Dragon Goddess’s chosen

37. Putting Out Flames [18+]



Max was a lot more enthusiastic about sharing our quests with his dad than he was with Asuna. He even told Mr.Wells about our current job at the keep but adorably made sure to leave out that he was also in a maid outfit during it. Kat pitched in with tales of a couple of her quests when it was just her and Eris. I  added where I could, especially for the visible scars on my shoulder and arm, but I was distracted for the most part by the warmth caused by Saerrei's scent. It was hard to tell but it also seemed like she was trying to distract herself from mine as well, her snout nearly constantly buried in a wing “preening”. My only reprieve from hers was during drinks as I kept up with Mr.Wells, actually managing to take in enough that I could feel a slight buzz. I would've preferred to have Max or Kat on my lap and bury my face against them but it felt too awkward to do that in front of him.


‘Ugh, still hot and it's been hours since she went back…Wish I still had my wings out to help cool off…’ I thought, holding back a sigh, as I followed my partners after splitting off from Mr. Wells after dinner. I half-listened to them while following, cautiously keeping an eye out for alleys since I didn't want to be surprised with a run-in with our Thieves Guild friends.

“See, I told you it would be ok,” Kat laughed, playfully kissing Max's cheek.

“I know… Now I have to write a letter back to Mom, though…” he murmured. “And get it sent before he heads back…”

“You have time, he said he'll be here a bit so don't worry about it yet.” I chimed in, still scanning around.

“Yep, a couple important things to take of first before you have to worry about that.” Our girlfriend agreed happily. As we neared the inn I caught a glimpse of color followed by movement by them. I glanced at them to find Max looking back at me. A blush spread across his face and his ears cutely folded back as he turned his attention back forwards again, my magic detection lighting up around him.

‘What was that about…?’ I started to ponder then Kat also lit up. ‘There it is... well you're definitely up to something… what are you getting him involved in?’  

“Something up, pup?” I asked innocently and he quickly shook his head.


“Uh-huh…” ‘Should I remind them that I can see magic…?’ I shrugged then decided against it. ‘Her scheming is normally harmless to me by herself, it's probably fine if she's including him too…’

“R-really, it's nothing!” He insisted adorably. I smiled a little and playfully sped up to hug his arm to my chest, making him more flustered. 

“You're not helping your case that it's ‘nothing’, pup. I wasn't even going to press it.”

“So…” our mischievous elf started, the aura lighting up more around her as she distracted me from him. “Inviting Saerrei to the party~?”

“And…? Why not? She's strong and despite her… um… personality?”

“You mean tsundere?”

“What's that supposed to mean?” Max asked, his head cutely tilting to the side.

“Just a personality trope in a kind of show we used to watch…” I sighed.

“Describes her kinda well though~ tries to act all prickly but definitely cares a lot,” Kat continued. He looked back at me shyly.

“Yeah that definitely describes her…” he agreed.

“I would love to show you where it comes fr-"

“Don't get him hooked on a show he can never finish.”  I interrupted.

“I was going to say, if I could. I don't even know if I have anything saved,”  she shrugged and smiled at me. “Maybe a certain Amazon could put my phone in her shirt or something and see if she could charge it up more and we can check~?”

“I don't know if that would even work…”

“We don't know until we try,” she giggled before stealing a kiss from me then strolling ahead of us to grab the front door of the inn.

“Weirdo,” I sighed, sticking my tongue out at her as we entered.

“Love you too, Alex~”

“It's worth trying… right?” Max murmured.

“What? Working with her now?” I gently teased, glancing at the desk attendant and trying to be careful and not say too much that would sound weird to him.

“N-no? I just want to see what you are talking about…”

“Fine we can try it and when it doesn't work I can say I told you so.”

“You said you didn't know if it would, not that it wouldn't” Kat pointed out while prodding my side. 

“Shut up” I smiled a little, knowing she's right, and happily led the way up to our room. Right as we reached it, Max shyly spoke up again.

“U-um, Alex?” he said, slowing down a bit and squeezing my hand.

“Mm?” I turned to face him, noting a slight smirk on Kat's face as she passed behind him. I didn't even have time to wonder what it was about before he got his adorable determined look and kissed me deeply, even ending up gently pressing me up against the wall by the door.

