Doomsday Virus

Chapter 360 - sacrifice

The messenger of the red robe thought that some eggs had been raised by the gang of refugees, and immediately became angry. He had almost lost his life in the war just now, and now he was giving trouble to himself!

He then got up and opened the hatch, ready to kill a few homeless people and chickens, monkeys and monkeys.

However, as soon as they opened, they found that they were trembling and crouching down on the ground, looking up in horror and looking at the ceiling of the cabin.

The messenger of the red robe looked at them along the line of sight, and saw two obvious beastprints protruding out of the alloy cabin shell.

I haven’t waited for him to understand what happened, stab it! !!

A squeaking sound accompanied by three sharp claws, tearing the solid cabin body like three huge cracks like a torn piece of paper!

The wind screamed and poured in from the outside, making a devil-like roar!

Finally, the fist-sized pupil of Lanyan Yishou looked from the outside to the inside …

Uh …

Uh …

Boom! !! !!

After the Blackbird Transporter swayed in the air for a while, all kinds of parts peeled off from the top crazyly, as if a huge turmoil had occurred inside. Finally, with a loud noise, the entire Blackbird Transporter disintegrated directly in the air and exploded a violent mushroom cloud !!

Charred body wreckage is mixed with countless vagrant wreckages, falling from the flames to the ground!

没有 No corpse is intact here. Each one is cut off or the head is cut into potato chips. The most important thing is that every fatal wound is as smooth as a scalpel!

After the huge wreckage of the plane crashed on the Gobi Beach, a second explosion occurred again. The fragments from the explosion flew to a distance of 100 meters, and the remaining pieces fell one by one in flames.

百 Hundred lives on this plane evaporated instantly …

Alas, there is another who is still alive.

Stinging in the center of the wreckage of a plane, a man whose body was blown to half of his body was twitching on the ground.

Judging from the red robe still burning with flames on him, this is the red robe messenger of the Advent.

During the fall, he exhausted the last trace of energy to perform an anti-gravity trick, hovering himself at a distance of 5 meters from the dive and hitting the ground, but it also consumed his final energy, and he swept from 5 meters. Height hit the ground. 78 Chinese First https: // https: //

At this time, the flesh and blood on the half of the side were blurred, and he was no different from the abolish man because of the explosion and scorched half. In this case, only the high-level controller of the church’s healing department could save him from the dying state.

I can only pray that the church quickly locate the crash device and send someone to rescue him.

But as a pair of plush blue palms appeared in front of him, severing all his hopes …

“For … why is this …”

Poof bared

He raised his head unwillingly and wanted to look at the last beast that suddenly attacked himself. As a result, his head was lifted to the ground by the giant palm, and it was sprinkled in all directions like a watermelon burst …

Roar! !! !! !!

The blue flame beast once again issued a terrifying roar, which proved its victory, and its tight pupil was full of anger and disdain.

Then, he turned proudly and came to the three charred corpses, ready to retrieve his heart and eggs that could soothe his sleep.

I do n’t know the life or death of the heart, but the egg will never be damaged by his own fire.

He raised his huge palm disdainfully, and stepped down on the man’s scorched corpse’s head, in order to vent his anger that disturbed his sleep.


However, after stepping on it, it made a thin and crisp sound, which made it immediately hang down its huge head and saw that the three people had only a human-shaped coke shell, and the interior was already empty, including the heart and the egg being held, also It is only camouflaged by a layer of blackened tentacles …

It turned out that Xia Leng and they were repeatedly releasing the armor form in the emergency moment that was about to be shrouded by different fires, forming multiple biomass armors on the surface of their bodies, each layer was empty, slowing down most of the heat Baking!

摔 After falling back to the ground at that time, she was preparing to peel off the scorched shell and continue to escape. I did not expect that the blue flame beast jumped up.

However, it happened that the unfortunate messenger of the red robe annoyed the other side, diverted his attention, and when the blue flame beast was picked up on the transport plane to carry out the slaughter, the three of them slipped away while the golden cicada took off the shell, leaving only the three empty Empty shell …

The blue flame beast felt a moment of humiliation, and kept turning back to find the three shameless two-footed beasts that deceived itself, but it was no longer in the range of its sense of smell.

Roar! !!

Finally, in the sky above the abyss of death, a fierce and angry growl kept echoing …

Uh …

Uh …

At the centre of Porto, Soro is carrying seven other overwatch soldiers who are still taking turns guarding the enclosed soldiers illuminated by searchlights on all sides.

Heiying is still hidden in his shadow and does not show up. I do n’t know if it was painful and faint before and did n’t wake up, or he was locked in and refused to come out, knowing that they could n’t take themselves.

“Sir, can you change my posture, it has been so tired to be upside down with such a big flower tie, and you guys around me feel a little weird …”

The watch soldier, who was enclosed in the shadow, shouted frowningly at ~ ~ Just tortured without saying, now I feel my personality has been humiliated …

However, Solo was still stern, staring at him with wide eyes, without saying a word, the others were giggling, but unfortunately at this time no cell phone was able to take pictures.

Suddenly at this moment, they felt that the surrounding plants infected by the black light virus moved slightly and turned like a sunflower in a certain direction.

They looked up in the direction and saw three black spots looming under the dark clouds, and soon flew over the town.

Xia Leng and they returned.

The puppet soldiers gathered at their landing points, excitedly preparing to ask Xia Leng about finding a base, if they had found a new black watchman, and left the soldier illuminated by the searchlight aside.

As a result, Xia Leng still kept his face cold and said nothing, holding a huge heart and a blue-lighted egg through the crowd and walking towards the entrance of the virus’s lair.

However, the soldiers have long been accustomed to it, the boss can say three complete words in a day, thank God … 78 Chinese starter

他们 When they saw the sad boy, Fiddler, and another member of the virus advance team, they felt bad.

“Mallory, is it the black light base you found when you were looking for a new nest location, what happened? What about the other two people with you?”

“Nothing in the base … Ward and Olcott sacrificed while exploring the base …”

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