Double Summit War: The More Contrast, The More Collapse Sengoku

Chapter 22

022. The Question And Answer Opens, And The Two Worlds Guess Each Other: What Is Sabo’S Future Identity?



Little Luffy started practicing.

Every time, I can feel the obvious progress.

Gradually, I was able to stabilize my body, ensuring that I would not fall down after moving quickly.


The distance traveled has also increased.

However, this skill also mainly relies on the strength of the legs.

Even though Luffy has mastered the rules, the strength of his legs is still too weak.


It can only move a distance of 4-5 meters at most at a time.

But this is already very powerful for a five or six-year-old child.

“(Original) Luffy: Hey~ so I can learn how to shave when I was 6 years old?”

And he just mastered shaving a while ago.

On this point alone.

I am not as good as myself in another world!

It’s a pity that no one taught me when I was young.

If grandpa had taught him then, wouldn’t he be stronger now?

For the first time, Luffy felt that there were indeed some problems with his grandfather’s education method at that time.

“(Original) Akainu: I didn’t expect Luffy’s talent to be so strong, much stronger than you, Garp.”

“(Original) Garp: Haha, as expected of the old man’s grandson.”

After Garp finished speaking, think carefully.

Strictly speaking.

This should be regarded as the grandson of Garp across the street, not my grandson.

“(Original) Sengoku: You still have a smile on your face. If you had educated yourself well, maybe Luffy would have become a powerful Marine soldier!”

“(Now) Kizaru: Luffy Admiral, I didn’t expect your talent to be quite high, it’s not directly proportional to your education level.”

“(Present) Luffy: …Since I joined the Marine, I have learned a lot about cultural knowledge too!”


Akainu has nothing left to teach in shaving.

The main points that should be mastered by Luffy have been mastered, and the next step is the question of proficiency.

“Do you still want to continue studying?”

Luffy nodded and said.


“There is no way to defeat the wild boar with this alone.”

He is still thinking about how to defeat the wild boar.

“Is there any move that can attack?”

“Okay. Then the next trick is the Finger Pistol, which is also one of the Marine Six Styles.”

“I’ll demonstrate it to you.”

Akainu said.

But at this moment.

Ron’s voice suddenly came from afar.

“Teach him boxing directly.”

Akainu was taken aback.


Pistol is an advanced version of Finger Pistol.

Is it too early to pay now?

At least learn Finger Pistol first.

But since Ron ordered it.


Akainu could only follow suit.

So I changed my mind temporarily.

“The next move is punching.”

After speaking.

Demonstrated it to Luffy myself.

He smashed a big rock around him with a punch.

Startled little Luffy.

“So powerful! Fists are like cannonballs!”

“I want to learn this too.”


I started to train with Akainu in a decent way.

On a warship not far away.

Garp was a little puzzled.

“Commander Ron, why not let him learn Finger Pistol.”

“Your grandson prefers to attack with his fists. You let him learn Finger Pistol. I guess he will never learn it, because it is not his preferred attack style. But if you let him learn fist gun, he can master it before dark. .” Ron said flatly.


why is that?

Garp has some shams.

It stands to reason that Finger Pistol is the entry-level skill.

Boxing is much more difficult.

How can it be impossible to learn Finger Pistol, but it is easy to learn fist gun?

I saw Garp’s doubts.

Ron said with a smile.

“This is called teaching students in accordance with their aptitude.”

“Everyone has everyone’s habits. If you learn against his habits, it will be difficult for your body to accept. Your grandson, he is used to punching.”

Garp was dumbfounded.

My grandson obviously never showed the fighting style he was used to.

How can Commissar Ron know that he is used to punching.

How can you tell?

Garp couldn’t figure it out, but Ron knew it because he had watched One Piece, and most of Luffy’s skills were mainly punches.

“(Original) Sengoku: Garp~ Take a good look at their education methods, and learn from them.”

“(Original) Garp: There is nothing wrong with the old man’s education method! Isn’t it just Marine Six Styles? If my grandson wants to learn, I will teach him now. Stubborn.jpg”

“(Original) Luffy:…”

at this time.

Momousagi jumped onto the warship suddenly and neatly.

Came in front of Ron and Garp.

Then said.

“Commander Ron, Vice Admiral Garp.”

“We caught a suspicious teenager.”

“He has been hovering around the warship.”

“Looking at his clothes, he seems to be a nobleman from the Goa Kingdom.”

“Oh?” Garp didn’t expect there to be nobles from the Kingdom of Goa here.

“Bring it here.” Ron had already guessed who it was by this time.

“Yes!” Momousagi replied.

After a while.

A young man in aristocratic attire, a tall hat, and a water pipe.

Brought up by Momousagi.

“Let go of me.”

“Why did you arrest me?”

“I didn’t do anything.”

Sabo said very unconvinced.

Sure enough, it was him.

Ron blew on the hot water in the thermos.

Lifting his eyes slightly upwards, he glanced at Sabo.

For Ron in this world, the first stage of his system is to change the life of the characters in the original drama to become stronger.


He basically never misses any opportunity to change the original characters.

Of course, it is impossible to let this one come to your door.

And at this moment.

The screen pauses.

Live screen.

Suddenly a line of words popped up.

“Random Quiz Begins”

“In the process of comparing Luffy’s life, when the people involved who have a close relationship with Luffy appear, a random question-and-answer mode will be activated.”

“The content of the question and answer is: the two worlds guess the future identity of the person in the other world.”

“The format of the question and answer is: multiple-choice questions, using the rush-answer mode, and the person who answers correctly first will be rewarded.”

“Questions and answers are about to begin, please get ready.”




“Character: Sabo”

“Ask the audience from the original world to answer”

“Excuse me, in the current world timeline, Sabo’s future identity is:”

“A: Plumbing Repairman”

“B: King of Goa Kingdom”

“C: Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army”

“D: Chief of Konoha Village”


“Ask the audience around the world to answer”

“Excuse me, in the original world timeline, Sabo’s future identity is:”

“A: Plumbing Repairman”

“B: King of Goa Kingdom”

“C: Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army”

“D: Chief of Konoha Village”

Very fair answering pattern.

Same person.

They are all about future identities in another world.

after all.

They only know the future identity of this character in their own world. As for the other world, they don’t know whether it has changed.

It is also very risky to rashly choose a future identity that is the same as your own world.

Not even Sabo himself knew.

What is my identity in another world?

Kneeling to beg for flowers, comments, and monthly tickets, give the author some motivation.

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