  ‘Yes! He’s finally taking charge! Maybe he'll mark me back!’ I ignored the intrusive instincts, just wanting to enjoy this, as I closed my eyes and eagerly gave into it. Unfortunately, it was short-lived as Max eventually had to break it to breathe. Only while we were panting there did I notice how much it affected me. The warmth of my heat was back and for once my dick managed to slide out of its slit already but was uncomfortably pinned to me by my underwear. 

“You know, Maxie, I thought you'd do it inside the room.” Our girlfriend giggled as she playfully approached.

“Y-you said t-try to surprise her! T-this is when I-i decided to!” He half-whined, half-panted while he and his very apparent arousal were pressed against my own.

“F-figured you two were plotting somethin’...” I sighed. “F-fuck now I'm all hot again…”

“Well, good thing we're going to take care of that~” She smiled innocently then immediately exacerbated my condition by hooking a finger under my necklace, pulling me into another deep kiss and thrusting her tongue into my mouth. My mind was buzzing with confused instincts, unsure which mate to focus on. I could only manage to eagerly kiss her back and press more against my now-squirming boyfriend. Eventually she broke away and left me dazed against the wall.


“What? As much as I love this, we should probably get inside, ok?” She giggled and playfully held up the room key that she managed to steal from me while distracting me. She then stole a kiss from our boyfriend as well and returned to the door, opening it. Recovering sooner than Max and now realizing how hot they had gotten me, I grabbed his hand and dragged him into the room after her.

“Ugh… w-why am I l-like this already? You barely d-did anything!” I groaned as I wasted no time in freeing myself from the dress, tossing it to the side haphazardly followed by my bra and arousal-soaked underwear. 

“Y-you ok?” Max mumbled, concern in his voice.

“A-aside from feeling like I-I'm burning up? Y-yep, j-just fine…” I huffed softly, reaching up and undoing the necklace as well without a second thought. Immediately, my body shifted right back into half-dragon and the drone of my instincts grew louder in my head. I let out a soft growl and gently tossed the accessory onto the bed, “F-fuck of course…”

“Someone's eager~” Kat teased, making me cast a chastising look her way just as a magical aura spread out from her hand on the door and across the walls, floor and ceiling of the room. “You think you can wait a little longer? I want to show you something first~”

“R-really? You get me all worked up a-and now you want to show me something?” I crossed my arms and my tail flicked a little in irritation. I glanced at Max to find him shyly staring at me with a deep blush across his face. “You know about this?”

“H-huh? N-no! She just said she thought y-you’d like i-if I surprised you with a k-kiss like that!” He stammered, tearing himself away from looking at my chest while squirming.

“To be fair, he did it earlier than I thought,” she shrugged and gave another innocent smile. “Definitely looks like you did~”

“Y-you're a menace…” I sighed, unable to look at her from embarrassment. “F-fine, what is it before I e-end up pouncing on one of you…”

“You'll love it, I promise!” She giggled more and rushed off to where she left her pack. Max's head cocked cutely again.

“... wait, d-does it have something to do with the scroll you had me copy?” He asked.

“Oh no… Kat's playing with magic now probably going to misuse it, like her other spells” I playfully taunted.

“Shut up, I know you're going to love it, just like you love Ensnare~” she called back, making even more warmth flare in me. I shivered in arousal at the thought and glanced over my boyfriend, trying to distract myself from her but ending up spotting his still-tented pants.

‘Nothing is stopping me from having fun while I wait’ an instinct urged and nothing seemed off with that thought. He caught onto me quickly, followed my gaze, and his ears adorably folded back as he somehow got more red.

“You know… she doesn't need to be torturing both of us~” I purred, my tail flicking as I stepped closer and bent down to be eye level with him. “Maybe I can help you with this …?” I hooked a claw on the waistline of his pants. 

“U-uh…” his breathing picked up, definitely excited too. He took a moment before getting his determined look again and pulling me into another kiss.

‘You're really bold this time wonder if it'll hold up~’ I happily kissed back and a playful urge to test if it would took over as I did so. It didn't. He melted as soon as I pushed my tongue into his mouth. ‘Hehe, figured~ always going to be my cute little pup.’ He gave no resistance to me exploring his mouth and relieving him of the clothes below his waist to give me access to what I desired.

