Doomsday Virus

Chapter 269 - Savior

| | |->-> There are constant thunderstorms outside, and there is no stopping killing inside the cave.

The roar from the violent Soro and the sharp hiss of the volcanic giant spiders merged together!

The hole at this time has completely turned into an eighteen-layer hell-like blood pool!

Broken spider legs with black fluff are scattered on the walls and on the ground, and the contaminated spider blood constantly emits a pungent sour smell!

Soro, who dissimilated into a red light virus, waved his claws madly in the spider group at this time, and launched a deadly fight with these giant arthropods, and kept making wild roars that were no longer humans!

With each claw going down, a spider leg will be lifted into the air, and a dark green blood stain will be splattered again!

Of course, he wasn’t much better when he was under siege. Almost no muscle was intact on his body. The horror blood spears pierced by spider claws were all over the body, making it look like a colander. An eyeball has been pierced and dropped out of the eye socket, and the **** killing has not stopped!

The watching soldiers who watched this **** movie for free throughout their faces have completely lost their blood …

Uh …

I did not know how long it took to kill, until the whole cave was filled with volcanic giant spider twitching corpses and broken limbs, and there were no new mutant giant spiders flowing in continuously outside the cave.

Soro, who made all this, now had a tall body half-knelt on the ground, his flesh-colored head dangled, his right arm had been completely torn, and organs had flowed out of the puncture wounds in the abdomen. ,not moving at all……

It’s all over.

“Sir, Lord Solo … Is he dead …” The soldiers saw the desolate, tragic back of Solo, and said sternly.

If you are an ordinary person, you have already died so long that you cannot die.

But Solo is a super soldier who matches the black light virus, and now he is a madman who has alienated into a red light virus. His vitality is so strong that he is no longer comparable to ordinary people!

I saw those blood-red tentacles extending from his body suddenly squirming wildly between the giant spider corpses on the ground, swallowing their disgusting bodies, and at the same time, tiny tentacles began to flow from the wounds on his body. Repair and weave new flesh!

After a while, his eyeballs that fell out of his eyes, his torn right arm, the organs flowing out of his abdomen, etc., were quickly restored to their original condition by the virus tentacles, and the spiders on the ground were completely absorbed. Leave only the residue on the ground!

However, the mood of everyone is still not getting better, because everyone knows that the super soldier is actually a semi-finished product for testing. When it is intensified by external factors into red light virus, it becomes a “disposable article”. People around Will suffer.

Sure enough, Soro, who had recovered completely, uttered a beast-like growl again, his head turned strangely by almost 180 ° and turned to the back, his blood-shed pupil stared at the group of watchmen who were still bound behind him. They showed a cruel smirk!

“Damn !!! Sir Solo !! It’s us, comrades who have experienced life and death with you !!! Wake up soon!”

别 “Don’t call it … useless, when have you seen the red-lighted test subject being affected …”

“It’s better to die in the claws of your own people, it’s better than being used by those beasts as hatcheries and being spawned into the body …”

For a while, the soldiers had almost decided that they would die, but they were not afraid. As a member of the Black Watch, death had become commonplace in their eyes. It was just who came first.

“Can’t you contact the boss with virus induction … I didn’t expect our oversight forces to disappear in the long history …” Fak saw that Solo had stood up, and slowly turned his huge body, arms. The blade of his claw exudes a blood red light, covering the eyes of everyone with a layer of blood.

“Oh !!!”

The red-glowing Soro issued a creepy growl and rushed towards the bound watchmen. In his scarlet eyes, there was no longer any comradeship except the killing!

And Fack and others have closed their eyes with fate, waiting for death to come.

However, almost ten seconds elapsed when the people clenched their teeth and waited for their head to be crushed by the crazy Sololor’s claw, but nothing happened …

What’s going on … Haven’t it your turn yet?

Fack opened his eyes in confusion, and saw the flash of lightning at this moment, and saw at the entrance of the dark cave, suddenly a dark figure suddenly appeared there, and then a flash of lightning passed, the figure But disappeared again? !!

“Is that the Xia Leng boss just now, or is it just my hallucination?” Fack blinked hard, but he couldn’t see any more.

But from the perspective of the red-lighted Soro, he also seemed to notice something, standing on the spot and screaming, 狰狞 ‘s face kept looking around, so he did not launch an attack on the soldiers.

Huh! !!

suddenly! !! Soro gave off an aggressive roar, wielding his claws towards a dark place in the cave!

当 ~~

Suddenly! A heavy impact sound echoed through the hole, and also caught a spark. Through the flash of the spark, everyone saw a human-shaped silhouette covered with black armor, using his arms to stop Soro’s crazy man. Claw!


Seeing that his attack was blocked, the violent Soro became more manic, and waved another paw to tear at the opponent’s head!

However, this time, the opponent used the faster and more rapid speed to take the lead in hitting Solo’s abdomen in the first instant!

boom! !!

Suddenly I heard only a loud noise. Soro, a huge super soldier, was blown out in the air by this powerful force, and then hit the end of the cave wall severely, smashing a deep pit. Having ignored his pain, he knelt down on the ground, and it would be difficult for him to get up for a while!

“What’s up with him?”

Su Xia Leng’s signature emotionless sound suddenly passed into everyone’s heart, at such a close distance ~ ~ Black light sensor finally came into effect again, and their savior also really arrived!

After Xia Leng first climbed to the top of the mountain in an exaggerated way before, I wonder if it was because of the crater, the black light sensor could not reach them for a while, so he waited at the crater and watched the situation here.

According to the soldiers who have been here before, there is a diamond-shaped volcanic rock near the crater, which is actually a hidden institution. You only need to turn this diamond-shaped volcanic rock in a different direction and hide the black light base inside the lava A signal is received, and someone is sent to start a machine that can isolate the hot lava and rise from the magma to respond.

Xia Leng did find the diamond-shaped lava, which is indeed an institution, but it has been artificially destroyed.

The rock of the mechanism has been forcibly pried by a brute force and exposed the internally cut lines. Judging from the metal that has been rusted to catalysis, there should be a lot of heads, so I want to wait for those insiders at the crater. Collusion is unlikely.

And it’s hard to say whether the base has already started a self-destruct procedure.

So I finally waited for a while. Xia Leng saw that they hadn’t come up yet, and decided to go and check the situation in person.

As a result, at the position where the soldiers had just climbed, they found that everyone was missing, and they encountered several volcanic giant spiders that were crawling for food. After easily killing a few, Xia Leng felt that the soldiers might be affected by these. The giant arthropod was taken away, so I put back an escaped giant spider and followed it all the way to the cave. All of them were caught here!

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