Doomsday Virus

Chapter 359 - Bang

The corner of the red robe messenger twitched and looked at the three scorched corpses falling in front of him. Why would such things spit out in the abyss? What happened underneath

“Master, the refugees have all been escorted to the ship, we can leave.” A black armored soldier reported to him.

When the messenger of the red robe obeyed, he would no longer care about the sudden explosion and the three breathless scorched corpses in front of him. If there is any problem, it is also the responsibility of the supervision department, and he can do his own task.

As for the leader of the robber who was just killed by his own awakening ability, let them choose one more casually, but this high-risk occupation that has killed two leaders in a short time, it is estimated that no one is willing to be …

When he was about to leave here with the boarding of the Blackbird transport plane, there was a crisp croaking sound behind him, which made him immediately subconsciously look back and saw the three scorched corpses behind him, The carbonized layer on the surface cracked a cobweb-like crack, and then the carbon layer began to peel off, exposing intact human skin inside! 78 Chinese fastest mobile phone: https: /

“Are you alive?”

At this moment, he was completely curious, and he wanted to see who was inside after being completely stripped.

However, this stay will be his last regretful decision …

Roar! !! !!


A sharp growl burst out from the rift, pierced through the soul, and shocked him instantly to produce a dizzy headache.

Soon after, a blue mane that was no worse than the scorching sun jumped up from the bottom of the abyss and landed heavily on the ground.

美丽 The beautiful and dangerous blue flame beast appeared in everyone’s sight!

At the first sight of the messenger of the red robe, the heart quickly beat to the highest point, his eyes widened like walnuts, and the body shook slightly uncontrollably!

For some reason, he did not have the keen sense of danger as a doomsday hunter, but after seeing this mane with a mane swaying like a flame, he was able to guess that it was more dangerous than all the enemies he had seen before. Even more deadly!

“Start the engine now! Get out of here now!”

The first time the messenger of the red robe returned to God, the pilot was prepared to escape. When he returned, he must report the situation of the strange beast to the pope!

At this time, in the sight of the blue flame beast, I saw the three culprits who snatched their own flesh lying on the ground in front of them, and then issued a thrilling angry roar, and rushed towards Xia Leng. come.

Dramatically, the messenger of the red robe stood right next to the three of them, thinking that the beast’s target was himself, and he was immediately frightened, and immediately released his awakening ability to stop it from rushing towards himself.

Within ten meters of the center of the blue flame beast, a super-gravity that was dozens of times stronger than gravity was instantly generated. The sand in that area was collapsed to a depth of several meters, and the gravel above it was broken. The stone was pressed directly into powder!

The alien beast located at the center of gravity was completely crushed into the ground, extruding a shape of it, but its tough bones did not seem to have suffered any substantial damage, but the movement became slower, just Opening the fangs wants to climb out of this area where gravity has been applied.

The messenger of the red robe was shocked to see this situation again. Is there a creature that can withstand this trick without any damage? !! Is it still the biological structure of the earth!

“Fuck you faster! Want to die here all!”

The red robe messenger’s release of this awakening trick consumes a lot of his own energy, and the greater the response of the other party, the greater his own energy consumption, so it will soon be unsustainable.

听到 He heard the roar of the start-up aircraft behind him, and began to grit his teeth while suppressing the strange beast, approaching the transport aircraft.ァ 78 中文 ヤ ~ ⑧ ~ 1 ~ ωωω.7 ~ 8z ~ w.còм

Several black armored soldiers rushed over to help the messenger of the red robe. They raised the spar-driven weapon in their hands, and pulled the trigger at the strange beast that glowed blue fire.

Beep! !! Beep!


巨大 The powerful energy beam shot on it, still did not cause any effective damage to it, and at most only left a focus on the beautiful fur of the other party.

它 And it was completely enraged after being shot by these male creatures. Are these guys all coming to **** their eggs? !!

Roar! !! !!

The blue flame beast once again made a loud roar, and then the blue flame mane on his body rose up as if poured with a layer of fuel, making the rock mass crushed by gravity around it like spring snow under the sun. Instantly melt out a cave!

At this point, the Blackbird transport plane has been started and can take off at any time. The red robe messenger hurriedly ran towards the nose and boarded the vice seat. As for the appearance of the three people who were just curious under the coke shell, they were already afraid of Cover up.

He saw in the rearview mirror of the aircraft that the blue pit was lit again in the pit that had crushed the strange beast, and immediately felt bad, so he immediately asked the pilot to take off the aircraft.

巨大 The four huge turbines on both sides of the wing began to accelerate, and the powerful kinetic energy quickly caused the heavy fuselage to soar to the ground ~ ~ This sci-fi transporter is also driven by spar.

At most other forces and organizations can only refine the spar into a diluted fortifier. There is a small chance that the baptist stage will be improved, and there is a certain chance that it will cause side effects.

But Adventists can maximize the use of spar. In addition to producing advanced agents with a high success rate, they can also embed rough stones in various equipment, weapons, and armor to provide driving and generate powerful benefits.

When the messenger of the red robe saw that he finally flew off the ground, the frightened heart finally calmed down a bit, and if I was approached by that monster, I could not help but burst into cold sweat.

该 “Damn, how can these beasts evolve to such a point, can they still break through the genetic restriction? Going back must let the laboratory find a way to get it back and slice it for research!”

He glanced at the smaller and smaller ground below the window of the machine, wondering if the beast was still there when he sent someone over.

He is too lazy to think about it so much. He can finish his task and turn his head to close his eyes.

Hey wait … what was that on the wing just out of the window? !!

When the red robe messenger swept out of the window in the perspective of turning back, it seemed that he saw a group of blue hair lying on the wing for a moment. When he widened his eyes and then suddenly turned his head to look, he even attached a hair. Never seen again.

Is he scared by the situation just now?

boom! !! !!

Suddenly, there were several heavy slamming sounds from the cabin of the refugees behind him.

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