Dragon Dragon Dragon

Chapter 21 - So-called priceless treasure

Yi Yilong was very distressed here, but Eric didn’t respond at all. He just smiled and said, “So what?”

In fact, as soon as he saw Yi Longlong, he recognized the grass leaves she used as clothes. As a member of the core system of the Heinne family, in addition to etiquette and swordplay, knowledge is also an essential educational content. Ke has been wandering all these years, not necessarily less knowledgeable than Roland.

But he didn’t go into his heart at all.

He was originally of noble origin and didn’t care much about the rare things, and the more wandering these years, the more the worldly value of things became weaker in his eyes. The difference between a bronze and 10,000 gold coins was only for him. The person is slightly heavier and more inconvenient to carry. The ordinary iron sword and the 100 billion stars have the same feel when used.

Therefore, after seeing the green silver grass on Yi Longlong’s body, although he knew its preciousness in his mind, he did not stop Yi Longlong from wasting it at all, nor did he think of collecting it for himself.

Even if you can buy a country? Therefore, the dragon’s child is more precious than the whole world. She uses it as much as she likes, and as much as she likes. He doesn’t bother to talk about her heartache, she can’t even talk about it.

Yi Longlong is a difference in experience, compared to Roland, it is a realm.

Yi Yi Longlong was a little surprised, watching Eric slowly walk over, bent down and opened her arms to her, just as he had done many times before. His slender arms seemed to be solid, enclosing a small world that seemed very safe.

After really touching the outside world and knowing the actual value of many things, Yi Longlong suddenly realized that she was so lucky.

If the person who broke into the lake was not Eric, but someone who was greedy, with the preciousness of the dragon on this continent, she would surely be resold. The lakeside and the silver grass on her body would be It may be disturbed by the other party’s own possession, or even the tranquility of Titania of the Lake Tower … not everyone can resist such a huge temptation.

Luckily it was Eric.

At this moment, Yi Longlong sincerely thinks so.

Although this guy likes to laugh at her small size and the bad problem of being lost … Yi Longlong suddenly feels completely relieved, and the villages and towns that are wasted are wasted. Regrets ca n’t make up for it. More importantly, she did n’t Miss more valuable things.

He was about to raise his small paw to put on Eric’s arm. Yi Longlong’s eyes crossed Eric’s shoulder. Seeing that Roland in the rear took advantage of Eric’s opportunity to turn his back on his back and stabbed him!

Roland came very quickly, even the sound of the wind was suppressed in a subtle range. His deep purple eyes were sharp and cold, and he shone with the luster of hunting. Although Yi Longlong’s eyes could keep up with his movements, he couldn’t call out in time. , Only to watch Roland for a moment behind Eric.

But what comes next is not the sound of a dagger piercing the body, but the sound of metal strikes.

Eric still stretched out one hand towards Yi Longlong, while the other hand held his cracked iron sword and caught Roland’s attack.

Luo Long’s movements are easy to perceive, her body’s dynamic vision is beyond imagination, but when did Eric parry, she could not see it at all.

Roland failed to hit, and he retreated even faster than when he came. Borrowing the power of Eric’s counterattack, he almost floated to the wall.

He looked at Eric in a stunned way, with a look at the monster.

Eric didn’t look back at him, he just regained his sword indifferently, and continued to smile at Yi Longlong: “Let’s go, while the boy hasn’t returned, we sneak away.”

He wants to protect this child.

信念 This belief has never been so clear.

With such a weak state of Yi Longlong, an adult can catch her alive, even if she can’t ride for a while, but a strong family can domesticate her from an early age and leave it to future generations when she grows up.

Eric himself was once in the family of a standard nobleman. He knew very well what the incumbent would do, and the only living dragon in the world, the only one, was enough to make many people rush.

He did not even intend to identify himself or use the power of Heinne ’s family. If he showed a weak posture, he might be overwhelmed by his family ’s personal wishes. The Heinne ’s family would fight to raise Yi Long for various reasons. The power of the dragon, once Yi Longlong fell into their hands, it will not be easy to return.

Seeing Eric’s almost triumphant victory, Yi Longlong stretched out his claws, put on Eric’s hand, which was many times larger than her claw, and jumped onto his arm with a force. Grimace: “Play sneak attack, bad guy! Really shameless!”

Faced with the accusations of a child’s innocent voice, Roland felt very wronged: “I am a thief. Of course, I am best at assassination. Do you want me to confront a swordsman?” This kind of professional discrimination is unreasonable.

Eric picked up Yi Longlong with one hand, turned around, and Roland was immediately alert. He retracted the dagger and turned out to take out a few items from the cloth bag tied around his waist, all of which were his usual props, ready to respond at any time. Offense and defense.

Eric didn’t walk over, just visually checked the size of the nearest window, hugged Yi Longlong, and prepared to jump out.

Hundreds of billions of stars Yi Longlong has put down, and he ignored it, leaving it to either Eastley or Roland.

Yi Longlong strangely pressed his sleeve: “Don’t you catch that guy?”

Eric shook his head: “No, this is also his profession, and Isley was actually deceived by this little trick. He is too used to smoothness, and his ability to cope with emergencies is too poor. This is a lesson for him.” He I was about to lift my feet and suddenly felt wrong. Looking down, UU reading www.uukanshu.com found a neat cut on the ground.

I looked at this floor inside the tower again, centered on the snow-white bed, and several straight breaks staggered from the bed to the ground and then to the wall …

的 The solid stone on which this tower was built is slowly staggering along the rift.

Luo Luolan also noticed this situation, his face was a little pale, and remembered one thing: “I remember, there is a legend, 100 billion stars, that can realize the full potential of the sword holder …”

In the past, all the girls with human swords were human or elven girls. The maximum strength in the body was also limited, but Yi Longlong was … a dragon.

In other words, under the dual action of the billions of stars and dragons, this sturdy stone tower was cut like a chain that locked a boy, like a tofu.

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Today’s basic update ~~~~~~~~~~

I’ve been busy revising the manuscript in the lower part of Phoenix Prison these days, because I’m about to submit the manuscript, so I’m revising it. At the same time, there are a lot of trivial things to do in this private group, so although I owe a lot of Canadian money, I really ca n’t pay it all at once. Even these days, I can only guarantee that I can basically change every day. Everyone forgive me.

I do n’t have a copy at hand, so I can only write the update now. If speed must be pursued, it will be easy, but then the quality will be lacking. I do n’t want this, and because I changed the type style, I wrote more carefully.

But I won’t miss all the changes. When I’ve been busy for a few days, I will make a little compensation.

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