Dragon Dragon Dragon

Chapter 125 - Transformation principle

Chapter 126 Transformation Principle

Telling Lin Qi not to bother, Yi Longlong closed the door and dropped a bottle of pine wine on the floor. She leaned against the hard and cold door panel and exhaled slowly.

She pulled out another pendant necklace from China Unicom to isolate the space, and then flipped her wrists, four black triangular cones appeared on the little hands, but the base was bright white crystals. She put four Triangular cones are placed at the four corners of the room. After the “magic” vertical magic is triggered, the air in the room has a slight fluctuation, and it returns to normal as soon as possible. But if you look closely, you will find that with four triangular cones as the border, a close-to-transparent barrier appears against the wall of the room. This barrier can not only isolate the sound of breath and any magical snooping, but also can cause magic “chaos”. It plays a certain role in stabilizing the flow.

This is one of the dragon’s collections. It seems to be almost the most inconspicuous ear in the collection, but the practical “sex” is quite easy for Longlong.

After setting up a heavy defense, Yi Longlong picked up the bottle again and jumped to the bed alone. She sat cross-legged around the bottom of the bottle and squeezed the cork stopper with her little hand. Then she picked up the bottle and took a sip.

Books on the bedside are stacked with books that are more than a foot tall. This was borrowed by Yi Longlong when he first went to the Canaan School. By reading books, he repeatedly experimented with himself in the Longyu Mountains. The results of the study have been able to draw the preliminary cause of transformation:

Her body may have a slight allergy to alcohol or some other reaction, but the reaction was so weak that she could hardly detect it, so she couldn’t find it.

However, the slight reaction disturbed the continual effect of the transformation magic in her body, and the mixed magic caused the magic to collapse, only to return her to her original shape.

And she changed from a dragon to a person, and there are some mysteries in this process.

Yi Longlong knows that as a dragon, she is extremely abnormal. Missing a lot of things, body shape, breath, these are almost the most basic, she does not have, and the slow growth rate seems to have cut off her original thought that growing up will improve the status quo.

The transfiguration magic that Levi put on him should also be because of her own land. The change was unsuccessful, but when she returned to the lake, the body’s mother, Tahiniya’s residual breath infected her, and accidentally reached the condition of transformation, but because she was lost to maintain stability at the time The magic circle caused her to transform extremely painful for the first time.

Looking back on the whole process, it goes something like this:

Transfiguration magic-lack of body and failure-magic effect fixed on the body-return to the lake. Tahiniya ’s lack of breath completion—transformation—alcohol disturbs the “chaotic” body function and returns to its original shape—because of the lack of dragon breath in the imperial capital, it does not return—enter the Dragon Mountain and re-close to the remnant The breath, coupled with Lin Qi’s “touch” stroke, unconsciously combed the magic of the disorder in the body, and turned back to humans for the second time.

After that. She is familiar with the flow and change of magic in her body, and she can transform herself without Lin Qi’s help, but now she closes the door. What I intend to study on my own is not transformation, but something else.

The amber “color” wine “liquid” that swallowed the throat began to work, and the molecules of alcohol penetrated into the blood veins of the body, radiating little by little toward each cell, and the feeling of slight heat slowly penetrated from the body surface. In the bone marrow.

Yi Longlong put the wine bottle cork calmly and pushed the wine bottle to the bed, waiting quietly for the body to change.

Hovering in the Dragon Language Mountains for months. Although the original purpose was for others, it seemed to be charged, and this body was temporarily filled with a sufficient amount of dragon’s breath. Although outsiders could not feel it at all, Yi Longlong himself could understand that the body flowing inside was not Belongs to her powerful projection.

The silver light seemed to be floating, scattered and scattered, and was extracted from the surface of the body. Increasingly rich and bright. Yin Guangyue came richer, and Yi Longlong closed his eyes. When she opened it again, she was already in dragon form.

The petite young dragon curled up in a pile of loose clothes, hesitated, and said to himself that it was in the room, and no one would break in. The girl dragon moved her body, her whole body slid slowly, and crawled slowly. come out.

Although there were many transformations in the Longyu Mountains, at that time, because Lin Qi and Luo Lan were by her side, she was inconvenient to strip herself to take a closer look, and she was embarrassed to say “I’m going to strip, you are not allowed to watch”. If so, the comprehensive inspection that should have been done long ago has not been carried out until now.

The small paw “grows” the body up and down, pat here and press, check the shape of the skeletal texture every inch, can not help but pinch a tail, make sure the body a little bit fat, except for a bit more meat There were no other problems, so Yi Longlong was assured to proceed to the next step.

When she first entered the Dragon Language Mountains, the illusion of the four-channeled group of dragons “chaotic” danced in front of her eyes. When she saw the illusion of the Dragon family, it should be the remnant of the dead Dragon family in the Dragon Language Mountains. Because of these disturbances, she led her to the wind and the ground The road, far away from that area, just noticed another change.

Something was added in her consciousness ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ It seemed that something had entered her mind, but it was not a concrete object.

What is that? Yi Longlong intuitively needs to be intent to feel it, but when the young knight was walking with them, she did not dare to try rashly. If she made the same mistakes in the Duke’s house, she should not change into a dragon, but change into a pig. Right.

I waited until Fengdu settled down and borrowed some books to study. After considering various factors, she started her first attempt carefully.

On the wall facing the bed, a one-height mirror hangs. The entire body of the young dragon is reflected in the mirror. Looking at his own image, Yi Longlong raised his small paw to block his eyes, which was originally blue eyes. , But I do not know why the faint revealing the gorgeous golden light.

How can I concentrate?

Yi Longlong thought for a while, sitting on the bed with her small paws and her legs crossed in front of her, trying to meditate like a martial arts television, but after a while, instead of concentrating, she felt her feet were a little sore Tingling.

After all, Longdi’s body structure is different from that of humans and is not suitable for such movements. After supporting for a while, Yi Longlong finally couldn’t stand it. All he could do was roll his body up, give up meditation, and liberate his feet.

Holding the claws on the bitter face and beating the sore legs, she also lifted her tail to assist in massage. When the recovery was almost completed, the girl dragon “sexually” moved to the side and began searching for the aura that flashed from time to time.

She closed her eyes, her eyes were dark, but she seemed to have another pair of invisible eyes, slowly and slowly, spreading out, traced the faint faint dimness, flying away.

It seemed as if something had collided with it. Booming, overwhelmingly, boundlessly, Yi Longlong heard the first sound of the world exploding.

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