Dragon Goddess’s chosen

38. Last Surprise before the Party

Next day back at the manor.

 “You sure you're ok…?” Max asked shyly as I leaned against the wall while waiting for the dumbwaiter to come back up after just finishing serving Asuna her morning tea. 

“Like I said, I'm sore, pup, not broken.” I laughed softly and smiled at him, my tail happily flicking on its own. “Someone was a little rough with me yesterday,” his face turned red and his ears folded back. “Not that I'm complaining~ my heat's back to manageable again.”

“T-that’s good…”

“How's testing Inspect going?” I asked quietly. Kat had continued playing with the evolved spell when the two of them got up before me. Apparently sight can be shared across the connection now and I was woken by the adorably excited half-inugami when he got his first notification soon after she showed him what her Inspect looked like.

“Good… I think… It's really weird …you said video games were like this?”

“More or less…?” I shrugged as the dumbwaiter arrived with a ding and I moved the tray and tea set inside. “It's… hard to compare it to any one thing…”

“Huh…” he sighed, his brow furrowing a bit as he thought. “Wish I could see what you guys-” his ears twitched before suddenly perking up at attention. “Aww… people are coming…”

“We can talk about it another time, pup, it's fine” I chuckled as I heard a couple pairs of feet run down the hall.

“Thomas! Get back here!” A girl's voice yelled right before Lord Hargreave's youngest rounded the corner, something metallic and silver in his arms.

“Hi Lexi, Hi Maxine!” The 8 or so year old half-inugami greeted us as he ducked between me and the wall. We had only occasionally ran into him the past few days, normally on his way outside to play but it was storming at the time. The combination of him being cooped up and choosing to hide behind me instead of one of the other maids he knew better meant he was up to something.

“Good morning, young master… what's going on?” I replied, folding a wing up more to look back at him as I cringed slightly over needing to use the title.

“Uh… nothing much…” He looked past me to the hall he just came out of.

“Thomas! You little brat!” the middle sister stormed out where he was looking, her triangular ears back but not as far as Max's get when he's flustered.

“Good morning, Miss Nora…” Max greeted but she ignored him as she glared at her brother.

‘Great… go from begging him to get me pregnant yesterday to actually have to deal with a kid and a young teen today. ” I thought with a stifled sigh. Then an embarrassingly maternal instinct made my mind race a little  ‘Does not help that they're half Inugami too… wait… would Max's be like them? They'd be dragons but would Max have any -agh No! Stop thinking about it! I don't want kids yet!’

“-it back already!” I tuned back in as Nora yelled at her brother. I glanced back at Thomas behind me, specifically at the silver object in his arms. It was an ornate lockbox that I vaguely remember seeing in her room the last time I was tasked with bringing something to her.

“Just try to get it~! You have to go through a dragon to get it!” he taunted back.

‘You have no clue how right you are about what I am…’ “ I never agreed to help you against your sister.” I cut in.

“Huh? You serve Father though? Doesn't that mean you should listen to me too?”

“Iriane warned me about you” I laughed a bit. “You say that to every new maid. I'm supposed to listen to you for things within reason. Even with that logic, she would have the same power to have me take it back from you.”

“Um what's in that box…? If you need it just take it and let him have the box for a bit…?” Max suggested diplomatically, shyly moving closer.

“What?” she scoffed, looking at him incredulously. “My journal is in there… and the box is from Grandmother, I'm not letting him have it!”

‘Ok… good reason…’ “Come on, it's important to your sister just-” he had a mischievous glint in his eye as he looked up at me, definitely plotting escape. I had a little brother too, and remembered what they're like at this age. It was a little different, both being boys, he didn't steal from my room but he did take off with communal stuff, like game controllers, to mess with me. The reminder of my old life hurt, but I was immediately proved correct when he turned to bolt, but only made it a couple steps before I gently caught him with my tail. ‘Put it aside, Alex… not the time to get caught up with your old life…’

“Hey!” he yelped, struggling in my light grasp. Nora took the opportunity to steal her lockbox back from him. “You're no fun, Lexi…”

“Thanks…” his sister said softly, cradling the box in her arms.

