Dragon Dragon Dragon

Chapter 126 - Real treasure

Chapter 127 Real Treasure

Everything in front of the eyes changed.

What Yi Longlong can see with another pair of “eyes” is just black, with a faint flickering flash, and now, as if breaking endless darkness, violently broke into another world, everything he saw was So lively.

His eyes are still closed, but Yi Longlong can really “see”, the naked eye can only see the field of vision in front of him, and this “seeing” is all-round 360 degrees Without the limitation of the field of vision, what Yi Longlong saw was extremely magnificent.

It is the universe that is in front of us.

Seeing is not seeing in a common sense, and showing is not a show in a common sense. The immeasurable moment of imagination and description shocked Yi Longlong’s heart. It is not the beautiful scenery you see, nor is it ‘color’ and The shape, but the direct impact on the mind, eliminates the “shape” of the sound that disturbs the ears. It seems that someone is holding the imprint and directly branding everything in front of her in her cognition.

It’s not air dust, it’s not sun and moon, it’s not snow, clouds, rivers and lakes, it’s not mountains and rivers, it’s not vegetation, it’s not fish, insects, birds and beasts. It’s not just these.

There is no physical form, just a magnificent idea, if there is no place to cover Yi Longlong.

According to the book she borrowed, everyone has their own conscious space and dominates it. This is another difference from the real world. It’s just that not everyone can grasp where the space is, have special talents, or have acquired training to reach this position.

The way people exist in the space of consciousness is not the entity, but the spirit held between their own minds. Another way of saying it can be called consciousness. soul.

However, normally, an ordinary person’s consciousness space is as good as a room, but what is her situation like?

She tried to explore the distance, and her thoughts were like a slip. Immediately after flying out of unknown distance, maybe thousands of miles, or maybe just a knuckle.

Startled, Yi Longlong no longer “chaotic”, she carefully observed the closest place first. The empty surroundings seemed to be full of everything.

……calm down.

In a hurry, at a loss, Yi Longlong suddenly seemed to hear a quiet voice communicated into her consciousness, and then she did it intuitively. calm down.

Mind turned into a spell. Suddenly the surroundings became extremely clean, no light, no shadow, not even darkness, but nothingness.

Out of space.

Yi Longlong thought.

After a thought, a clear shadow slowly emerged in the nothingness, the white and petite body curled up into a ball, and the tail looped around the body softly. Floating like asleep.

There was a shallow, delicate yawn in the silence, the white dragon moved, and the childlike young but beautiful lines stretched out, but it seemed to affect everything around.

Yi Longlong felt that he was divided into two halves. Half of them were above everything, and they looked at this boundless space in an all-round way, and the other half stayed in the body with the idea and controlled the virtual body.

The grand and the micro are intertwined and blended.

Waiting quietly for a long time. Yi Longlong is considered to adapt to this new feeling. She raised her paws curiously and looked up and down freshly. I also poked at each other with the left and right paws, and even felt, the body seemed to condense into an entity, but as long as one thought, it would immediately dissipate in the void.

Now that you’re here, just walk around and take a temporary tour.

Yi Longlong was surprised at her vast consciousness space, but she was relieved quickly: she had already had too many things that went against common sense, what more could be more?

In the galloping mind, Yi Longlong’s small body stretched out thousands of miles in the void. Although there was no wind and no signs around her, she was moving. Never before.

I don’t know how long Huangyou has been there, but Yi Longlong accidentally found that there was something in front of it that seemed to be something else, and it seemed to be a foreign object that was free from her consciousness and beyond control.

As soon as she thought about it, Xu Xu approached, but found that it was a suspended condensed cloud. At first glance, it was in the shape of a sphere, but the cloud was surrounded by a relatively thin mist, and there were small edges Particles hover in and out.

This cloud is seven or eight times larger than her body, staggered with various gleams of “color”, and the luster bursts in the mist, looking very beautiful.

Although Yi Longlong couldn’t see inside, he felt intuitively that this cloud condensed something very terrible, like a sealed nuclear bomb, which she could not touch at will.

But what exactly is this? It seems that nothing is said in the book.

Is there anything wrong with leaving this thing in her conscious space?

She wanted to leave it alone, but Yi Longlong turned her thoughts and couldn’t help worrying. She approached the cloud carefully, stretched out her small paws slowly, and quickly grabbed a small hand from the edge of the mist. Ground fine particles.

Yi Longlong was already careful enough not to touch the clouds directly, but to explore the insignificant particles that broke up on his body, and immediately backed up after grabbing a claw, which was at most one hundred thousandth of the amount of land.

But she still misestimated what was contained in the cloud before she pulled away, and she felt something suddenly spread out in her tightly held claws, penetrating directly through her body, and came unexpectedly. In the pain, almost even her own consciousness was completely dispelled.

The next moment, Yi Longlong immediately noticed that there were many things in her mind that did not belong to her.

That is, another memory, like a picture scroll of a movie, unfolds slowly in front of her-the life of the dragon in the past.

More specific and clear than in the Longyu Mountains, Yi Longlong himself seems to have become the protagonist, enjoying the pleasure of the body separating the atmosphere. When mountains, sky, ocean, and dragons soar, they have always been associated with these wide and wide things.

Yi Longlong suddenly understood that the illusions she had seen in the Longyu Mountains were not even seen, and those past pictures were stored in her soul directly in a deeper way ~ www. mtlnovel.com ~ After reading this scene, Yi Longlong also learned a magic, stealth technique used by the dragon in the image.

This is like a teaching video, except that the way of transmission is more straightforward and directly impacts from the spiritual level, or in other words, it is a unique inheritance method of the Dragon family.

As long as she has this, she does not need to search for books and materials from the human world at all. This is a live record of the life of the Dragons.

I don’t know how long, Yi Longlong returned to her eyes, looked at the clouds in awe with awe, and didn’t dare to despise the slightest. She was glad that she hadn’t rushed to it just now, just grabbed a small hand, then She almost dispelled her consciousness. If this cloud of mist was detonated, she would be afraid to become a more dusty existence than the dust.

Staring at the clouds for a moment, Yi Longlong sighed and continued to stop. It has no meaning. After understanding what this cloud of fog is, she now has no courage to stretch her claws to grab it, although the more you catch, the more you see Many, but the risks taken are also the same level of amplification.

This is the end of the adventure.

As soon as Yi Longlong’s eyes were closed in the conscious space, the eyes of the young dragon opened in the real world at the same time.

The sudden change of perspective made Yi Longlong a little bit embarrassed. After gradually adapting to this change, she was embarrassed on the soft bed, because she couldn’t fully explore the mystery of the dragon, and she felt a little down, but twisted her body and she again Smiled quickly.

Today’s discoveries are enough, everything should be taken slowly, don’t worry.

To be a dragon, be content.

I glanced at the magic wall clock on the wall and found that it was already evening. Yi Longlong suddenly remembered Lin Qi who was locked out of her door, and couldn’t help wondering what he was doing now?

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