Double Summit War: The More Contrast, The More Collapse Sengoku

Chapter 63

063. Nami Who Met Ron Vs. Nami Who Did Not Meet Ron

Just when Ron and others came to the port of Cocosia Village.

Suddenly, the picture pauses.

The comparison screen of the original world began to light up gradually.

and the displayed position.

It is also Cocosia Village.

[(Original) Garp: Are you going to answer the question so soon?”

(Original) Sengoku: No, it’s us, the screen started playing. ”

There are two screens.

One is playing the picture of the real world.

One is playing the picture of the original world.

Whenever there is a clear point of divergence between the two worlds, they will start playing separately.

To make a comparison.

“(formerly) Staff Crane: It seems that what happened in Cocosia Village, our two worlds will have different endings.”

The original world screen.

Cocosia Village.

ten years ago.

It was originally a harmonious town with beautiful scenery and simple folk customs.

There is a special one in the small town.

An unmarried woman with two girls.

The woman’s name was Bell Mel.

Formerly a Marine.

Two orphans were picked up on the battlefield a few years ago.

Just raised them up.

Suddenly one day.

Arlong came to East Blue.

Lead the Murloc Pirates and occupy this place.

Murlocs are 10 times the size of Commons.

At the beginning, Marine had no way to resist the attack of murlocs.

Soon many villages fell.

And Cocosia Village is one of them.

“Listen, from now on, this village will belong to me, Arlong.”

“If you want to survive in this village, each of you will have to pay 100,000 Pele per month.

“Every child has to pay 50,000 peles.”

“This is your life money, do you understand?”


Extraordinarily arrogant.

But due to the fighting power of the murlocs.

The villagers had no choice but to pay the money obediently.

When received Bell Mel home.

Bell Mel has only 100,000 Baileys on him.

At this time, Nami and Nuo Qigao were not at home.

Bell Mel only needs to hand over 100,000 Baileys in his body to buy his own life 163.

Because she registered as single.

So no one knew she had two daughters.

Arlong had no doubts either.


Bellmel said:

“Ah, the one hundred thousand Baileys belong to my two daughters.”

“Oh? What about your money?” Arlong said coldly.

“I didn’t.” Bellmel laughed.

[(Original) Nami: Bell Mel. ”

Suddenly, I saw my past again through the video.

Nami broke down in tears.

[(Original) Sengoku: Why is this guy so stupid? It’s fine to just lie, saying that he doesn’t have a daughter. Why?”

“(Formerly) Staff Officer Crane: As a mother, only this kind of panic, the mother will not let go, there is no mother who will not recognize her child.”


A gunshot is heard in the video.

Arlong shot Bellmel in the chest.

This is the cruelty of pirates.

If you can’t pay for your life, you will be killed on the spot.

“Have you seen that, if you can’t pay the money, you will still end up like this.”

Arlong spoke viciously to everyone in the village.

Nami and Nuo Qigao saw this scene with their own eyes and wept uncontrollably.

Later, Arlong saw a painted sea chart in the house.

Can’t help being a little surprised.

Although the painting of this sea chart is a little immature, the topographical proportions and spatial relationships are actually exactly the same.

Arlong was overjoyed when he learned that it was drawn by a six or seven-year-old girl.

Bring Nami back to HQ.

Arlong took a fancy to Nami’s unique talent for drawing.

A studio was prepared for Nami, and Nami was forced to draw pictures every day.

Time continues to fast forward.

in a few days.

When Nami returned to the village, the tattoo on his arm proved that he joined the Arlong Pirates.

The villagers were all indignant.

Give Nami the cold shoulder! Don’t even talk to her.


Little Nami has always kept one thing from everyone.

That is, the reason why she joined the Arlong Pirates was to reach an agreement with Arlong.

(daca) As long as you save enough 100 million Baileys, you can buy back Cocosia Village, so that Arlong will not continue to plunder here.


What little Nami doesn’t know is.

The whole village knew about it.


In order not to let little Nami have too much pressure and burden.

Everyone in the village decided to alienate Nami and act badly towards her.

In this case.

If one day Nami wants to abandon the village and run away alone.

It will also make you a little more determined.

It won’t be such a big psychological burden.

Everyone in the village knows that with Nami’s ability, if they abandon them and run away alone, they will live better in the future.

You don’t want to be a drag on Nami.

[(Original) Crane Staff Officer: Such a strong little girl, in order to save the village, she carried everything alone. ”

[(Original) Sengoku: They are also very gentle villagers. In order to let Nami escape without psychological burden, they all deliberately alienate Nami. ”

“(Original) Garp: The most hateful thing is the gang of pirates. Without them, what a happy village this would be.”

Time continues to fast forward.

Nami in order to raise 100 million Baileys.

Start stealing money everywhere.

Regardless of safety, he ran to the pirate ship alone to steal the pirate’s money.

Pretending to be a Common man who fell into the water, and cheating the passing Marines of money.

There is also a person who leads the two pirate groups to fight “he is reaping the benefits of the fisherman.

After 10 years of accumulation.

Nami, finally saved up 100 million Baileys.

Today is the happiest day of Nami’s entire life.

Because in this way, Cocosia Village can be bought.

She can also leave the Arlong Pirates.

Nuoqi Gao’s family.


Nami and Nuo Qigao dug out all the treasures buried here.

This is what Nami has accumulated bit by bit over the years.

The box opens.

It contained cash, gold coins, and jewelry.

A total of 100 million Baileys.

See so much money.

Even a lot of the money on it is stained with Bloodline.