“No problem… just maybe… think about playing with him after you put that back…? He's probably bored…” 

“... Maybe… I'll think about it…” she huffed, not seeming convinced.

“ What are you up to now, young mast- Oh, Good Morning, Lexi, Maxine” I looked up at the source of the voice joining the conversation to find the cattle dog maid coming up the nearby stairs.

“Good morning, Ms. Caitlyn.”  I replied and Max repeated after me.

“I heard yelling… but it looks like you solved the problem already…” she mused, looking between the siblings. 

“I mean, I hope so…” I glanced at them as well. “If not I can go get Ms. Natasha or do you think I can bother Lady Hargreave about-”

“N-no, no problem here… you don't have to get Mother…” Thomas blurted out and I released him from my tail. He took off immediately afterwards, thankfully not back the way he came so probably not back towards her room.

“Thanks again, Lexi…” Nora said quietly, starting to walk away as well.

“No problem, just think about what I said, I think he'd appreciate it” I replied happily then turned back to see the two other dogfolk staring at me. “...what?”

“N-nothing… just didn't realize you were good with kids…” My boyfriend answered.

“I… wouldn't say that… I barely did anything…”

“I disagree, normally the yelling lasts longer…until the young Master runs into his mother or Mr. Smythe ” The maid added with a slight smile. “You seem calmer today to achieve this, happier too.”

“I mean… we haven't run into Orebender yet…” I sighed, the memory of the dwarf making my lightning crackle on its own.

“Lord Orebender,” She corrected. “I heard about what happened yesterday but you still need to address him with his title”

“He's not around… don't see much of a problem… shouldn't have touched so high up on my tail … or at all actually… and I'd respect him more.”

“Just in case someone overhears. I know how you feel, If it happens again, tell our Lord. I'm sure he'd put him in his place.”

‘Hopeful thinking…’ my tail flicked a bit in irritation, ‘but I do gotta play nice for the most part.’  

“U-um we should probably go get that tray… bring it to the kitchen…?” Max suggested, giving me a way to get some reprieve from the more straight-laced maid.

“Probably… say hi to Eve and Vincent too…” I agreed. The two cooks were friendly, for the most part, when they weren't busy prepping dinners.

“Actually, Lexi, I almost forgot, you're wanted in the office,” the maid said. I frowned, having hoped to have an easy day.

“By Who?”

“Our Lord himself. He went in with Daimyo and Lady Miyasaki and one of their servants a few minutes ago.”

“They're already here? They're the last out of town guests, right?” she nodded and I looked back at my boyfriend. “You got the tray…?”

“I think so… I'll just get a cart down there…”he answered, there was a hint of dejection in his voice, likely wanting to stick with me.

“I'll just meet back up with you in the kitchen, surely this won't take too long, ok?” I gave a comforting smile.

“Careful getting so close you two, the other girls are going to gossip,” Caitlyn said as she started walking away and down the same hall Thomas disappeared into “Iriane already thinks you're together, and that mark on your shoulder won't help you either, Lexi.” I quickly adjusted my uniform to cover my shoulder better. I had completely forgotten that Max had managed to leave a large hickey-like bruise that did not heal right away like the marks I gave him and Kat.

“I better go see what I'm needed for…” I sighed, watching until she's around a corner and glancing around to make sure there were no others before stealing a kiss from him. “Hopefully this goes quick”

“Yeah… hopefully,” he mumbled, clearly not enthused about splitting up in here but I caught glimpses of his tail as it wagged slowly behind him. I smiled a little as I turned and set off down the stairs, playfully grazing my tail along his side as I pulled away.

‘Wonder what the lord wants…’ I mused as I walked down the hall Eris and I were led down on our first visit here. By this point of the week I had the manor fairly well mapped out, especially to places of interest to protect, the office being one of them, a vault that I found was another, and it was easy to navigate back to where I was called to. 


