Dragon God’s System

Chapter 32 – Overpowered Abilities

“Please open the available class choices,” I said, wanting to see if there were any changes. However, there were none. Since there weren’t any changes, I decided to stick with the twilight theurgist for the moment. I had gained a lot of spell points, which would allow me to cast more spells than most magic users. Also, the next wizard level would grant me the ability to cast second level spells.

The last time I had leveled up, it hadn’t taken long. While I wasn’t sure if the dream had been minutes or hours, at most it had been an hour or two. More than likely, just a short rest or nap amount of time. Feeling that I might fall asleep again, I sat down and leaned back against the wall before saying, “level-up the wizard twilight theurgist class.”

Immediately, I felt drowsy. My eyelids became so heavy I couldn't keep them open. Slowly, I drifted into the darkness. Soon, I was flying through the night beneath countless stars. I watched as I saw my enemy. A group of adventurers were invading my lair, wanting to steal my treasures. Enraged, I cast the Aid spell upon myself before casting the Invisibility spell. Then I swooped down upon my enemies.

A chaotic battle ensued, which subtly changed over time until I was a human who was sneaking into a dragon’s lair. Even before I saw the dragon I became a kobold who was bringing a black dragon gold and gems. The dragon seemed pleased and gave me a vial filled with her blood. Upon drinking it, I transformed once more.

Waking up, I found myself in the tunnels sitting amid the corpses of my enemies. They had tried to invade my lair, and I had defended the tribe. Smiling, I stood up and checked my information screen to see if there had been any changes.



Evolution: Tiny Wyrmling

Chaotic Evil

Race: High Kobold (Nox Ancestry) 

Experience: 4751/6500

Awakened Bloodline: Twilight Dragon (Feathered) 

Speed: Walk 30ft, Fly 30ft

Armor Class: 13

Hit Points: 24/24 

Magic Points: 27/27 

Mental Energy: 2/2 

Soul Fragments: 3/3  

Strength 6, Dexterity 16, Constitution 10, Intelligence 18, Wisdom 12, Charisma 12

Racial Abilities:  Darkvision

Dragonic Gifts: Twilight Breath, Entropic Quills, Immunities (Aging, Mental Effects), Flight

Eldritch Sigils: Mental Enhancement (Telekinetic Gift, Telepathic Gift, Mind Alteration Power)

Languages: Common, Draconic

Proficiencies: Mining Tools, Natural Weapons, Simple Weapons, Thieves’ Tools

Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence 

Skills: Arcana, Insight, Perception, Stealth (Expertise)

1st Level Eldritch Mind: Class Features (Death Bringer, Shape Magic, Sorcery, Soul Collector)

3rd Level Twilight Theurge: Class Features (Arcane Recovery, Eyes of Night: 1/1, Twilight Aura 1/1)

Attunements: 0/3  

Favored By: Até, Dolos  

Titles: Child of Até (+2 to Mind-Altering Spells), Death Incarnate (+4 to Damage), Mendacious (+1 to Deception)  

Social Status: Level 5 - Tribe of Einvaldskonungr: Gothi, Level 3 - Tribe of Groenneitr: Andskoti 

4th Level Familiar: Alsvartr - Tenebrous Bat 



| Dancing Lights     

| Eldritch Bolt        

| Guidance

| Light

| Minor Illusion

| Prestidigitation

| Vicious Mockery


1st Level Spells  

| Bless            

| Cure Wounds      

| Faerie Fire

| Healing Word

| Shield of Faith

| Silent Image

| Sleep


2nd Level Spells 

| Alter Self    

| Blindness/Deafness       

| Darkness

| Invisibility

| Spirit of Healing



| Alarm          

| Augury    

| Ceremony

| Comprehend Languages

| Detect Magic

| Identify        

| Illusionary Script  

| Silence


“Interesting,” I said as I noticed a few odd things about my information screen. The temporary health points were gone, but my magic points were full. Even my mental energy had recovered. “Probably because I increased a level. Maybe everything gets reset at that point.” Not really caring, I then looked at the other information, much of it still unfamiliar to me.

Since I had unlocked extra information by sacrificing a few magic items, I decided to see if I could learn more about each of the class features I had guessed at earlier. For example, I wasn’t worried about the arcane recovery since I had learned that it allowed me to recover some spell points by resting for an hour. However, the ancestral memories didn’t include the Death Bringer feature. “Please tell me more about the Death Bringer class feature,” I told the system.