“Alex, really? I turned my back for a minute” Kat scolded, suddenly next to us and tapping my remaining full horn with something fairly solid. I huffed and purposely broke the kiss before lewdly retracting my tongue from our dazed boyfriend's mouth and standing back up. The blush that spread across her face showed it definitely had the effect I wanted it to have.

“I didn't know how long you'd take,” I shrugged. 

“I was just getting stuff from my bag,” she held up a block of translucent material in one hand and a jar of clear liquid and a scroll in the other. “But no, you couldn't wait to have your tongue down his throat.”

‘Because you got me worked up and left me with my other mate, didn't say I couldn't do anything with him.’

“I-I didn't mind…” Max mumbled, shyly squirming.

“See it's fine~” I smiled and playfully slipped my tail under his shirt to take it off too.

“The instincts are back already, aren't they?”

‘Taking too long with this, let me mount him already…’ One of them immediately proved her right, making me flinch a little and break eye contact with her as I pulled my tail back.

“... yeah…” I shook my head slightly to try to clear it and motioned to the block in her hand. “U-um, so what's that?”

“Are you going to wait long enough for me to explain or do I need to leash you~?” She teased, waving the object in question in my direction and making it wobble and bend with the movement. The question itself brought a surge of excitement and I ended up glancing back to where I left my necklace. Kat's eyes flicked in that direction and she smirked slightly.

“I-I think I can hold out for a bit… but you need to hurry up…” her grin grew a little.

“So…” she started, my magic detection lighting up as she spoke and Max shifted slightly in place immediately afterwards.

‘Plotting something again…’

“You know that random question I asked the other day?”

“No? Is this going somewhere…?” My instincts were already becoming an annoying buzz over this stalling.

“Yep~ just hold on~ I asked about what you thought was in something… at least element wise. You didn't give me much but~ it was enough to figure it out after using up some scrolls of Fabricate, some raw rubber I bought and sand~” I raised an eyebrow at her.

“Hold on, Fabricate, is it just like the DnD spell like the others are here?” She gave a little nod, grinning more, and walked over to the bed 

“S-so, um, if that exists here…. when you were t-talking about those outfits earlier…”

“Yep~ All I need is to get the material for it, I'm thinking silk might work~. This stuff is going to be more fun for now, though."

“Kat… what did you make?”

“Alex, you really don't remember what I asked you about, do you?” She giggled. 

“Kat.. you're just being mean now,” Max scolded her.

“I'm not, just having fun~” she set everything down next to her and started undressing teasingly slowly. 

‘By making me wait even longer… she got excited about my tongue, maybe I can get her to finally spill it and we can get on with this…’ Another urge insisted. Max gave a soft huff next to me.

“She called it silicone or something,” he explained for her, adorably sticking his tongue out at her afterwards. This did remind me that a couple days ago she randomly asked about that material.

“Rude…” she sighed, tossing her pants aside.“I wanted her to try to guess it.” I rolled my eyes and approached her with Max close behind.

“So… that entire time… you were excited about just silicone?” I asked, bending down again and cupping her chin as my instincts pushed more to get back to what we were doing. Her blush spread but she gave me a smug look. 

“I told you it's not safe for you to fuck me for now if that's what you're planning~” she giggled defiantly. “You know what's made of silicone?”

“A lot of things were, Kat,” I sighed then returned the look, deciding to follow the idea that my instincts suggested, and kneeled down in front of her. Her brow furrowed in confusion. ‘Broke from whatever prediction you had, didn't I?’

“Huh, what are you…” she started to ask before I got a gasp out of her by leaning in and nipping at her inner thigh. "H-hey! C-couldn't you wait a l-little longer?"

“For you to tease me more?” I huffed then nipped again, earning another adorable gasp. As I peeked up at her to watch her reaction, I caught another flash of an aura with magic detection between my mates. Max's ears were folded back but he had a slightly amused expression, horny definitely, but also amused, as his eyes went between her and my necklace on the bed next to the stuff she brought out. 

“Max!” She whined aloud when he decided to just sit on the bed next to her instead of whatever she told him. A giggle escaped me and I happily rewarded him by snaking my tail up and around his dick, lazily stroking it and earning happy mumbles from him. “Traitor…”

“Hmm? How so~? He seems to be a good boy to me~” I purred, leaning in and kissing and nipping from her stomach to her chest.

“Supposed to help, nngh…k-keep you under control…” she mumbled and prodded his side.

