Double Summit War: The More Contrast, The More Collapse Sengoku

Chapter 62

062. Arlong: I Have Been In East Blue For So Many Years, Spent So Much Money, And Raised So Many People!

[(Original) Hina: This is too good, I thought the political commissar over there was a nice gentleman, so it turns out that he knows romance like that. Which little girl can bear this?”

[(Original) Momousagi: Haha, indeed, this Ron has a good handle on the little girl. ”

“(Original) Tashigi: I suddenly hit it, it feels so sweet, what’s going on.”

[(Original) Boa·Hancock: The courtiers and concubines are all moved. ”

[(Original) Robin: Haha, Nami, I didn’t expect you to meet Commissar Ron in that world, but it’s very interesting to meet you. ”

“(Original) Nami: Ah, this…Although I often go to the warship to steal things, but with my personality, I didn’t steal anything, and I even helped the other party organize the map, which is really incredible.”

The original world Nami saw himself in the video, returning to the hut full of painful memories, and his heart trembled.

He couldn’t even clenched his fists.

I used to be in such a room, drawing charts day and night, even the pen holder was soaked in the blood from my fingers.

“(Original) Aunt: mamama…”

“(Original) Kaido: Shut up, old woman, it’s understandable for those little girls to be tempted, what are you old woman mixing with?”

“(Original) Big Mom: I think you want to die, Kaido!”

Kaido and aunt, ever since they saw the love between the two in another world, they couldn’t help but feel sick to each other.

As a result, the two of them tend to quarrel with each other when they talk.

“(Original) Crane Staff Officer: I have to say that this move is too powerful. Although I don’t know if they have a follow-up plot, but after doing this, I guess the shadow of him in this little girl’s heart will never go away.”

[(Present) Staff Crane: Alright, Sengoku, did you learn all the tricks you drew my attention from from Commissar Ron?”

“(Present) Sengoku: Ahem, this is a public screen, don’t talk nonsense on it, Tsuru!!! I just went to ask for a little advice, and Commissar Ron just gave me a little advice!!!”

“(Present) Staff Officer Crane: Believe me, you bastard, I told you, you elm-headed man, why did you suddenly become so enlightened during that period of time, and you made all the little romantic routines? It’s all because I was dizzy and found something wrong. Thinking about it now, this is not something you can do at all, and you really learned it from Commissar Ron.”

“(Original) Garp: Hey~ So that’s the case, the old man is still wondering, based on what I know about Sengoku, this guy has an incomprehensible personality, how could he be with Tsuru? So it’s because of the political commissar behind him, Sengoku… .It seems that in this world you didn’t stay with Staff Crane, it’s not your fault, it’s because there is no political commissar like Ron who teaches from behind,’”

“(Original) Sengoku: Shut up, Garp, tell me the occasion, is this the time to say this?”

(Original) Garp: Hahaha!”

“(formerly) Staff Crane: Don’t laugh, Garp!”

Everyone was sweetened by this small act of leaving messages to each other.

But after calming down.

He suddenly wanted to understand a problem.

When did Ron slip the phone into little Nami’s arms?

They were watching the live broadcast the whole time.

Ron obviously didn’t even move there.

How did he do that?


When thinking about this question.

Everyone couldn’t help but gasp at the same time.

“(Original) Sengoku: Did any of you see clearly when this phone bug appeared in Nami’s arms.”

“(Original) Whitebeard: Didn’t see it at all! What the hell is going on here?”

[(Original) Roger: I didn’t see it clearly either, it seemed to just appear out of nowhere. ”

[(Original) Shanks: Could it be that… Ron’s moving so fast? He did it right under our noses. ”

Those who are watching the battle are all first-class powerhouses.

It would be unbelievable to make so many movements without hiding it from their eyes.

“(Original) Sengoku: Impossible, don’t forget that Akainu is standing next to Ron, if Ron shows signs of moving, Akainu can’t be unaware, judging from Akainu’s subsequent performance, Ron never left Sengoku land.”

[(Original) Akainu: That’s right, the strength of the other me should be the same as that of the old man. If someone disappears next to me and then reappears, even if it’s only for less than 1/10 of a second, I can’t be unaware ! Even if that guy Kizaru disappears quickly around me, I’ll feel it. ”

“(Original) Garp: So, what the hell happened? Can we rewind the video a bit and play it in slow motion.”

Garp’s words.

Instead, Sengoku woke up.

[(Original) Sengoku: Garp, this is the most correct sentence you have said since birth. ”

“(Original) Garp: Huh?”

