
Chapter 104: Recognition from the Titans

"Human sword saint seeking to learn sword techniques, huh?" Muria's face showed a mix of emotions as he contemplated this unusual visitor. "Cassio, set up the array. I wish to meet this legendary human."

"Prince Muria."

"Prince Muria."

As Muria, accompanied by the white tiger Tohru, arrived at the Dragon Fortress of the Five Colors, the titans stationed around knelt on one knee to greet him and express their respect.

Over the past six years, Muria had frequently returned to Taiji Island, often bringing the three young red dragons or Tohru with him to stay at the White Jade Palace. Thus, the titans were quite familiar with him.

"Where is this human legend?" Muria asked directly upon arriving.

"The esteemed one is in the White Jade Palace," a Storm Giant replied, his voice heavy with undisguised awe.

"Ah, Tohru, my curiosity about this human legend grows," Muria said, turning to the white tiger with a smile. "He has even won over my personal guards."

"Prince Muria," the Storm Giant said, lowering his head in apprehension.

"There's no need for more words," Muria waved dismissively. "Anyone capable of reaching this place is no ordinary legend. It's understandable that they have exceptional qualities. Don't panic; I'm not blaming you."

"Tohru, let's go," Muria called to the big cat, giving him ample respect in front of others. "Let's visit the White Jade Palace and see for ourselves the caliber of this human legend."

"I've already seen him," the white tiger muttered softly but hurried to keep pace with Muria.

"Screech! Screech!" Escorted by a team of Storm Giants riding giant pengs, Muria spread his dragon wings, taking Tohru with him as they soared towards the White Jade Palace.

"What is that?" As they flew over the continuously expanding Giant City, a strong sea smell caught Muria's attention. He paused above a large plaza crowded with giants, hovering in the air.

Below him, titans kneeled in welcome as Muria and Tohru hovered, observing the giant sea monster's carcass that occupied most of the plaza area, emitting a pungent fishy smell and a slight aura of intimidation.

It was rare for Muria to see the corpse of a legendary creature outside of demons. Titans, being lawful creatures, wouldn't hunt legendary sea monsters without reason.

"A show of power, perhaps?" Muria muttered to himself, then with a flap of his dragon wings, he and the accompanying Storm Giants continued towards the White Jade Palace.

As for the legendary sea monster's corpse below, Muria spared it no second glance. Deep-sea creatures often looked however they pleased, and their forms were indescribable.

"Where is this human legend?" Muria entered the grand hall of the White Jade Palace and took his seat on the throne, with Tohru lying beside him, commanding a view of the area below.

As Muria spoke, numerous water elements converged from all directions toward the center of the hall, forming an oval-shaped portal made of water.

A graceful mermaid, surrounded by clear water currents and holding a staff, floated through the portal and landed before Muria, her presence slightly oppressive, adding a solemn air to the hall.

"Legend," Muria said, sitting up straight and looking intently at the golden-haired, blue-eyed mermaid.

The exquisitely beautiful mermaid smiled gracefully at Muria, "Good day, son of Titan and Dragon."

"Good day, legendary mermaid sorceress," Muria replied with neither inferiority nor arrogance, then turned his attention to the space door formed by water.

A plain-looking middle-aged man stepped through the unusual portal, appearing before Muria.

"So you are the human who seeks to learn the sword techniques of my Titan clan," Muria said, surprised. The man before him showed no signs of power; he seemed like an ordinary, insignificant human.

That was the only indication of the man's strength—the sword he held, which Muria could swear by his dragon lineage was forged from legendary metal.

"Yes, I am," the man replied calmly, unfazed by the regal young Titan and the imposing white tiger at his feet, as if he were facing a mere boy and a house cat.

Muria was silent for a moment before speaking, "Do you know the prerequisite for learning our Titan clan's martial arts?"

"I do," the man nodded. "To earn the recognition of a Titan."

For Titans, who revered strength, direct combat was the simplest and most direct way to gain acknowledgment—also the hardest.

"How do you intend to gain such recognition, human legend?"

"With my sword," the man stated plainly, a hint of disappointment in his gaze as he looked at Muria. "But, Titan, you are not yet of age; you do not qualify to battle me."

"Disdain for my weakness?" Muria's hand tightened on the crystalline armrest of his throne, sensing the underlying implication in the man's words but not angered by it—this was simply the truth.

The gap between Gold and Legend was too vast to be bridged by lineage alone. Even against a human, he was not yet a match; perhaps a century more would suffice.

"I seek to challenge your elders, the true adult legendary Titans. Could you relay my challenge?"

"Challenge a legendary Titan!" Muria laughed softly, looking down at the human from his throne, his voice booming like thunder in the hall, "Do you understand what you're asking, human?"

In Erathia, human legends were numerous but generally the weakest, given humanity's low starting point compared to other races. Their strength came from sheer numbers

, not individual prowess.

"Son of Titan and Dragon," the mermaid sorceress spoke as Muria chuckled, "This is Ron, the strongest sword saint of humanity and one of their mightiest legends. I believe he has the qualifications to challenge a legendary Titan."

"Qualifications aren't for you to decide," Muria narrowed his eyes at the mermaid sorceress, "Rather, can you tell me your origin, and how those mermaids who once danced for me are related to you?"

"I am Raphael, the third legendary sorceress from the Court of Mermaids in the Thunderstorm Ocean. As for the mermaids who danced for you, they no longer have any affiliation with our court."

"So, they were once connected to your court," Muria sighed, pressing down harder on the armrest until it began to crack, "So their oath of allegiance was just to fool me?"

"We did not intend to deceive you, Son of Titan and Dragon. Please don't doubt their loyalty. From the moment they swore allegiance to you, they have devoted everything to you, ready to bleed for you until their souls return to the embrace of the sea mother."

"Is that so?" Muria's mouth twisted into a smirk of irony and self-mockery. He understood now; many powers rooted in the Thunderstorm Ocean saw it as Titan territory, although the Titans themselves rarely managed beyond their own islands. The real rulers were the merfolk, who, given the ocean's vast resources, could sustain many legends. These legends, according to their species, formed forces to serve themselves, warring and plundering one another yet fearing the mightiest power in the Thunderstorm Ocean.

So, when Muria was born, these sea creature forces sent members to pledge allegiance to him as a way of showing fealty to the Titan clan through him.

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