‘I hope he doesn't expect me to guide his in-laws to a guest room… if so why me in particular? Caitlyn could have done that if you talked to her already…’ I took a breath as I approached the door and re-focused myself  

to act like my ‘disguise’ needed before knocking. “My lord, It's Lexi… you sent for me?”

“Alex, come in!” Lord Hargreave's voice called back cheerfully.

‘He used my normal name…’ I observed as I pulled the door open… then nearly tripped over a thick, golden-scaled, snake tail on my way in. I froze,my eyes following it up to its owner as the entire dozen or so feet of it was pulled up into a coil behind one of the couches. Similar to last time, dark hair half-up in a bun and she was in what looked like a kimono, dark blue with a lighter blue dash around her “waist” this time, though, and not as colorful as before. Also like last time, I felt very distant contempt and almost familial bond towards her at the same time. ‘Ugh, did Rissaeth really try to program me to dislike her?’

“Sorry! I didn't know anyone else was…” Miyuki started to apologize, her voice slowing a bit as I caught a glimmer of recognition in her eyes when she looked at me, “coming in…”

“Alex, I would like you to meet Daimyo Miyasaki and Lady Miyasaki,” Lord Hargreave said and I was quickly reminded that I and the other chosen weren't the only ones in the room. I turned my attention to the other occupants. Hargreave was sitting on the couch Eris and I were on during our visit and across from him were two Inugami. The man was fairly imposing even sitting down, looking like an Akita with grey-silver fur with tiger-like patterning in samurai clothing, the woman next to him was definitely kinder-looking, somehow, still an Akita with kind of a fur pattern like a tuxedo cat, in a brighter blue and floral patterned kimono.

“Pleasure to meet you…” I greeted them with a polite curtsy, the motion was a struggle, despite Natasha having been drilling it into me over the past few days. The samurai dog man looked me up and down before looking at Lord Hargreave again.

“You put a dragonspawn in heat in charge of internal security for this gathering?” He asked incredulously, getting a glare from his wife. “Will she even be able to focus tomorrow night?”

‘Rude… Damn those dog noses…’ I held my tongue and tried to keep my tail's irritated flicking in check.

“Dragon.” The human lord corrected. “My head of staff saw her in her true form and I trust his judgment. As for the heat, I did not know about it when I hired her and her party.”

“An actual dragon…? Even more reason to be concerned. What do you know of them? Are they more territorial or possessive in this state? What possessed you to hire one and bring them into the same home as my daughter and grandchildren?”

“With all due respect,” I interrupted through gritted teeth. “I am a person, not some monster, and the heat is no issue, I have medicine and partners that help keep it in check.” He frowned a bit, at least as much as I could tell with his muzzle. Hargreave, however, seemed amused when I looked back at him. “Sorry, but why was I called in here?”

“I was informing my wife’s parents about my concerns about tomorrow and he wanted to meet one of the adventurers that led the party I hired for security.” He answered simply.

“I must insist that my guard is included in these plans,” the samurai said, motioning to Miyuki.

“No offense to you, Ms. Dragoness, but she has proven herself trustworthy these past few months,” the lady added, giving her husband another look. “I have faith that Elliot wouldn't intentionally put his family in danger but it would put us at ease if you work with her as well.”

“That wouldn't be too hard and wouldn't hurt to have someone else on the inside to help out,” I replied, using an intentionally warmer tone with her than the other Inugami. I glanced at Miyuki, who was still just quietly observing all of this. “I'll get you caught up on everyone involved and where they'll be tomorrow when we get the time to talk. I'm sure there's quite a bit to talk about…”

“Yes, I can think of a few questions already for you,” the lamia responded with a slight smile.

“See? She's willing to work with you to keep my home safe.” Lord Hargreave chuckled but the Inugami man didn't seem completely convinced. “If it helps, I've gotten an agreement between us drawn up for her to sign if she finds it to her liking in its current state. Protection for all of my people and for herself”

‘So that's already done… definitely going to take my time reading that. I'm not letting myself be screwed over by him…’ I thought to myself. “I would like to read that over with Eris if I can, before I sign it.”