Even Sengoku, who is Marine, and others.

There is a trace of intolerance in my heart.

Such a little girl has been dealing with all kinds of pirates since she was so young, although the money is all stolen.


Not even Sengoku sees anything wrong with her.

Because it was the Arlong Pirates who were really wrong.

[(Original) Garp: Looks like he’s finally saved enough money, but will Arlong make the travel appointment that easy?”

(Original) Sengoku: How is it possible, after all, he is a pirate, but he doesn’t know how he will tear up this agreement. ”

In fact, Marine in the original world had already expected it, and Arlong would definitely not admit it.

But everyone still can’t imagine for the time being, what kind of method will Arlong renege on?

after all.

Nami would definitely turn the tables and quit if it was a straight-forward repudiation.

And now Arlong needed Nami’s talent for drawing.

So it is obviously impossible to adopt this method.

When everyone is struggling, what will Arlong do?

A most unexpected answer happened to them.

in the video.

Colonel Mouse led a group of Marines.

Came to Nuoqigao’s house.

Nami and the others hurriedly buried the treasure again.

“Dig up the whole orange orchard for me.”

“I received a report.”

“Here lies the stolen money.”

When Colonel Mouse said so.

Nami’s face turned pale.

This is the 100 million Baileys she has saved for a long time.


If taken by Marine.

Then all her years of hard work were in vain.

“Found the colonel! Almost 100 million Baileys are there!”

said a soldier.

Colonel Mouse grinned wickedly.

“Hmph! It really is stolen money, take it all away! Confiscated.”

Nami broke down.

Raise your arms.

He rushed towards Marine.

“Why don’t you go catch pirates, ah! This village has been plundered by Arlong for so many years, and you have never been seen! Why did you come to search me at this time?”

Nami’s current strength.

Where is Marine’s opponent?

He was subdued in three or two strokes.

Then the screen continues to fast forward.

Colonel Mouse unexpectedly appeared in Arlong Park.

Not only did Wulong talk and laugh happily with him.

Through the conversation, the audience will know at this time.

It turned out that Arlong teamed up with Marine to snatch Nami’s 100 million Baileys.

The money is split with Marine55.

It’s too bad.

“(Original) Crane Staff Officer: It’s so disgusting! It’s this Colonel Mouse again! I didn’t expect him to be in our world, and he hasn’t been found until now. In another world, he was caught by Ron early! This That’s the difference.”

[(Original) Sengoku: The scourge of this Marine! Obviously there are pirates who don’t catch them, but join forces with the pirates to share the spoils. Sure enough, Arlong also has some means to take away Nami’s 100 million Baileys in this way, so that he can It won’t break the agreement with Nami! Sure enough, it’s insidious. ”

Then the screen continues to fast forward.

At this time, little Nami didn’t know that Arlong and Marine teamed up to cheat him.

She thought it was her bad luck that Marine had discovered her.

“It doesn’t matter, as long as you give me some time, I will be able to save 100 million Pele again in no time. I am much more proficient now than before, and it should be faster this time.”

Nami said to Arlong.

“Haha, don’t worry, my agreement is always valid. Whenever you can take out 100 million Baileys, I will return Cocosia Village to you.”

Arlong said very generously.

“(formerly) Crane Staff Officer: This villain!”

The video time continues to fast forward.

When Arlong was sharing money with Colonel Mouse, Nami found out.

At this time, Nami really knew that she had been tricked.

This Arlong never meant to let himself go.

He didn’t intend to return Cocosia Village to himself at all.

He will not let himself save enough 100 million Pele.

Even next time when he is almost saving enough, he will still join forces with Marine to confiscate it!

this moment.

Nami was completely devastated.

Ten years of persistence.

It all came to naught.

It is precisely because of this.

Nami, who hated pirates the most, chose to become a pirate and boarded the boat of Straw Hat Luffy and his gang.

“(Now) Nami: Arlong really didn’t intend to fulfill the contract with me! Fortunately, I met Ron’s godfather, otherwise, my life would be so miserable!”

present world

Nami, in an ol outfit, with a ponytail. She runs the largest logistics company, weather company, and map company in One Piece World. Almost every ship that sails uses this company.

The company’s map navigation and weather forecast.

In particular, the company’s new navigation phone bug is a must-have artifact for all seagoers! From then on, grandma no longer has to worry about getting lost! There is even a real-time weather forecast

Function, but need to pay to unlock.

All navigators have to admit that the products of this company are easy to use, but they are too dark. After becoming a member, you need to become a super member, and there are advertisements in the weather forecast

It costs money to remove ads. I don’t know who came up with the ghost idea, what a trap!


But it’s not enough! Because it’s really fragrant, it’s equivalent to having a perfect navigator.

At this moment, Nami, who is now in the world, adjusted his glasses frame and saw what happened to him in another world, and he couldn’t help but feel a lot of emotion.

If I hadn’t met Ron’s godfather in this world.


It will be the same as myself in another world.

One thought here.

She was afraid for a while.

“(Original) Crane Staff Officer: This is blunt, forcing a little girl into the path of pirates, such a good young man, who can draw maps so accurately,

I have never seen it. ”

“(Original) Sengoku: It seems that in our world, Marine can’t keep this talent, and I don’t know how such a genius will end up in another world.


“(Original) Crane Staff: There is a big difference between the two Nami, that is another world, Nami now has a distress call bug in his hand, which can directly connect Luo

Well, I guess…if there is a difference in their lives, it’s because of this phone bug. ”


The screen pauses.

The current world screen starts to play.

Also fixed in Cocosia Village. .

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