“She's a-ah… n-not as bad as the first t-time…she's f-fine,” he countered, my tail not making it easy for him to focus. 

“... c-can I at least f-finish showing my surprise…?”

“You're probably going to stall more” I pointed out, before nipping at one of her tits through her bra and drawing a soft moan out of her.

“I wasn't stall…” I nipped again, slightly harder this time. “H-Hey! I wasn't stalling…”

“Mhmm…” I kissed back down to her hips. “Fine, get on with it. I'm not stopping though ~” she rolled her eyes.

“Um where was I?”

“S-something about the uses…’ Max mumbled as I made him squirm from sliding my tail tip over the tip of his dick, using his leaking pre to help the ‘tail-job’.

‘Should be riding it right now.’ A rogue thought insisted. I immediately ignored it by burying my face between Kat’s legs, her scent ending up actually helping quiet it.

“A-alex! Fuck, you're not going to make this easy…”

“Nope~” I purred before playfully slipping my long tongue into her, not even bothering to remove her underwear and just moving what was in the way to the side. She gave a cute yelp as she clamped down on my tongue and her legs squeezed tight around my head.

“F-fuck… A-Alex! I-I'm definitely getting back ay y-you later!” I smirked a little and pressed my face against her more as I thrust my tongue in deeper. “Nngh…”

‘Trying to keep a bit of control, cute, but I have that right now~’ I lazily moved my tongue in and out of her as I watched her face. I ached for attention between my own legs but her adorable expression whenever I thrust it in made it worth it. A ‘system’ message tried to pop up during this but I just dismissed it without reading it.

“...o-ok… look… I-I was tryin' to get a-at nngh…” she tried to get out but I found a spot that made her tense up around me again with a moan. “Dammit Alex! Itsusedintoysok?!” she blurted it all out together in a way I couldn't quite make out and made me pause what I was doing.


“Agh…” she huffed and reached towards what she brought, out of my sight. A moment later I saw a puff of smoke travel up to the ceiling. 

“U-um… Kat…? Is that…?” Max asked.

“Mhmm… hers… s-should make her go c-crazy…” She suddenly brought it out in front of my face. As soon as my eyes focused on it, heat rushed to my face and between my legs again. It was a translucent toy in the shape of a draconic dick that was about as big as Max's. “See? This is what I was excited about! But you couldn't wait a couple minutes!”  

‘Because you were stalling and I need this!’ I squirmed a little as she grabbed my unbroken horn but defiantly thrust my tongue as deep as I could.

“Nngh… ‘c-course you're gonna try being a brat… fine h-have your fun but I'm gonna stuff you later~”

‘I-I'll show you brat…’ I let out a purr as I let my lightning slowly charge up while still trying to fuck her with my tongue.

“Nngh… l-like that h-huh~? Maybe if you listen this t-time, Max, we can both take her~”

‘Both?!’ My legs instinctively squeezed together as I glanced between the toy in her hands and our boyfriend's dick coiled up in the end of my tail. I shook my head and re-focused on my plan. I thrust my tongue back in her just as she grabbed his chin and went in for a kiss, and released the charge I had built up. The reaction was immediate: she arched up as her pussy clamped down hard on my tongue and her legs around my head as she moaned loudly and coated my tongue with her cum. Weirdly, Max also yelped and his dick twitched a lot in my tail, his knot swelling too, as his hands went between his legs.

“G-god D-dammit, Alex! I-I told you to warn m-me about t-that!” Kat gasped as she laid back on the bed. I smiled and playfully slowly retracted my tongue.

“How~? I couldn't talk~” I giggled as I sat up fully. “You ok?”

“T-tingly again… F-fuck…g-gimme a minute…”

“W-what was that??” Max whined, his member still twitching. 

“Wait, you felt that? I'm sure I wasn't using that much lightning… Did it go through her hand…?”

“N-no, i-it felt like it was in me!”

“... u-um… s-so… I j-just got a notification…” our girlfriend panted just as I noticed a constant aura around their heads “M-message … um it's Mind Link now…”

“What?” I pulled my tail away from Max to give him a break, and both of them shivered slightly. “O-oh…”

“F-fuck, A-alex, really? D-doesn’t mean test it!" She sat back up and glared at me.

“Sorry!” I hesitantly resigned myself to sit next to her, ignoring my own desire to continue to let them both recover, especially the one desire begging for me to breed her.

