Double Summit War: The More Contrast, The More Collapse Sengoku

Chapter 21

021. Stupid And Genius Luffy, Broken Akainu

“First of all, let’s understand what Marine Six Styles are. The first question, there are several types of Marine Six Styles!”

Akainu stood straight in front of Luffy with his hands behind his back and said.


Little Luffy answered immediately.

“No! I’m asking you about the Marine6 style… How many types are there?”

“Pay attention to the questions!”

Little Luffy bared his teeth, grinned, and stretched out 4 fingers and said.


Akainu staggered and nearly fell down.

“Listen carefully to my question.”

“I’m talking about Marine 6 Styles, pay attention, it’s Marine Six Styles! How many styles are there?”

When Akainu said six, his tone became a bit more serious.

“Three!” Luffy exclaimed proudly.

Akainu frowned slightly.

What kind of student is this?

This guy isn’t kidding himself, is he?

“Are you kidding me?”

Akainu’s temper is not very good. If it weren’t for the repeated teachings of Commissar Ron, he would have exploded at this moment and kicked Luffy to death.

I obviously said six styles, what does this guy mean by answering three?

Isn’t this just playing tricks on yourself?

Port warship.

Garp stood on the deck with his hands on the railing, watching Akainu teach Luffy, and was also speechless for a while.

Can’t wait to go up and slap Luffy.

“Commander Ron, I see that guy Sakazuki is going to be overwhelmed.”

“Are you teaching Luffy, or honing Sakazuki?”

Ron was holding a thermos cup, wearing a white cloak, and said calmly with an air of planning.

“At the same time.”

“Sakazuki’s temper is too hot, such a person tends to go to extremes in the future, just use Luffy’s stupidity to hone him.”

“Teaching Luffy is a job that requires patience, which is a big challenge for Sakazuki, who is impatient.”

“He is not only teaching Luffy, but also training himself.”


Garp took a deep breath.

Can’t help but sigh with emotion.

Still the political commissar is superior.

It’s killing two birds with one stone.

No wonder I asked Sakazuki to wait here.

It turned out that it was also training Sakazuki.

“(Original) Sengoku: Awesome! This taught me a lesson! This political commissar really has something.”

“(Original) Crane Staff Officer: It seems that he no longer does ideological work for the Marine executives all the time, and even considers the most suitable person when assigning tasks! In the end, not only completed the task, but also quietly carried out the grinding Practice, the most powerful thing is…it is not the kind of forced brainwashing, but the kind of subtle changes that even the person concerned cannot notice. High, really high!”

“(Original) Garp: Although I don’t quite understand this operation, the reason why Sakazuki on the opposite side looks normal is because of that Ron’s silent and targeted training.”

“Let me ask you one last time, how many kinds of Marine Six Styles are there, not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4, not 5, but how many?”

Akainu was really getting impatient.

Directly helped Luffy eliminate all the wrong answers, and just told him how many kinds it was.

Luffy grinned as if he hadn’t heard the cue.

Answer in almost seconds:

“3 types!”

Akainu: “!!!!”


The magma of Akainu gas has been ticking off the face…falling down.

What kind of job did Commissar Ron arrange for himself?

Has this guy never learned to count?

Can’t you understand human language?

I’m so mad at my old man!

This is too difficult to teach.

I thought it was just the job of the common professor Marine Six Styles.

It’s not like he hasn’t done this kind of work before.

Who would have thought that this time, the difficulty would be so high.

“(Now) Tashigi: Hahaha, I never thought Luffy Admiral was so stupid when I was young.”

“(Now) Hina: Luffy Admiral, let me interview you. Did you always learn to be funny when you were young? My stomach hurts from laughing.”

“(Now) Luffy: Ahem, you guys, can you stop worrying about this and save me some face!!! Can you fast-forward this story? Hurry up and skip it.

Admiral Luffy wanted to find a place to crawl in.

It’s so embarrassing.

I didn’t expect that one day, my dark history would be spread all over the world in this way.

“(now) Kizaru: Sakazuki, no wonder you finished teaching Luffy at that time, and you didn’t talk for a few days when you came back~”

“(Currently) Sengoku: But thanks to the arrangement of Commissar Ron, your temper has improved a lot since you came back that time.”

“(Now) Akainu: It’s all Garp’s fault. There is no pre-education at all! I really wonder how Garp educated Luffy before the age of 5. He didn’t teach anything useful.”

“(Present) Garp: Heck, the old man’s education level is indeed a bit lower haha.”


Akainu finally gave up.

never mind.

Or go straight to the actual combat teaching.

If you don’t know how many kinds, you don’t know.

In fact, after teaching Luffy, Sakazuki finally realized that Luffy can’t say numbers beyond five.

“Let’s start with the easiest way to get started.”

“This is also one of the six styles.”

After speaking.

Akainu demonstrated it in front of Luffy.

call out.

Akainu disappeared directly in place.

when it reappears.

Already more than 10 meters away from Luffy.

almost instantly.

Not visible to the naked eye at all.

This stunned little Luffy.

It turns out that Marine Six Styles is so powerful.

“Coach, I want to learn this!”

Luffy said excitedly.

“The principle of this is…”

“Ahem, forget it, let me tell you more simply. In an instant, your feet will step on the ground more than 10 times in a row, and all the forces of the steps will be superimposed together. When it bursts out in an instant, it can drive your body and produce A movement speed that is hard to see with the naked eye.”

Sakazuki tried to explain in a language that Luffy could understand.

everything that happened next.

It directly stunned Sakazuki.

“Is that so?” Luffy followed Sakazuki’s example and stomped to the ground.

call out.


“Oops, my head hurts!”

Luffy fell directly 3 meters away.

He choked on the ground.

There comes an intimate contact with the earth.


Sakazuki had never seen such a talented student.

Just showed it off once.

He learned it.

Although it only moved three meters.

And after moving, he didn’t stop it, and fell down.

But… this is obviously a grasp of the essentials.

Not to mention a five or six-year-old child, even an adult Marine, it is impossible to comprehend it the first time!

Sakazuki thought Luffy was very stupid.

Learning Marine6 will also be very slow.

After all, I can’t even count.

But did not expect.

It turned out to be easier than imagined.

It turns out that Luffy is just stupid in his brain, but his body is still very smart!

It is born to fight!


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