“(Original) Sengoku: Apply for video replay!”

“Video playback requires the consent of the majority of the world on both sides”

This line of text is a response to Sengoku.

Sengoku couldn’t help frowning.

Think of such trouble.

“(Original) Sengoku: Another world, can you cooperate? We want to go back to the video and see what happened at that time.”

“(Present) Sengoku: To be honest, I’m curious too.”

Communication went very smoothly.


The video rewinds to a minute before little Nami left the house.


Everyone can see that little Nami is writing that line of small characters on the restored map stroke by stroke.

Just signed the signature.

At this moment, it can be seen that there is no phone bug on her body.

Everyone held their breath.

Don’t dare to miss any frame.


The moment Xiaona stepped out of the room.

You can clearly see that there is already a phone bug on your body.


The moment you open the door, there is a phone call?

This is too weird.

[(Original) Sengoku: Playback!」

“(Now) Sengoku: Replay!”

The two spoke in unison.

The video continues to play back.

[(Original) Sengoku: Slow down at 5x speed」

Video is already slow.

Before the little Nami went out, she was empty.

As a result, the moment he opened the door and went out, there was a phone bug on his body.

And there is nothing around.

No one else at all.

How is this going?

Who put the phone bug in?

(Original) Sengoku: Replay!”

I don’t know how many times I played it back.

The slow playback of the video can only be 5x slow.

two worlds.

Thousands of pairs of eyes stared intently.

Did not find any clues.

Ron in the video is indeed standing on the pier, not moving.

Everyone studied for a long time.

Haven’t figured out what’s going on?

After playing back hundreds of times.

Everyone finally gave up.

“(Original) Sengoku: I really don’t understand.”

[(Original) Roger: No, I’m too tired, and it doesn’t seem like a fruit ability. ”

“(Original) Whitebeard: Forget it, don’t replay it!”

This is a toss for everyone.

present world.

Sengoku was really curious.

Can’t help but ask Ron: “How did you do it W||?”

Ron said with a smile.

“It is nothing special.

“It’s just that I have the ability to put phone bugs anywhere.”


It’s the hyperspace phone bug.

It was just a reward for Ron when he changed Kuina’s life.

The first stage of Ron’s system is to get rewards for changing lives.

Sometimes abilities are rewarded.

Sometimes special items are rewarded.

Of course, the properties of these special items are all kinds of strange.

Like the Chrono phone bug, it can appear wherever Ron wants it to appear.

This leads to Ron having a special ability in the sea.

That is, you can talk to anyone at any time.

That’s all.

So Ron didn’t bother to explain.

Even if they explained it, Sengoku and the others didn’t understand it, so Ron just said it directly.

After Sengoku listened.

Can’t help being shocked!

The ability to cast a phone anywhere from

Sure enough, it was Commissar Ron.

There are such strange skills.

But this also solved Sengoku’s doubts.

Otherwise, after watching the video for a long time, he thought there was a supernatural event.

“(Original) Sengoku: Another me, did you just ask Ron how he did it? You should already know the answer, tell me quickly.”

“(Present) Sengoku: Can I tell you? This is the secret of Commissar Ron in our world, so I won’t tell you about that world.”


Sengoku from the original world almost vomited blood in anger.




Normal playback also resumed in the video.

Arlong Paradise.

Little Nami shut herself in her room.

Holding this particular phone bug in hand.

My mind is also thinking.

When did this man named Ron put the phone bug in his arms?

It stands to reason.

Such a private place.

It’s impossible not to notice it.

How strange.

Xiao Namei sat on a chair higher than herself.

Shaking little feet.

With one hand on his chin.

The note fiddled with in the other hand.

Read it silently over and over again.

【This distress call bug, I will treat it as your reward for changing the map, thank you——Ron】

I fell into deep thought.

“That figure from the back, is that Ron?”

Little Nami hadn’t seen Ron’s face.

After all, when he sneaked onto the warship, both Ron and Akainu had their backs to the warship.

So Nami only saw the back of a person holding a vacuum flask.

The reason why it is determined is the back view holding the thermos cup.

Mainly because.

The phone in my hand every day has a thermos cup hanging on it.

well known.

The phone in One Piece World is very similar to the owner.

At least some of the characteristics are the same.

And this phone bug.

Another super miniature thermos cup is hung around the neck.

That’s because of seeing this feature.

That’s why little Nami knew who those two people standing on the pier were Ron.

“How did he know that I changed the map for him?”

Little Nami couldn’t figure it out.

