hooked leg, and stabbed at Soro who had lost his mind!

Huh! !! !!

However, its long, fluffy legs could not be stabbed in the future, and it suddenly broke into several pieces in mid-air, gushing with intense corrosive dark green blood!

In a moment, Soro had cut it with faster speed and red claws!

Hiss! !! !!

The painful giant spider immediately made a sharp and screaming cry, and then angered, it waved several other hooked legs and stabbed in the past!

“Oh !!!”

Soro under the violent scream issued a more deafening roar like a beast, and suddenly jumped on the volcanic spider’s fluff!

The terrified spider started tumbling through the hole, trying to shake off its prey, but Solo’s claws had penetrated deeply into its soft plush body, and used his fangs in his mouth. Bit the stinky spider!

The mutant giant spider ate more painfully and turned more crazy, but could not throw away the prey that attacked him.

Until the end, its tumbling body became more and more stubborn under the continuous flow of green blood, and its movements gradually slowed down. After finally shaking for the last few times ~ ~, it fell to the ground with a sound.

At this time, its full abdomen has become so ragged, dark green smelly blood is constantly flowing from it, and it emits acrid corrosive gas.

索 Soro ignored the strong corrosion, lying on the spider’s body and tearing like a lunatic!

The black blood from the spider’s body was bursting with black smoke, corroding his skin, making him look even scarier!

下 In the violent state of the red light virus, he has completely forgotten all the pain on his body. Only by constant killing can he calm his blood-covered heart!

The movement caused by the slugs and giant spiders also caught the attention of other volcanic giants, so they temporarily left the “hatching room” ready to spawn, and hissed towards this food that dared to fight back at them!

Suddenly, Soro, the super-red soldier, launched a **** fight alone with the mutant giant spiders who constantly poured into the hole! !!

The soldiers who temporarily escaped the fate of becoming a “hatching room” because of him looked at this scene blankly. They knew that it was not Solo who was in the red state to save them, but that Solo was out of control. Fight with these spiders.

If you wait for him to kill the spider, the next person to be killed is himself.

If Solo has not won a large number of giant spiders in the violent state, then their end will still become the greenhouse of the spider babies.

So no matter who wins or loses, they are doomed to die in this cave …

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