“D-don't make me bring you into this too!” She threatened but playfulness was coming back into her voice already.

“W-wait… Y-you're not stopping the spell??” Max yelped, squirming even more.

“I… kinda w-want to try it out…” our girlfriend admitted then looked back at me. “But you need to calm down.” She grabbed my chin and I let her pull me close, “A-as amazing as it f-feels, you'll probably fry him i-if you do that to me again like this.”

“I'll try not to,” she rolled her eyes and kissed me deeply, pressing her chest against mine eagerly. Max gave a cute little surprised noise behind her as I quickly got distracted by that pleasure.

‘I wonder…’ I prodded for entry into her mouth and she immediately let my tongue in.

“F-feels weird…” Max whined adorably. 

‘Hehe, you're gonna love it when I pin her do-’ the thought disappeared as I felt familiar leather straps around my throat, revealing that it was just more lustful instincts. Kat giggled as she broke the kiss and pulled away, with a vine stretching from her hand to my neck.

“W-when did you…” I murmured, reaching up and confirming that she put my necklace back on and she anchored Ensnare to it. As I did so, a notification popped up in front of me.


Rut(4 hours) Suspended, Heat (14 Days) Resumed.

Reason: Mate's Draconid handling.


‘When did that start??’

“When I was catching my breath~” She giggled and tugged slightly on the vine, “S-so? Gonna behave now?”

‘O-ok cute side is gone again, really hot confident girlfriend is back. Y-you recovered really quick…’ I thought as I hesitantly nodded a little. 

“Good~hey, Max~?”

“H-huh?” he looked up at her just as she pressed her lips against his and pushed the vine into his hand. “O-ok that felt a little weird… huh… oh well,” she shrugged and smiled sweetly at him “You can be in charge of her, I just need you to cast Prestidigitation on her ass~” 

“W-wait, w-what?” I managed to stammer out.

“You heard me~” she crawled closer and cupped my cheek, Max moving closer as well “You're gonna take the toy and him, you seemed really excited about that just a bit ago… don't think I missed that~” warmth flared up in me again. 


“Unless you don't want to be bred by both of us.”

“N-no I want it!” I blurted out then immediately covered my mouth, cursing my instincts for betraying me like that. She giggled and smirked a bit before looking at Max on the other side of me. His hand grazed the underside of my tail, which raised without my input.

“Ecce,” he murmured softly. The resulting feeling was certainly odd, indescribably so, and made me tense up a bit.

“Thank you, Maxie~ She's all yours as long as I can get her ready~”

“U-um,” he shyly looked down at the end of the vine in his hand then back up at me. 

“I-it's fine, pup,” I assured him softly, watching Kat grab the jar she got out along with the newly-made toy and move behind me. My mind and heart were both starting to race a bit from snippets of fantasies of what they were going to do.

“O-ok…” he took a breath and used the makeshift leash to pull me down and into a kiss. I smiled a little against his lips, not surprised this is how he chose to start but also really relieved. A purr escaped me as I happily gave into it.

“Good girl, Alex,” Kat cooed and traced a finger up the underside of my tail. The combo of the praise and the touch sent a shiver up my body.

‘Come on, touch me already! Either of you!’

“Ok…” Max mumbled, annoyingly breaking the kiss instead of answering my prayers. “Can you-”

“Come on, Max~ it's ok, just take charge, she'll listen” Kat interrupted “She's been practically dripping since I put that on her!” I swatted at her with a wing at this. I missed, and was immediately rewarded with her hand cupping my pussy, as always, the difference in body temperature made me flinch and arch up.

“F-fuck…” I hissed softly.

“She's soaked~ trust me she loves this.” He looked down at his hand, presumably the same one Kat was using then up at me questioningly.

“S-she's right…” I admitted, unable to meet his eyes. “I-I trust you, j-just tell me what you want.”

“Fine, u-um Alex… I want you to use your mouth…” he paused for a moment. “Please…?”

‘You're adorable, pup,’ I smiled a little and there was a snort of laughter from our girlfriend behind me. “You want me to blow you?” 

“Y-yes…” he gave a little nod then whispered under his breath “Gods this feels weird…”

“You're just not used to dragon-taming yet~” I gave her a chastising look and she gave an innocent smile in return then curled several fingers into me

“Agh, f-fuck! K-kat!” I gasped.