Obviously no one found him.

“Hey. It seems that people have discovered themselves a long time ago, but they haven’t exposed themselves.”

Little Nami’s heart trembled.

But then thought again.

“This is a distress call bug, what do you mean? Will I be in danger and need to ask him for help?”

“Uh~ Is this useful?”

Nami doesn’t understand.

She tried to call the phone bug many times.

But after thinking about it, I finally gave up.

“Since it’s a distress call bug, it’s better to use it when you’re really in danger, just in case it’s useful.”

Nami thought so?

Then he put the phone bug back into his arms.

at this time

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Nami’s smiling face just now became cloudy in an instant.

Make sure again and again that you have hidden the phone bug.

Then he went to open the door.

A very tall murloc walked in from the outside.

This person is Arlong, the captain of the Arlong Pirates.

It’s the Sawtooth Sharkman!

A mouthful of teeth is like sawtooth, sharp and sharp.

Looking at it makes people feel shuddering.

“々` Nami! I heard that you went out to steal again today? How was the harvest.


Arlong said condescendingly.

“Hmph! Don’t worry about it, anyway, I will save up a Bailey and buy Cocosia Village. You will keep your word, right!”

Little Nami said stubbornly.

Arlong laughed.

There was a tinge of playfulness lurking in that smile.

“Don’t worry, I, Arlong, keep my word. As long as you have 1 Bailey, you can buy Cocosia Village. I promise I will never collect protection fees there again, hahaha!”

“Okay, what you say is what you say! No one is allowed to go back on their word.”

“Don’t worry, I will never regret it! But you have to work hard, 100 million Bailey is not right, by the way, have you finished drawing all the charts?”

Arlong said.

Nami snorted.

Did not speak.

Arlong went to the table on his own, and grabbed the chart on it.

Said with a slightly displeased tone.

“Why are there more and more problems with the recent sea charts? Many times you have sailed according to your sea charts, but you can’t reach the destination accurately. There are even some islands with people.

Not marked. ”

“Do you know that this has cost us a lot of income! Next time if you don’t mark the islands with people, don’t blame me for being rude.”

“If it makes us charge less money, then I will collect the money in Cocosia Village, understand?”

“The entire East Blue belongs to me, Arlong. I want to know the exact location of every small island with people, and they live in my ocean, so I have to pay me. Ming

Is it white?”

“By the way, it’s Cocosia Village’s turn to pay the money tomorrow, and you haven’t been back for a long time, so follow me to Cocosia Village tomorrow to collect the money.”

After Arlong finished speaking, he left without looking back.

Arlong is not only bad, but also very sinister at heart.

In order for this Nami guy to do him a good job.

Let her not have any wrong thoughts, and don’t deliberately hide those islands with people and villages.

Light warnings are useless.

I have to let him meet (Zhao Nuo’s) how did I collect the protection fee in Kekexia Village?

Only in this way can we fully grasp Nami.

When she thought of Cocosia Village, she would not dare to betray herself.

Little Nami stood there stunned angrily.

Bite your lips and turn white.

“(Original) Sengoku: Damn, this group of Murloc Pirates is really lawless and bullying! They even tried to say that the entire East Blue belongs to him. Where does this put us Marine?


“(Present) Sengoku: You have time to complain, why don’t you manage your Marine well.”

The original world Sengoku’s old face turned black.

I wanted to make two rebuttals.


Summarize based on the experience of these rounds of comparison.

No matter the comparison is between characters or events, the situation on my side seems to be much worse than that on the other side.

If the video on the other side is so lawless, wouldn’t the situation on my side be more serious?

Orange Town.

Because the clown Buggy and the cadres were all killed, the other pirates scattered.

It took Marine a full hour to catch them all.

The three brothers began to compare again.

“Hey! I caught 34 of them.” Little Luffy grinned, stretched out three fingers in one hand, and four fingers in the other hand. very proud expression

“Hmph, I caught 40 casually.” Ace said disdainfully.

“Ah, I’m not in good shape today, so I only caught 41.” Little Sabo looked as if I won without much effort.

“That’s not because you took one of mine!” Ace yelled.

The villagers in Orange Town feel that their lives suddenly brighten up.

These Marines are like sunlight helping them dispel the darkness.

For the first time, they had such a strong sense of security.

“Thank you donkeys!”

“I will erect statues for you in the village.”

The villagers gathered spontaneously.

Very excited to send Marine to the warship.

After a while.

Momousagi pointed to a small island in front of him.

“Commander Ron, that’s Cocosia Village.”

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