
Chapter 219: The Undead Scourge

Seeing the pitiful state of the gold dragon, Muria's first reaction was to marvel at the durability of Caslana's mage tower, which had withstood such an impact without them feeling a thing above.

His second reaction was, "Wow, this gold dragon is in a really bad shape!"

The dragon that had crashed into the mage tower was a gold dragon nearly eighty meters long, with nearly half of its body length—its tail and one hind claw—hanging outside the tower, while the front half of its body was embedded within the tower.

On its body were four deep, black claw marks that nearly tore its body apart, glaringly visible. Visible black smoke rose from these claw marks, laden with curses, death, resentment, decay, and various other negative forces.

"The power of necromancy!" Muria landed next to the gold dragon, which was so severely injured it couldn't control its own body, and looked at Caslana, who was casting healing spells on the pitiful creature.

"How is it doing?" Muria frowned, looking at the gold dragon with its scales shattered, flesh torn, and internal organs significantly exposed.

In his perception, the gold dragon's condition was dire, its life force continuously slipping away, like a bonfire being steadily doused with water, soon to be extinguished.

In fact, even without any magical perception, one could tell by sight alone that the dragon was on the brink of death. Dark, putrid blood mixed with black corruption flowed from the four claw wounds, staining the ground beneath it. Exposed bones, muscles, and organs all carried a decayed, grey hue, emitting a nauseating stench.

For a dragon, especially one at the soul essence level like this gold dragon, to bleed uncontrollably with wounds rotting and emitting a foul smell indicated its body was on the verge of collapse.

"It's bad!" Caslana was serious, not lifting her head as she cast spell after spell onto the dying dragon, to seemingly no effect. The dragon's blood continued to flow, its wounds continued to decay, and the stench in the air grew stronger.

"Hurry and help!"

"Uh!" Muria felt a bit embarrassed, scratching his nose. During his time learning magic in Titan territory, he had skipped over many auxiliary, healing, and some extremely peculiar spells due to limited time.

Especially healing spells, which Muria considered superfluous and chose not to learn. He thought his robust physique made such spells unnecessary.

Thus, Muria only knew a basic spell for treating minor injuries, which was laughable for treating a dragon on the verge of death. Given dragons' resistance to magic, low-level healing spells would have no effect on it.

Fortunately, the metallic dragons who had followed Muria out relieved him of his embarrassment. These lawful good dragons, seeing the severely injured gold dragon, rushed forward without a second thought, casting healing spells as if they were free.

Muria conscientiously stepped back to the corner of the ruins, giving up the best position for casting spells. Since he couldn't help, he let others take the lead.

"Damn it, what did this guy do to anger a legendary necromancer? These wounds are too troublesome."

"No use, these claw marks are imbued with legendary undead resentment and necromantic curses. Our healing spells aren't powerful enough; their effects are being nullified."

"Don't stop, keep going. Our spells are having an effect, bit by bit we can erode the power of the legendary undead."

"We're running out of time. The curse and death energy are depleting his life force. At this rate, he'll be dead before we can fully dispel the remnants of the legendary necromancer's power."

"Get all the dragons here. I refuse to believe that over a hundred dragons casting spells together can't dispel the remnants of a legendary necromancer's power."

"Find a way to sustain his life force. Anyone with life-boosting potions or treasures, now's not the time to hold back. A dragon's life is at stake."

"I have a vial of Holy Water Essence!" A gold dragon transformed into a young girl hesitated, then gritted her teeth and produced a crystal bottle filled with milky liquid. Opening the cap, she poured the liquid, brimming with light elements and the essence of life, onto the gold dragon's grievous wounds.

"Sss!" Like ice water poured on a red-hot iron, the positive energy clashed violently with the negative energy, causing the comatose gold dragon to convulse involuntarily.

"It's working!" With the pour of Holy Water Essence, visible effects emerged; the black smoke rising from the dragon lightened, and the blood flow slowed.

"Any more? Keep pouring!"

"No more, what kind of legendary undead did this guy provoke? Three hundred liters of Holy Water Essence all used up, and it only had this small effect."

"Who else has life-enhancing treasures?"

"I have the sap of the Tree of Life." At this point, Muria, standing aside and feeling he should contribute something, spoke up. He couldn't just be a spectator.

"That's great, how much do you have?"

How much? Muria silently approached the twitching dragon, which seemed to show signs of regaining consciousness, and pried open its mouth before smashing a crystal bottle filled with the sap of the Tree of Life against its dragon teeth.

"Crash!" The bottle shattered, and the thick sap surged out, instantly dispelling the foul stench in the air and making the dragons feel as though they were in a vibrant ancient forest.

"This is..."

As the sap of the Tree of Life flowed down the gold dragon's throat, a layer of emerald light enveloped its battered body. From a distance, the gold dragon appeared to transform into a green dragon.

A surge of robust life force erupted from within the gold dragon. The life force, which had been dwindling in Muria's perception, rapidly revived and flourished...

As one dragon put it, with over a hundred metallic and gem dragons casting spells together, even a legendary curse would eventually be eroded away.

With the life-sustaining sap of the Tree of Life provided by Muria, the gold dragon held on until the curse was expelled... Seeing the black smoke dissipate, the bones regrow, and the flesh heal, all the dragons smiled.

As the self-healing gold dragon slowly opened its eyes and saw the many "humans" surrounding him, it showed an unmistakable expression of surprise—like a desperate traveler lost in the desert finding a caravan.

"So many dragons, this is great, the Kingdom of Bavaria is finally saved!"

"Calm down, first tell us what happened to you!"

"Legions of unknown legendary undead and liches suddenly attacked the capital of the Kingdom of Bavaria and unleashed the Undead Scourge across all cities in the kingdom."

The Undead Scourge, a necromancy spell, ninth circle.

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