Dragon Dragon Dragon

Chapter 3 - Target, no fangs

龙 It wasn’t until the sky was bright that Yi Longlong woke up from the black sweet sleep.

I opened my sleepy eyes, and Yi Longlong blew at the sun larger than the earth for a while, then realized that she was slippery, and only rolled herself again with large leaves. After covering her body this time, she opened her mouth at the blades on the left and right waist side, and made a simple three-strand rope made of long grass leaves with silver edges to pass in from one side, and then from the other side, then Pull behind.

Originally intended to tie a knot behind her, but unfortunately her claws were too short to reach behind, she could only pull the blade of grass through the leaves a little bit, loop around from the back, and then pull back to the front to tie it Bow.

I finally tied the blade firmly to my body.

When living in a hospital in the previous life, Yi Longlong often used a brightly colored soft plastic tube to knit some gadgets to pass the leisure time. The technique was pretty good. If this pair of claws can be more flexible, she can even use these blades of grass Knit a piece of clothing out, and urgently need to exercise a pair of smart claws.

After packing, she put two eggshells in her mouth and took a break. When the sweet liquid melted from her mouth again, Yi Longlong’s expression changed. Thinking of a very important thing, she hurriedly approached the lake and lowered her head and opened her mouth. The lake surface reflected that there were no half teeth in the tender red mouth, which relieved him.

忘记 I forgot to brush my teeth last night and fortunately … I haven’t got any teeth yet. I should pay attention to cleaning in the future. The goal is to have no tooth decay.

Although it tastes good, this sweet stuff is too dangerous for teeth.

I took a break and drank two sips of water by the lake, and Yi Longlong’s eyes turned to the grass leaves she had made last night. This silver-edged green grass has a soft and strong texture, which is both beautiful and practical, and there are many places to use it in the future.

Taking out a few long grass leaves, Yi Longlong knits her head down again. From today, she will go into the woods to explore. There are no new things around the lake and the lake. She wants to get more information, or Need to see with your own eyes.

The reason for this decision is that Yi Longlong finds that her physical strength is not as weak as when she was just born, and is compared with the human level. If she talks about the eggshell, she is only three or four months old. Now, it is equivalent to a child of six or seven years old.

Although such physical strength has no capital for long-distance adventure, exploring the edge of the woods should be enough. The initial goal is to go straight for a distance of five minutes. After determining the safety, you can consider expanding the search area as appropriate.

Weaved a bird’s nest-like straw hat and a satchel-style net bag with silver-edged blades of grass, which took another half a day. Although it was not sold well due to the limitation of flexibility and materials, it was barely practical. The net bag is filled with egg shells disassembled into small pieces, bulging around the neck, almost half the size of the entire body. In order not to hinder walking, Yi Longlong moved the net bag from the front to the side with small claws. Cross-body, put on a straw hat upright.

Carry the eggshell with you to prevent any accidents in the reserve grain when leaving, rain or outsiders (beasts) break into it, by the way, two pieces of snacks can be used as snacks, and the homemade straw hat is a cover. The camouflage of the shape made her better hide in the grass-all on TV.

Holding the small paw firmly, Yi Longlong cheered himself up: go and see the new world!

Although less than a day has passed, Yi Longlong can clearly feel that this young dragon’s body is healthy and full of vitality, which is the same as the previous life, as if death was standing at the bedside at any time every day. It is very different, it is the vitality that comes out from the depths of the body.

Even in the past life, no matter how good she looks, she still can’t get rid of the bitter pleasure in her smile, waiting for death every day is uncomfortable, but now, everything is different, she has a new life (although Not on Earth), a new body (though not human), which means that she can live happily for a long time without worrying about her illness.

After the change of body, with the passage of time, Yi Longlong’s heart also gradually changed, as if green sprouts emerged from the dead rotten wood, the bleak twilight was swept away, and the previously forced depression was also a little bit Come back.

Tie a knot on the silver-edged grass at the edge of the woods. As his own starting point, Yi Longlong opened his mouth and made a tender voice in his throat that nobody could understand:

“set off!”

Every day passed, Yi Longlong repeatedly walked from the lake into the woods, and then returned to the lake from the woods. Every time she came back, she would carry some things, such as fresh berries, watery sweet rhizomes , Lightweight wood, sticky clay, beautiful ore … gradually enriching and enriching her private collection.

This forest is surprisingly large, far beyond Yi Longlong’s imagination, but compared to the rich plants and minerals, Yi Longlong has not seen too many animals. At one time, she has been walking in one direction for nearly twenty days. Finally, I saw a creature that looks like a hair ball. Yi Longlong simply called that creature to make a hair ball. The size of the hair ball is different, the largest is the same size as her head. The youngest uses a claw. You can hold it in your hand. The hair on the ball is fluffy and soft, and almost all colors are available.

The first sight of the hair ball was very interesting. At that time, Yi Longlong carefully walked through the trees, and suddenly saw a small piece of open space in front of the grass. Three or five different colored hair **** gathered together. She did not know that it was an animal. I thought it was a new variety of flowers and plants, and happily came forward to touch mo.

As soon as the paw touched the soft fluffy fluff, the fur ball screamed in panic, “squeak!”

After a fur ball was frightened, dominoes had a chain reaction like the dominoes. The fur **** around it, and the fur **** around it all issued panic screams: “Squeak!” “Squeak!”

Yi Yi Longlong was also stupid: “Ah?” Will it be called?

The next second, as if a drop of water fell into the hot oil, dozens of wool **** jumped up frantically. Their jumping posture is similar to a basketball thrown on the ground, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu. com However, they are much smaller than basketball. The hairballs are terrified, and they scramble to run away in a direction away from Yi Longlong.

Yi Longlong was also terrified. This was the first time she saw a living animal in the woods. The reaction from the other side was so fierce that she could n’t think too much and had no time to see the reaction of the hairballs. Flee in the opposite direction.

Furry balls: “Squeak!”

Yi Yi Longlong: “Ah ah ah ah ah!”

Uh …

That was the longest time that Yi Longlong walked into the woods, but no matter how far Yi Longlong walked, she always returned to the lake where she was originally born. I do n’t know why, she had a wonderful instinct, like a brand. Instinct in the blood, that instinct tells her that the vicinity of the lake is the safest place for her.

There is only one animal near her, with the lake as the center, and the surrounding forest is her territory.

最终 She finally settled down by the lake and set up a wooden board next to the self-built cottage to calculate the date of arrival in this world. At first, I used a knot of grass to make a mark. After the nails of the small paw were slightly harder, I used the nails to paint on the wood and recorded the number of days I came to this world.

For ten days, twenty days, thirty days, one hundred days, two hundred days, three hundred days, there were sixty or seventy orthodox letters on the wooden board.

To welcome every day with joy and hope, I don’t feel that this life is boring, I can walk, I can eat, I can sleep, I can laugh, I have never been sick and injured. Such a healthy body, Yi Longlong almost dreams Wake up with laughter.

Lived a peaceful life until 300 days later, when one broke into the site of Yi Longlong, he broke the silence of the woods and interrupted the peace of Yi Longlong.

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