Dragon Dragon Dragon

Chapter 20 - Sinful

“I’m curious, what exactly are you going to do?” Eric asked without hesitation.

Roland unhurriedly took off his coat, then went downstairs to take out the hidden tool bag and short sword, and came up with the magician who had just been killed by them, and then answered calmly: “Of course, Here’s something I’m more interested in. “

Unlike Yisley and others, Roland doesn’t think that Eric is just an ordinary down-swordsman. He can go so deep into the depths of the tree so intact that it shows his strength on the side, but leads away After waiting, he is not afraid to face Eric alone, because his own strength is far beyond the level shown in front of everyone.

He is not an ordinary thief, he is the king of thieves in the industry.

He led away Isly, not because he was afraid of him, but because he did not want to conflict with him. If he accidentally hurt the boy, he might form resentment with the Heinne family. Although he was not afraid, he could be less. Trouble is better.

He came with the team this time, apparently entrusted by Isley, but in fact before that, he also signed a contract, and the members of the Heinne family hired him to observe the record after Isley entered the sea of ​​trees And test them randomly.

What he is doing now is not a breach of the first contract, and tests the conditions of Yisili by making up the situation, and by the way, he can get what he wants.

But in contrast to Roland, Eric himself is also self-proclaimed, and feels confident that he can deal with the thieves, so he is allowed to be deceived and chased after by Eastley and others, and watching the thieves take things up and down.

He carefully laid the body on the ground, and Roland went back downstairs again to take out his hidden items.

He has reviewed the collection in this tower. In addition to the billions of stars, there are several legendary items that can only get a little information in the long-term records. Any one has great temptation, even worthy of his violation. Contract to seize.

Of course, in order to avoid trouble, he did not name the other items besides the 100 billion stars.

But it’s not just these that attract Roland.

He turned the dead magician’s body upside-down, unbuttoned the other’s shirt and checked, Yi Longlong took a breath, surprised, then turned around quickly without going to see Roland.

He noticed Yi Longlong’s movements. Roland was a little strange, but he didn’t stop. He ripped off the coat of the evil magician and asked Eric casually: “What happened to her? Afraid of the body?”

Through these days, Eric has basically been able to understand Yi Longlong’s thinking mode, and by looking at the curvature of her tail, she knows what she is thinking. He said without hesitation: “She thought you were going to show admiration for this corpse gentleman. As a reserved woman, she felt embarrassed and turned her head to avoid seeing too terrible scenes.”

Eric’s words were more euphemistic, and Roland automatically translated it in his head after a while: Yi Longlong thought he had a necrophilia and liked to desecrate du corpses in front of others, so the girl dragon turned to avoid seeing … …

Yi Yi Longlong not only turned around, but also covered her eyes with two small claws. The very standard indecent disregard of the shape also proved that Eric didn’t talk nonsense.

Roland’s face was blue and black, and he bit his teeth slowly and said, “I undressed this guy’s clothes, in order to determine whether he was human or not.”

Upon hearing what he said, Yi Longlong turned her head in astonishment, and she was surprised to find that the texture of the magician’s texture was very stiff, not like a normal person at all—she had been in the hospital for so long, though It’s the one being treated, but I know a little about some knowledge, including the structure of the human body. After taking off his clothes, Yi Longlong discovered that the structure of this “corpse” was slightly different from normal humans-and there was not much blood in the wound on his back, but a little metallic luster could be seen from the wound.

Roland pointed at the back of the “evil magician” and said, “This is what we accidentally discovered when we were fighting him. This magician is not a real human at all. He is more like a very complicated craft. People, who have the appearance of a human being, can even simply think and make judgments, but their actions are ultimately controlled by the owner’s order … Do you know who is ridiculous, would you like me to explain it? “

Yi Yi Longlong shook her head, which is not difficult for her to understand. The so-called “human” is equivalent to the robot written in previous novels. UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com is still a little intelligent.

Looking at Eric again, he seemed completely unsurprising. Yi Longlong remembered Eric’s relaxed attitude when Roland killed the tadpole, and he immediately understood that Eric had seen the evil magic at that time. The division is simply a fake.

Roland smiled: “If I’m not mistaken, the master of the tower really went out. He stayed here to guard his home like this magician, and probably gave him orders to attack all intruders. In this way, his attack on us can also make sense. I attacked his back first and destroyed the core of his operation to kill him … On this continent, this ridiculous technology is extremely rare, not to exaggerate It is said that this corpse is almost as valuable as the famous sword of billions of stars. “

After confirming that the “evil magician” was indeed his conjecture, Roland put on the body with satisfaction, and then looked at Yi Longlong.

“My master and the noble are different.” Although Roland’s eyes looked at Yi Longlong, he was talking to Eric, “Do you really don’t know or don’t know? This dragon is just fine, you even Wastefully used very rare and precious green silver grass that can only grow under special circumstances to make him clothes, and she was dressed like a doll enough to buy a village. “

Roland was okay when she said anything else, but the last sentence surprised Yi Longlong: “This grass is really so precious?” She saw everywhere near the lake where she was born, still Thought it was very common.

I can buy a village with these things, so she wasted this year …

Yi Yi Longlong quickly settled her account in her heart, and she jumped up with pain: if waste is a crime, then she has been extremely sinful.

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