“You heard him, cutie, front down, ass up, tail too~” I stuck my tongue out at her before obeying.

“G-good girl” Max hesitantly praised and I shuddered a bit at the fuzzy feeling it gave me. That and being inches away from his dick did not help the drone at the back of my mind. 

“Hehe she tensed up a l-” Kat started to tease but that was when I started to fulfill our boyfriend's request by licking up his entire length. “Nngh… fuck… ok… that's weird”

‘I already forgot you were connected~’ I playfully took his tip into my mouth, earning cute noises from both of my mates and only encouraging me to continue. At this size, he was a lot more manageable to take all the way to the base. 

“Nngh s-so hot…” he whined happily at my attention, running his hands through my hair. “G-good girl… s-so good…”

“Glad y-you're getting into that~ just keep her distracted,” our girlfriend laughed as she started to move her hand. The ache for attention there was finally being relieved and I happily let myself get lost in my task of making Max feel good with my mouth and tongue. Kat was definitely enjoying the feedback the spell gave her based on the stifled noises I heard behind me every now and then. I only had to pause occasionally when she forced a moan out of me as well with a sudden but gentle press against the weak spot that she knew by now that made my entire body tense up. 

‘Nngh… more…’ a rogue instinct pleaded during one of these pauses then Something very cold suddenly dripped onto my ass. I immediately forgot about the pleasure and quickly pulled off of Max's dick to glare back at Kat “T-the fuck?”

“What? I did warn you it was going to be cold. Your fault for not listening,” she laughed 

“You didn't-”

“She did…” Max corrected softly.

“... g-guess I wasn't then…” I sighed. “Ok… what did you put on me…?”

“Neutralized slime~” Kat giggled.

“You're u-using monster- eep!” An equally cold, slick tapered tip pressed slightly into my rear and I couldn't hold back the yelp. 

“Relax, Alex, It's ok, trust me, just lube now, lots better than water,” a playful but gentle tug on the choker made my heart race a little and brought my attention back to my boyfriend.

“J-just listen to her i-it's going to be ok,” he assured me with an adorable smile then squirmed and looked away shyly. “U-um I didn't say stop what you're d-doing either… maybe t-that’ll help you relax?”

“Oh yeah? You think so?” I smiled a bit and lowered my front half, bringing my mouth teasingly close to his twitching erection again. His ‘dominance’ wasn't convincing but the part of me that wanted to turn it around on him was barely a whisper that stopped me from just submitting completely from being leashed. “Or do you just want to stuff my mouth?”

“U-um…” he steadied himself, glancing behind me to our thankfully unmoving girlfriend. “I-if you're good, I'll … I-I'll fuck you how y-you’ve been wanting!”

‘I’ll finally be bred?!’

“C-careful what you're promising there” I purred, ignoring the instinct as I kissed his tip.

“I-I could feel you tense up on her… I k-know you want it…” he mumbled while looking away.

“I also wanna pin y- A-ah!” I tried to tease but a moan was forced out of me again by a jolt of pleasure from Kat moving her fingers and pushing the toy a little further into me.

“Don't ruin it, Alex,” she teased, pulling her fingers out and letting the ache return. I huffed a bit and got back at her by starting to suck at his tip. The cute noises from both told me that it worked like I wanted and I happily continued as is.

“Good girl…” Max mumbled, only encouraging me more. As I worked, Kat slowly pushed the intrusion further into me. The feeling was… weirdly good, especially the ridges that made me wish it was in my pussy instead but still lit up my mind where it was. I lost track of the passing moments until I felt the knot press up against me And Kat hugging my tail to her chest with both arms.


“S-something wrong?” She giggled, her grasp of my tail trembling a bit as I pulled off of Max again, to his displeasure. In a surprising act of dominance, he kept the vine taut and ‘stopped’ me from sitting up completely.

“I-I feel both of your hands… h-how are you putting it in?”

“You know how~" it got slowly pulled out, making me shiver from the feeling of the other side of the ridges, but she never let go of my tail. 

‘W-wait how is it strapped to-’ I glanced at the vine in Max's hand. ‘She used Ensnare again…’ as if to further answer me, her thighs ended up barely touching mine as it got pushed back in. My head got even noisier as she started to slowly fuck me into the mattress, my instincts confusing the toy for the real thing. I reached for Max as the vine went taut again to find that he was gone and a whine that turned into a moan escaped me. I followed the leash with my eyes to find him off the bed and pulling one of the four small square packages out of Kat's bag.

