
Chapter 220: The Council of Necromancers

In the Kingdom of Bavaria, located at the northern end of Ionia, for some unknown reason, it offended a group of legendary liches and necromancers, or perhaps it was simply targeted.

One night, under the cover of necromantic fog, an endless tide of undead silently surrounded the capital of Bavaria.

Skeletons, zombies, wraiths, ghouls, gargoyle abominations, dark knights, necromancers... Countless undead were awakened from the earth or summoned from the necromantic plane by some powerful beings.

Then, under the command of some entities, this endless tide of the undead began their assault on the capital.

Just as the two legendary figures presiding over the capital were about to intervene and clear out the horde, which had no small number of high-tier undead, the necromantic fog enveloped the entire capital, and double the number of legendary undead countered their every move.

In this situation, the two legendary defenders of the Bavarian capital dared not act rashly anymore and started calling for aid from other legends of the kingdom, while the King of Bavaria also ordered nobles from across the kingdom to bring their armies to support the capital.

During the onslaught of the undead tide, within less than half a day, another five legendary figures and many noble souls of high rank joined with their armies through teleportation arrays to the capital.

Without regard for losses, in just half a day, Bavaria had gathered more than seventy percent of the country's military strength.

"Looking back now, supporting the capital was a trap. Those legendary liches and the undead wanted to use this battle to annihilate the strong of our Kingdom of Bavaria.

They clearly had the means to seal the space, leaving us no chance to offer support. When I successfully arrived at the capital with the troops, I should have realized this," said the golden dragon Luther with a look of fear and anger as he explained to Muria and other dragons what exactly had happened.

"So, even with seven legends, you still couldn't break through this sudden undead tide?" a dragon curiously asked.

Hearing this question, Muria smirked. Judging by the wretched state of this golden dragon upon arrival, it was easy to guess. The undead that attacked the golden dragon must rank high among legends, for it almost killed a gold dragon with a single blow.

Such a powerful legendary undead, able to spare effort to strike at a gold dragon of high noble rank, indicated what? After dealing with the seven legends of Bavaria, they still had a significant amount of combat power left.

"We lost, terribly," the golden dragon said with a grim smile. "Seven legends, with thirty-seven high noble souls and nearly a million elite troops, counterattacked the undead tide.

We thought we could easily repel this inexplicable undead attack, but in the necromantic fog, ten legendary undead suddenly appeared, holding back those seven legends.

Then, at least twice the number of high noble rank undead appeared, entangling us. Our army, without the command of our noble souls, faced the onslaught of the undead tide led by high noble undead."

"I have a question, what was your role in the Kingdom of Bavaria?" Silver Dragon Cler asked with big, curious eyes.

"I was a first-class privileged marquis of the Kingdom of Bavaria!" the golden dragon said with a hint of melancholy.

"Wow! Lord Luther is also a lord dragon. But, what's a privileged marquis?" a less experienced young dragon quietly asked a more senior dragon nearby.

"Some rulers of countries create a special title to attract powerful beings and creatures with great potential, collectively known as privileged nobility.

Depending on the strength, identity, and race of the titled, they receive different privileged treatments. However, one basic privilege of these nobles is that everything in their fief belongs to them, including all taxes collected, not a single copper has to be handed over."

"Is being a privileged noble that good?" a gothic-dressed blonde lolita, a brass dragon, asked with sparkling eyes.

"You can tell by looking at Luther. Usually, you just enjoy the benefits, but when it comes to life and death, you have to lend a hand."

"Yikes, Lord Luther's condition was too pitiful just now," the copper dragon who asked commented, patting her flat chest. Even with limited experience, she could tell that if it weren't for the gathering of hundreds of dragons today, Golden Dragon Luther Asriel might have had to report directly to the Dragon God Bahamut, "Then I don't want to be a privileged noble."

"Hehe, becoming a privileged noble isn't something you can just decide to do. But, we are dragons, so it's not too difficult to earn a privileged title in human kingdoms with a little effort."

"Let's not change the subject! Luther, what was the outcome of the war?"

"We lost. Of the seven legends, two died on the spot, and one legendary warrior was banished to an unknown dimension by a legendary lich."

"What about the other four legends?"

"They retreated with the king, members of the royal family, and some remaining nobles. Less than a day into the battle, the capital of Bavaria had fallen," Luther said with a trace of shame. "I also retreated at that time."

"Then what?"

"Under the pursuit of those legendary undead, we retreated to another core city of the Kingdom of Bavaria, Bucharest. It's the largest church city in Bavaria, home to two Archbishops of the Dawn Church.

The king hoped to use the city's defenses, comparable to the capital's, and the many temples within to temporarily evade the pursuit of the legendary undead."

"So, the battered high-ranking officials of the Kingdom of Bavaria are now hiding in Bucharest, relying on the power of the Dawn Church to avoid the pursuit of the legendary undead?"

"That's right," Luther said with an embarrassed look, indicating that the royal authority had succumbed to the ecclesiastical authority.

"Those guys, seeing us retreat into Bucharest, still didn't give up. At least five legendary undead are lurking outside Bucharest. The wounds on me were inflicted by one of the legendary undead while I was out seeking help."

"To dare surround the city where the main temple of the Dawn is located, these undead are really bold."

"It's not about boldness; it's that they have something to rely on." Caslana, who had been silent and listening to Luther's account, said calmly.

"In less than two days, to assemble ten legendary undead, to defeat a kingdom's strongest forces and its most elite troops, and to not fear the wrath of the gods, this force, without me saying, you should all guess what it is."

"The Council of Necromancers!"

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