Doomsday Virus

Chapter 358 - Charcoal grill

“We are almost at the exit !!!”

Fidelaire looked at the gap between the abyss that was getting closer and closer. The long-lost scorching sun had been faintly projected in. Although the ultraviolet rays several times of this old age would cause irreparable damage to people’s skin, at this time in Their eyes are like the warm sun in the winter.

This kind of ghost place, he really doesn’t want to visit again …

However, he found that the boss Xia Leng who was flying in front was still frowning. Is he worried about the two lost companions?

No, he won’t. Those experiences in Xia Leng’s memory that Fideler accepted before knew that he was a cold-blooded and ruthless man, and it was not ruthless, but it was not good for him. He would never go. What he did, even if a refugee was about to starve to death in front of him, he would remain indifferent.

I saved myself and my sister from the Oding fortress at that time, just because he was valuable to the twin siblings and could become his profitable assistant.

But no matter what, his two siblings’ lives are his. It doesn’t matter how you want to use yourself. The only condition is that as long as you don’t hurt your sister …

Xia Leng frowned, the real reason was that the black light danger sensor did not dissipate, and there were even signs of getting thicker and stronger!

Alice’s heart also felt uneasy. Is there any killing trick hidden in that beast?

Their danger sensing soon came to pass, and in the next second, they saw the bottom of the dark abyss, and the entire canyon was illuminated by a dazzling blue light instantly!

Xia Leng’s keen eyesight saw countless blue light spots rapidly approaching and zooming in this direction, which was even wider than the virus feathers he just released!

Is it returning to its own person? !!

He couldn’t care about other people this time anyway, and rushed into the gap as fast as possible!

However, it was still too late. Whether it was the only watchman left, Fideler, or Xia Leng, they were enveloped by this blue light in the next moment, a burning pain. All over the body in an instant …

Uh …

Uh …

At the edge of the Abyss Rift at this time, the Marie Gobi gang has brought more than 200 refugees to the agreed place.

Not far from them, a large black bird stealth transporter was moored by the puppet. A creepy scarlet eyeball on the body proved that it came from the Advent Church.

“Is that all?”

The man in red robes glanced indifferently, almost exasperated, almost fainted by the sun, and asked coldly.

I heard that the gang leader who had not been in power for a long time was hesitant to hear, thinking that the number of people was visually detected so soon? So he quickly explained: “This leader, we started with 300 people you wanted to talk about, but you also know that the harsh environment on the Gobi Desert will have some losses during the arrest. We need to catch some more to fill the vacancies, but it’s time for the appointment, and we have no choice but to bring these exiles first. The missing ones are guaranteed to be replenished to you next time. “

首 The leader is smiling and polite, without the fierce look of a robber leader.

The man in the red robe looked at him coldly, then waved his hands and asked several heavily armed black armored soldiers to take these refugees to the transport plane.

相比 Compared with the excellent equipment of these black armored soldiers, these robbers can’t stand the rough and scrapped pieces of equipment, which is a gap between the future and the original.

The leader of the Marie Gobi Bandit, who was let go of a horse this time, was finally relieved, but when I thought about preparing more refugees, I could not help but have a headache. In such a ghost place where the birds do n’t shit, how can So easy to catch people …

At this moment, he seemed to remember something, so he continued to report to the red robe man: “Leader, have you just waited here before us? When we were far away, we clearly saw with a telescope. There are several people standing on the edge of this abyss. One of them is covered by his hood like you, but it’s just black. Are you yours? “

After listening to his words, the man in the red robe suddenly felt a little confused, didn’t he just come? Where else is there anyone else.

I ca n’t help but the clothes similar to myself are still black, is it the black robe? What are they doing here in the combat department?

The man in the red robe did not continue to waste time to talk to him, thinking that this guy had nothing to talk about, and was going to leave here immediately after all the refugees were taken to the transport plane. I really do n’t know how such a ghost place would still be inhabited.

As he turned to get on the nose, he suddenly felt a slight vibration under his feet, and seeing the dark abyss next to him seemed to transmit a blue light, and it became more and more intense …

Boom! !! !! !!

Suddenly! !! A loud explosion exploded in the abyss. At the same time, a large amount of gravel and the corpses of the protozoa inside it burst directly into the air, and then a chaotic rain was mixed with various things. , But the blue light in the abyss has also dissipated, and a burst of smoke has turned out.

Some exiles who are relatively close to the abyss were shocked and killed by the blood of Qiqiao!

Others are not much better, panting heavily in the aftermath, and even if they are not bombed, they are scared.

“Damn! Is this a natural disaster or man-made ?!”

The man in the red robe had a somber face and looked at the abyss of smoke. Just the sudden explosion made him unconsciously release his awakening ability ~ ~ Let the gravity within five meters around him instantly Strengthen a hundredfold to protect yourself.

The robber leader who just pleased him just stood next to him. Now, there is only a layer of human-shaped thin pieces of meat pressed on the ground …

Now the scene has begun to panic. The frightened exiles are making a mess. Some people want to run away while being chaotic, but are bound by a chain of fetters.

“A few of you are not dead yet? Then hurry them up to the plane and leave here quickly, kill them without obedience!”

The man in red robe shouted at the frightened black armored soldiers regardless of the image.

As a high-level master, he feels that there is a danger of force majeure that seems to be emerging from the bottom of the abyss, and that danger is not even manageable by himself!

The blasted debris and debris began to fall to the ground, including those underground creatures eroded by black light, etc., but at this time the red robes had no energy to identify, and just wanted to leave this weird abyss quickly. .


However, before he took a few steps, something strange was hit on the ground not far from him.

It seems that there are three people who are roasted to be as dark as coke. Looking at the figure, it should be two adults and one child, but one of them still holds two things tightly in his arms.

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