“She doesn't even trust you,” Daimyo Miyasaki scoffed, leaning forward onto his knees. “Tell me, dragon, what do you get out of this?”

“Kiso!” the lady scolded.

‘He really doesn't trust me… did he have a bad experience with a dragon?’ I sighed “The quest? I get paid and credit for a high profile quest,” I shrugged and crossed my arms “Look, I used to be human, I care about people in general so I really don't have any other motives other than it just being a job and the off chance to be a hero," this got an eyebrow raise from the Inugami.

“Used to be human…? Never heard of that before.”

“Neither did I before she and her friend explained it. Shame she has amnesia from before but she swears that she was human and was either blessed or cursed by the Dragon Goddess.” Hargreave backed me up to my slight surprise.

‘Right… that was my excuse with him… Now what's in it for you defending me… or just defending your decision?’ “That's all that I've thought of so far, not sure why she would do anything to me though…” I added with a shrug.

“Hmm,” the samurai gave a soft, thoughtful grunt before standing. “Fine, Sakuma, you are to work with her, if Elliot put her in charge of security, treat her as such but you still report back to me.”

“Yes, my lord,” Miyuki replied as he walked to the door. I noticed a slight limp in his gait as he moved.

‘Old injury maybe? Or does his silver fur just hide grey hairs?’

“Please excuse my husband, he adores our grandchildren, just has their best interests in mind,” the lady explained softly before standing and following him out. Once both of them were out I could already hear her chastising him but it quickly faded away.

“No offense but… really couldn't just tell them that I was a dragon before I got here?” I sighed, looking at Lord Hargreave. 

“I think you handled yourself fine there, already on your way to earning his respect by speaking for yourself,” he replied. 

“If you say so…” I stretched, getting stress out through that and my tail flicking even more.

“As for your question earlier, go ahead and take your time looking the contract over, it doesn't need to be signed today,” he continued, getting up as well. “You'll find It's just to protect you and stop harm from any innocent citizens.” he strolled to the door. “You may have the room to discuss your plan with your new friend. Oh! And before I forget, try not to draw too much attention again tonight, it was a great show at the Coliseum but we don't want people to be too suspicious of you tomorrow,” I flinched a bit.

‘Of course he was there…’ “Just plan to rest after I head back today…”

“Good! Gods forbid anything happen but if anything does, an alert dragon will certainly help,” he laughed, finally exiting the room. I glanced back to Miyuki once he was gone.

“So… how have you been this past… month, almost?” I asked, managing to get some cheerfulness back.

“Good… honestly… it's been kind of… slow lately, a week on a ship didn't help…”

“Sounds like you had a lot easier time than Adrian, his ship was attacked…”

“Wait… Adrian is here too?” I nodded.

“And Kat obviously, and Nicolas too, they're both in my party… it's starting to feel a bit weird of a coincidence that so many of us are here…”

“For sure…” she frowned a bit “And you said Adrian was attacked…?”

“At sea… he hasn't said much to me, we were planning on meeting up after tomorrow sometime… when I'm not having to…”

“Dress like you're going to work at an Akihabara Cafe…?” She joked softly.

“Yeah that” I laughed a bit. 

“I’m not going to have to do that too, am I? I did enough of that when I was in college…”

“You should be fine, it's just me and my boyfriend who are acting as maids… Kat's outside as a guard and Nicolas will be a guest with our last party member.”

“Boyfriend… last time you and Kat looked…”

‘Here we go again… ’ “She's still in the picture too… with both of us…” she smiled a little.

“You read any manga…? Or watch any anime…?”

“... I know where this is going… stereotypical isekei bullshit…” I sighed. “I'm not trying for a harem…”

“I'm a bit jealous is all…” she laughed. “All the men I tried to talk to were… a bit intimidated by all this” She motioned to the coils under her. 

“Honestly… yeah I can see it,” I admitted “Shit… I promised him I would get back to him as soon as I could… um...”

“That's fine, just fill me in on your plan and I won't keep you any longer. I'll try to go find Adrian after… get an idea on when we should all meet up.”

“Ok, sounds good, so for the plan…”

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