“Y-you know~ you're probably gonna have to be smaller for this to work” Kat teasingly suggested as she stopped while hilted up to the knot in me. “We want him to reach, right? or not crush him~?”

‘She's right! I need to be small!’ My body was going on autopilot from desire, already forcing myself to shrink back down.

“F-fuck… b-big…” I gasped as I felt ‘her’ grow inside me and make my whole body tense up. Pressure that I didn't realize was building up this whole time was suddenly released through my neglected dick. I was only vaguely aware of painting my chest and stomach with my cum as I laid there panting.

“... I didn't mean right away…” she mumbled as the leash fell loose and I found myself being lifted up in a hug against her.

“A-are you ok?” Max yelped, rushing back over. 

“‘M f-fine…” I panted, leaning back against Kat's tits. He shivered a bit at that and looked over the mess I made. My mind was feeling foggy at this point, the line between my thoughts and lustful instincts was getting heavily blurred. “W-was I good e-enough?” 

“W-what?!” His attention snapped back to me.

“You wanted me t-to be good, w-was I good enough f-for your reward?”

“You want to continue?” Kat asked, kissing the top of my head. I nodded. 

“I-I need it... please…”

“I think we broke her…” He murmured and looked up at Kat. I frowned a bit at this.

“She'll be back to normal in the morning… I got her like this before…” she gave me a light squeeze and the slight movement made another moan bubble up out of me.

“You got her like this before?!” 

“Couple times, one time while you were asleep.”

“P-please just fuck me already!” I interrupted, making Max yelp. “P-please I want to be bred… I-I want to carry your egg!”

‘Where did that come from, I don't want a kid yet…’

“Maybe we did break her… better get that out and on and give her what she wants” our girlfriend sighed. 


“We have a horny dragon, do you want an angry horny one?” I was about to protest again but she quickly silenced me by bouncing me slightly on her ‘dick’.

“Nngh, m-more… p-please!” I pleaded, happily submitting as she tilted my head up and kissed me deeply. In my bliss from the kiss, I was vaguely aware of not feeling sticky anymore. I didn't care about that nearly as much as when I felt another tapered tip press into my pussy. The feeling of it covered in rubber was disappointing but that was covered up by the feeling of being absolutely stuffed by both of my mates on both sides of me. I broke the kiss with Kat only to immediately kiss Max and cling to him as he hilted himself in me, pressing all the right buttons that didn't let me think straight at all. The lack of the ability to think only continued when they started to move together, Kat's grip on me trembling every time they were pushing in.

“G-gods, so tight…” my boyfriend murmured when I was forced to break the kiss for longer  than the short breaks I've been taking after a particularly hard buck from both of them.

“B-both… big…” I panted back, resting my head on his shoulder, gasping with every movement. “B-bite me… please…”

“H-huh…?” He faltered a bit.

“N-no! D-don't stop! Just bite me…” I begged in his ear, making it twitch a bit as well as his cock in me. Kat shivered a bit and drew another moan out of me by adjusting her grip to my tits  and starting to grope them too. “P-please…”

“O-ok…” he started thrusting into me with renewed vigor that our girlfriend tried to keep up with. Just as I started to think he already forgot what I asked, he bit into my shoulder and his knot popped into me followed by Kat's from him pushing me so hard against her. The feeling of all three, along with the condom filling up in me, sent me over the edge again, holding onto Max tight as I moaned loudly. Kat even tensed up as he came, groping my chest harder in the process.

“F-fuck…” she panted softly as she held me up, my jello legs certainly couldn't anymore. “E-everything i-is synced…” she kissed the top of my head. “You ok, cutie?” I nodded weakly and leaned my head back against her. “What about you, Maxie?”

“Mhmm…” he mumbled against me. “t-tied though…”

“Is that a problem~? Feels pretty good to me”

“N-no…” he shyly nuzzled into my neck. “Dunno if I can continue though…”

“ ‘s fine… tired now…” I sighed happily and squeezed him a bit, my eyelids getting heavier by the moment. Kat gave a soft chuckle as she lowered the three of us onto the bed. I very quickly drifted off to sleep, enjoying the surprisingly pleasant light soreness radiating out where Max bit. 


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