
Chapter 105: The Legendary Human

"That sea monster carcass outside, that was your handiwork, wasn't it, Lord Ron?" Muria no longer paid attention to the mermaid legend but focused on the plainly dressed legendary sword saint before him.

Truth be told, if it weren't for his presence here alongside a beautiful mermaid legend, Muria would find it hard to believe this man was a legend, let alone associate him with being the strongest or the first in any capacity.

Before the sword saint Ron could reply, the legendary mermaid sorceress, Raphael, quickly started to explain the circumstances of their visit and why she was accompanying a human here.

"Recently, a legendary sea monster that had been slumbering in the deep sea awakened for some unknown reason. We initially didn't want to provoke it, but it chose to venture into our mermaid territories to feed, forcing us to engage in battle to drive it away.

However, the battle between our court and the sea monster alerted Lord Ron, who just happened to be passing over our territory."

Here, the graceful mermaid sorceress glanced at the middle-aged sword saint with a mix of gratitude and awe, prompting Muria to take this sword saint more seriously. From Raphael's account, it was apparent their so-called court was somewhat helpless against the newly awakened monster, only managing to drive it away, not kill it.

The implication was clear: this unassuming middle-aged man had intervened, and the choice of whom to help was hardly a question—between a beautiful humanoid and a legendary sea monster with whimsical looks, the decision was a no-brainer.

"Lord Ron intervened and with a single stroke of his sword, he killed the legendary sea monster."

"As a result, you brought Lord Ron here," Muria said somewhat pointedly.

"Prince of Titans and Dragons, please forgive this intrusion. Lord Ron wished to challenge a Titan, and knowing only that there might be Titans here, even if not, I thought you could make contact."

"With a single stroke, he slew a legendary sea monster," Muria turned to look at the quiet legendary sword saint. "Such power is sufficient. I will return to my clan's territory and inform the elders of your challenge."

"Whether someone will accept this challenge, I cannot guarantee." Muria eyed the middle-aged man before him, offering a word of caution, "But, should someone accept your challenge, please be prepared to die in battle."

"I was prepared for death the moment I chose to pursue swordsmanship," the sword saint Ron replied, his expression unchanging even at the mention of death.

"Titans do not hold back in battle. Are you truly sure you want to challenge them?" Muria asked again, perhaps unwilling to see the first human he had encountered in this world meet such an end.

Challenging a Titan of equal rank was a daunting task for any human. The innate disparities made such a battle profoundly unfair.

"Please inform your elders."

"Very well," Muria nodded. As Muria sat on the throne, magical lights brightened beneath him, and a teleportation array formed—a capability unknown to many and reserved for his use alone.

Amidst the bright teleportation lights, Muria and Tohru vanished from the throne, leaving behind the hall filled with titans now facing immense pressure.

"Muria, you've returned so soon?"

"Yes, is my father still in the clan territory?" Muria, upon reaching his residence and seeing Cassio, immediately inquired.

"Lord Ansol has already traveled to the Abyss," Cassio replied, her curiosity piqued. "What's happening?"

"A human legendary sword saint has come to our island, seeking to earn recognition with his sword and to learn our Titan sword techniques," Muria explained, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "Simply put, he wishes to challenge a legendary Titan."

"What's his name?"

"Ron, Sword Saint Ron."

"Ron, the premier sword saint of humanity, a seventh-tier legend," Cassio conjured a holographic image of a plain-looking middle-aged man holding a long sword. "Is this the one?"

"Yes, that's him," Muria confirmed upon recognizing Ron, his interest piqued. "Cassio, how do you know what this Sword Saint Ron looks like? Does our clan's database have information on him?"

"Every legendary figure in Erathia is cataloged by the Titan clan, including this legendary sword saint, Ron," Cassio nodded in affirmation.

"Humanity's foremost sword saint, hmm, what did he do to earn such a title?" Muria pursued further. Titles like these weren't self-proclaimed but earned through widespread acclaim and significant deeds.

"Sword Saint Ron's first notable act of legend was his humble origins—a mere commoner, the son of a blacksmith."

"A commoner's background," Muria mused, nodding as it aligned with Ron's modest attire and ordinary name, yet he held such a formidable title.

"What else?" Muria asked, intrigued. A commoner achieving legend was rare but not enough to justify such a prestigious title.

"Single-handedly he slew the ancient red dragon, Crimson Calamity Augustus. He fought and vanquished a projection of a malevolent god. He stumbled upon a demonic blood ritual, entered the Abyssal Gate constructed by demon cultists alone, and for three hours, no demon could pass through that gate into Erathia..."

With each account, Cassio described feats that made Muria's blood boil with excitement—all achieved by the unassuming sword saint Ron. This man had faced and slain legendary evils like rampaging dragons, malevolent god projections, and brutal demonic invasions. His life's story could inspire bards to compose tales and songs that would resonate for centuries.

Now, this venerable Sword Saint Ron had come to the Titan Islands to challenge an adult legendary Titan, continuing his saga of legend.

"Wow!" Muria, who had been eagerly listening to Cassio's recounting of Ron's exploits, suddenly howled in regret. He felt his initial reception of the sword saint might have been overly rude and arrogant.

"Oh no!" Realizing his oversight, Muria interrupted Cassio, who was still detailing Ron's legendary deeds. "I need to arrange for a legendary Titan to accept Ron's challenge. His record, even as a human, surely qualifies him to challenge a Titan."

"No need to worry; I've already informed all the legendary Titans currently in the clan territory about Lord Ron's challenge, and one has already accepted the call to battle."

"Cough, Sword Saint Ron came to the Titan Islands to observe and learn our clan's sword techniques, not specifically to issue a challenge," Muria coughed, feeling somewhat reluctant to see him battle his own people.

"What's the difference between earning recognition with a sword and issuing a challenge?"

"It seems there is none," Muria admitted, touching his nose.

"Are you worried about him?"

"He is human, after all," Muria sighed. Despite his admiration for Ron, the path he had chosen was perilous. The feats Ron had accomplished would make him a legend among humans, worthy of songs and tales, yet to the Titans, such deeds were but routine, easily achievable with minimal effort due to their innate advantages.

"Muria," Cassio interrupted his contemplations, "Sword Saint Ron and the legendary Titan Ashborne are already preparing. Would you like to watch the battle?"

"Of course," Muria

 exclaimed, energized by the prospect. The highest-caliber battle he'd witnessed so far involved a group of soul-intent Titans and celestial demigods besieging a legendary Ophidian demon—an encounter he considered quite staged.

Now, he had the chance to witness a high-stakes legendary battle between an adult Titan and humanity's top sword saint, a rare opportunity to expand his horizons.

"I certainly will," Muria declared, clenching his fist. "Where will the battle take place? Outside the Titan Archipelago? Am I going to watch it now?"

"Allowing a battle between legends within Titan waters is out of the question," Cassio sighed, somewhat exasperated with Muria. "This battle will take place in the first layer of the Abyss, under the domain of the Abyssal Lord Ulysses. If you wish to go, I can send you there now."

"Quickly then," Muria urged Cassio, his tone urgent. As he spoke, luminous magical beams began to form around him, constructing a three-dimensional teleportation array centered on him—a sight that left the mermaid sorceress Raphael slightly astonished. In the years he'd been traveling between the Titan lands and his island, Muria had built several permanent teleportation arrays at strategic locations, including under the throne of the White Jade Palace. This particular array, though visible to all, could only be activated by Muria sitting above it.

In the brilliant light of the teleportation array, Muria prepared to witness a battle that might well redefine the limits of what he considered possible in his world.

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