Dragon Dragon Dragon

Chapter 2 - Bread, there will be

The appetite of the newborn baby dragon was not very good. After eating only two pieces of egg shells, Yi Longlong felt full. She collected other egg shell fragments and filled them with half egg shells that stood on the ground.

If no other food can be found, this is her reserve grain in the recent period, and she can’t just waste it.

After pushing the reserve grain to a larger cobblestone, Yi Longlong began to look at the surrounding situation. Although he had a rough impression of the previous rough observation, he still needs to be more careful right now.

What she owns, this body that looks like a baby dragon, let’s call it a dragon for the time being, crossing, reincarnation, this process can not be considered, now what is needed is to look forward.

The first is security.

Although it’s wild here, I don’t know why, the lake and its surroundings are exceptionally clean, and the lake water is clear. There is almost no sand or dust on the stones near the lake. Since Yi Longlong woke up, all I saw was The natural scenery, except for herself, did not see any other creatures. There were no fish swimming in the lake. The woods around the lake quietly could not hear the birds crying, and they were quiet and lonely.

Fortunately, in the previous life, Yi Longlong has long been used to being alone in the ward. The quietness around her has made her fit like a fish, not to mention that in her so weak state, other creatures may appear instead. Brings danger.

The forest surrounding the lake is lush, and the rich and crystalline greenness makes each tree appear unusually beautiful. Under the tree grows some edges with light silver, but the center part is pale green. Long grass leaves.

I do n’t know if she is too young or the plants here are so nutritious. The silver-edged grass leaves are as high as one and a half, and some of the vines hanging from the tree can almost cover the huge leaves. Her entire body.

When she was an egg, there was no accident left by the lake, which probably indicates that the danger in the vicinity is relatively small, so it is better not to run around for the time being, so as to avoid unlucky creatures.

I was thinking, Yi Longlong suddenly felt as if something was wrong, as if something was missing on her body … it was clothes.

The young Bai Nun’s body crawled out of the eggshell. Naturally, she did not wear clothes. Yi Longlong looked down and found that her whole body was smooth. She suddenly felt as if her face was burning. She wondered if the dragon would blush. But if you do n’t pack anything on your body, you always feel uncomfortable as a human soul.

There are four pieces of clothing, food and accommodation, and the first is clothing.

This problem is not difficult to solve. Yi Longlong turned his head and aimed at the edge of the wood. The emerald vine winded up the brown trunk winding up, climbed down on the branch, and then fell down to the root of the tree.

Alas, the distance seems a little far away.

Look at her petite body, and then look at what can be described as a long journey. Yi Longlong was almost frustrated and wanted to lie down on the warm pebbles immediately.

However, she really did not have the habit of sleeping naked, and struggled for a while. Yi Longlong sighed hard, still moving to the tree closest to her.

Flipping, Yi Longlong tripped over by pebbles several times during the long progress, and finally arrived at the foot of the nearest tree. Fortunately, although this body is petite and weak, it is very resistant to falling and hits a stone. How did it hurt? After the fall, Yi Longlong lay on the warm stone and took a chance to lie down and rest for a while. Then he got up and continued on the road.

“Hands and feet” climbed up to the root of the tree. Yi Longlong stretched out two short white snow claws, and pulled the large leaves at the root of the vine. It couldn’t pull it down. Yi Longlong first took the small nails on the paws and cut them repeatedly. Grind the leaf stalks, cut the tough epidermis in a circle, and then pull out hard.

After grinding the leaf stalk for a while, Yi Longlong turned his head again to grind the young vine young branch. When the leaf stalk was pulled off, the delicate vine caught by the other claw also broke, and Yi Longlong had no time to pull back, and his body violently Back down, Lianlong rolled several times with leafy ground, and his bones rolled to the lake again, just returning to her reserve grain.

Regardless of dizziness, Yi Longlong grabbed the edge of the leaf, rolled it up, and rolled the leaf into a cylinder to cover the trunk. Then he tied the rattan around two circles and tied it. There was no mention of any trimming, but at least the body The goal was achieved.

With the clothes, her mind was a little more stable, rested for a while to recover her strength, and Yi Longlong once again made his way toward the bushes. This time, the goal was a pale green grass with silver edges. When she was just getting her clothes done, she noticed that the grass leaves were soft in texture, and the edges had fine, unpile hairs, and she exuded a faint smell of jasmine. If you got some of them, you could make them a comfortable one. Where is the bed.

The little baby dragon can’t stop moving to the edge of the lake and the woods. Over time, her movements become more flexible, her hands and feet become more and more powerful. From the beginning, she took a few steps and fell, and then she can smartly fall Jumping on the pebbles, the daylight gradually faded to the west. When the golden sunset completely sank into the woods, the light was swallowed up by the quiet night, and Yi Longlong also laid a thick mat next to his reserve grain. .

The soft green and silvery grass leaves exude a jasmine-like fragrance. This aroma is mixed with the sweet aroma of the eggshell to form a clear and pleasant taste. The silvery edges of the grass leaves are not very eye-catching during the day, But in the night, the stars were slightly faint, and at a glance at a distance, it seemed that tiny stars were gathering on her bed.

Although I can’t get a decent bed for a while, it’s also fun to sleep with the stars under the sky.

Yi Longlong thought optimistically.

The lake seems to be embedded in the quiet eyes of the forest. UU reads www.uukanshu. com reflected the bright star sea in its deep pupil. Although it’s night, it doesn’t look gloomy here. All the silver leaves around it have a tiny silver light, as if the stars in the sky have suddenly settled under the forest.

Yi Yilong jumped on both feet, letting her body fall into the soft straw mat, and the shallow jasmine fragrance immediately wrapped her body, and the soft grass leaves relieved the fatigue in her body.

I don’t do much today, just temporarily get a piece of clothes and a place to sleep. When she wakes up tomorrow, she will continue to work hard to find more food and a safer and more comfortable place to live.

Regardless of being a human or a dragon, you have to be kind to yourself. Being alive is the greatest happiness. She wants to enjoy her happy life … uh, happy dragon.

Bread, there will be, Sanlu, there will be.

Pouting with a smile on his corner, Yi Longlong fell asleep,

After not sleeping for a long time, the vines used to bundle the leaves on her body spread out, and even the leaves wrapped around her body became loose. The vines were holding the body, Yi Longlong didn’t sleep well. The leaves that were used as clothes completely fell off her, then turned over again, and the little body was completely retracted into the bottom of the leaves.

The light of the morning dawn penetrated through the cracks of the branches and leaves, and it shone clearly on the tranquil lake.

The lake is inlaid with white pebbles, but it has a large flat green leaf.

Under the broadly stretched leaves, there is a whole-body snow-white dragon, her body bows, and her two paws hold her tail to sleep sweetly. The tip of the leaf was condensed with a little bit of crystal dew, and it was not dripping.

Sigh …

Don’t say anything.

Don’t wake up, sleeping … Snow White Dragon.

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