Dragon God’s System

Chapter 31 – Evolution Complete

It took a lot of willpower to resist the impulse to start running around in a circle screaming, “Choices!” However, due to my iron resolve, I was able to ignore the impulse. Instead, I only released a few almost inaudible whimpering growls. Knowing that I really didn’t have a choice, I thought about my options. I tried clicking on each option, but of course, no additional information appeared.

“Okay, evolving the twilight bloodline is a good choice. Since I have already said I am the reborn god of twilight, this is probably my best option. The question was how it would affect me. Would I get additional powers or an upgrade on my old powers? 

“As for my next option, creating an additional bloodline also seems acceptable. I suppose I could consider it as a red dragon mating with a black dragon. The wyrmling born from these parents might then have both fire and acid breath attacks. While it might not completely go with my god of twilight image, it would still be a great choice.

“As for my last option, mutating the twilight bloodline, that doesn’t sound ideal.” I paused as I considered why the idea bothered me. Was it because of the word mutate? As far as being ideal, my current breath weapon, ether breath, wasn’t ideal. While it was true that I had accomplished a lot with the ability, I definitely would prefer something…different.

While I could put people to sleep, it was very much a double-edged sword that could be turned against me. What if I was breathing out the ether and someone cast the Fire Bolt cantrip on me?  Would my head explode as the fumes ignited within my mouth? 

In fact, I think I remember a movie where that happened. I certainly didn’t need something that should be my best support be turned against me. I already had my ex-wife bite my head off multiple times. “Hmm, when I grow stronger, I’m going to hunt down some trolls and get some payback.” Pushing aside such a wonderful daydream, I concentrated on my choices again.

The more I thought about it, the more the second two options seemed just as ideal as the first option. In fact, I was somewhat surprised that an option to completely replace my bloodline wasn’t an option. I supposed that had something to do with the fact that you have to play with the cards that you are dealt.

Considering my choices, I would probably not gain any benefits related to the ring if I chose the first option. If I went with the second option and obtained an additional bloodline, it would more than likely be related to the magic ring’s powers. Considering I already possessed an eldritch sigil, had a level of eldritch mind, and was creating a new bloodline on a ring that affected minds and souls, the new bloodline would probably have something to do with the mind or magic.

In fact, I might even get the magic dragon bloodline. Another option might be to gain the eldritch dragon bloodline. As for the mind and soul, I had no idea what it would be called. Still, it definitely sounded useful. I could keep my current abilities and be the god of twilight, but also have additional powers. That could be considered a win-win.

As for the last option, mutating the twilight dragon bloodline, I really wasn’t sure where to go with that. Would it be some type of combination of the first two options? What exactly would that look like? “I guess it doesn’t really matter,” I said, having already decided not to choose the third option. Somehow, I doubted I would be something as cool as an X-Man or a teenage mutant ninja turtle. 

Sitting down, I tried to think of the benefits and disadvantages of each choice. I wasn’t sure which of the first two options to choose. However, I was certain that I would regret it if I chose the wrong one. Therefore, I really needed to consider before I decided. An unpleasant surprise might await me if I made the wrong decision.

“With each option, I am actually keeping the twilight dragon bloodline. The first double-downs on my current bloodline, most likely increasing the potency of each ability. So, my ether breath would become more powerful, I would assume. While this has been useful, it really isn’t my ideal type of breath weapon.” Reluctantly, I decided against choosing that option and thought about the second choice.

“As for the additional bloodline, it would probably only give me an additional type of breath weapon, which would be nice. However, bloodlines are often the most powerful when they are pure. Mixing two bloodlines might cause problems down the road.

“That leaves me with the mutation. These can be overwhelmingly powerful or self-destructive. For example, in reality, osteoporosis, which makes bones more brittle, can be caused by a lipoprotein receptor mutation. However, a different mutation of this lipoprotein receptor could also give a person unbreakable bones. Considering there was such a case in real life, how much more powerful could a mutation be in a place filled with magic. I might actually become Professor X.”

The first option was low risk and low reward. The second was moderate risk with a moderate reward. The final choice was high risk but with a high reward. Deciding to test my luck, I chose to mutate the bloodline. Hopefully, I would receive a pleasant surprise.

Unfortunately, the first surprise was the fact that the pain from evolving was much worse than when I extracted magic from the magic items. The pain was so bad in fact that I was only able to resist it for a few seconds before thankfully passing out. When I woke up, I noticed a new notification. Although I was curious how long I had been unconscious, it must not have been too long since nothing had changed. Instead, I concentrated on the new notification.

EVOLUTION COMPLETE: You have mutated the twilight bloodline. Draconic gifts have undergone a transformation. New draconic gifts have been acquired.

When I heard that I had acquired new draconic gifts, I wanted to pump my fist in the air and shout with joy. “Yes,” I exclaimed, “I made the right choice. Now let’s see what those new gifts are and how the old gifts change. Show me the draconic gifts from my information screen.”

Draconic Gifts: Entropic Quills, Flight, Immunity(Mental Effects, Magical Aging), Twilight Breath, Wings 

“Sweet,” I said after seeing the immunities. While the second one didn’t seem that useful, the first seemed a little overpowered. Wanting to better understand the breath and quill changes, I tried asking for more details. “Please give me more information about the twilight breath and entropic quills.” I wasn’t really expecting to get any results, but I was pleasantly surprised when more details popped up.

Everyone, and everything, descends into Twilight eventually. Even day and night eventually fade away with time. Twilight is the time when all things move closer to the end. Everything that ages or dies is within the power of the twilight dragon. Life is a dream, and twilight dragons are harbingers of death. However, at the same time, they also represent new life. Some souls will stay in the darkness forever, but others are allowed to be reborn. This too is part of the domain of a twilight dragon. 

A twilight dragon’s breath affects living creatures with a level of exhaustion. The breath also creates an effect similar to the Nightmare spell that affects all sentient creatures. Because this is not a true sleep, even creatures such as elves, who cannot be put to sleep, are affected and are placed within a sleep-like state. When these creatures wake up, they receive psychic damage. Life and dreams are followed by death.

Just as many attributes decline during the twilight years of a creature’s life, the twilight dragon’s entropic quills can temporarily reduce a random attribute of a creature as well as paralyze that creature if it doesn’t make a saving throw based on that attribute. Non-living creatures are affected by the quills as even inanimate objects become more fragile as they get older. Just as life and dreams are part of the domain of twilight dragons, so too are entropy and death.

“Oh my gosh,” I whispered, amazed at what I had just read. I wasn’t sure whether I was more astounded by the description of twilight dragons or by the fact that so much information had been given to me. Was it because I sacrificed several magic items? If that were true, why wasn’t I given more information when I was offered the choices earlier? 

Still, I had to admit I was much more powerful after the mutation. However, I did have to wonder what would have happened if I had chosen the first option. How would things have been different? What would have changed? 

Realizing I would never know, I quickly dismissed those thoughts as I still had more choices to make. For example, I had enough experience to level-up again. What was I going to do? Was I going to stick with the twilight theurgist or go with a different class? Would I have the same choices as before or would they be different? 

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