DEATH BRINGER: When you kill a creature, you regain one hit point. If you use a spell to kill the creature, you regain a number of health points equal to the spell’s level. If you are at full health, you gain temporary health points that last until your next short rest. You can only benefit from this feature once a turn.

That was actually what I had guessed, but it was good to make sure I wasn’t missing any information. I decided to look at the next class feature, “Please tell me about the Eyes of Night.”

EYES OF NIGHT: You can see in the darkest night. You have darkvision as far as you could normally see in daylight. You can see in dim light as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim light. As an action, you can magically share the darkvision of this feature with willing creatures you can see within 10 feet of you, up to your intelligence modifier. This darkvision lasts for one hour. You can share this feature again by using spell points.

“Okay,” I said, “I hadn’t even given that feature any consideration at all. In fact, I hadn’t noticed a difference in my vision either. Maybe that is because I already had darkvision. Since I am underground, I can’t see beyond the tunnels’ twists and turns anyway, so it wasn’t noticeable.” Deciding to keep going, I asked, “Please tell me about the Shape Magic feature.”

SHAPE MAGIC: You are able to learn any spell from any spell list as long as you possess a spell slot for that level. To learn this spell, you need to meditate upon the spell for ten minutes. You will then have the spell memorized until your next short rest. During that time, you can use your magic points to cast the spell.

That was about what I had already concluded, so there was no surprise in that. I was a little confused by the spell slot, however. Taking a moment, I tried to summon a memory about spell slots from the kobold ancestral memories. A few seconds later, I realized that if someone had multiple classes, they might be limited in the higher-level spells they could learn.

For example, a third level wizard could normally learn second level spells. However, a second level wizard with one cleric level would combine their spellcasting levels to determine the maximum spell level they could cast. However, they might not know any spells because of their lower-class level. Therefore, the second level wizard with a level in cleric wouldn’t know any second level spells. However, they would have a second level spell slot because they possessed three spellcaster levels.

“Dang! I almost messed up there.” I whispered. If I had taken more than a couple of levels in a non-spellcasting class, I wouldn’t have been able to cast the most powerful spells. As it was, the Shape Magic feature would allow me to mitigate my class change at least a little. Worried I might have missed something else, I said, “Please tell me about the Sorcery feature.”

SORCERY: You can use your mind to form spells, rather than relying on words, gestures, and materials. If you choose to make any additional alterations to spells, such as careful casting, distant casting, extending time, heightening, quick casting, seeking, transmuted, or twinning, you will need to spend spell points to alter the spell casting.

“Wow,” I mouthed. I really had missed a lot of information. Sacrificing the additional magic items had been well worth the investment. I had no idea about the information. Wondering what else I needed to know, I asked about another class feature, “Please tell me about the Soul Collector class feature.”

SOUL COLLECTOR: When you kill a creature, you also can collect part of its soul. You can collect a number of soul remnants equal to your Charisma modifier. You can use these souls to create spell slots. Only spells that pertain to spirits can be cast in this manner.

“Oh, so that is what the soul fragments were used for. As for spirit spells, I don’t know any. I guess that is where the Shape Magic would come in handy again. I really need to find a way to get more spells to add to the Aegis Libram. I was already intending for it to be my spellbook. After all, there were a lot of blank pages to add spells inside it. I just needed the spells themselves. I can’t wait until I am able to learn the spells inside the spellbook.”

I had learned a lot of information already and was almost done. The Twilight Aura was the last class feature I needed to learn about. “Please tell me about the Twilight Aura, Twilight Breath, and Entropic Quills.”

TWILIGHT AURA: You can create an aura of twilight to protect your allies and silence your enemies. As an action, you can create a sphere of twilight that is centered on you, has a 30-foot radius, and is filled with dim light. The sphere moves with you, and it lasts for 1 minute. Whenever a creature ends its turn in the sphere, you can cause one of the following effects: 


  • You grant the creature temporary health points equal to 1d6 plus your wizard level.
  • Creatures will be muted for the duration of the sanctuary. In addition, all allies will gain the benefit of partial cover.


TWILIGHT BREATH: Your breath weapon carries with it the impending deterioration or death everything and everyone faces as time draws everything ever closer to oblivion. Creatures and objects affected by your breath will rapidly age. Mental skills might be forgotten and physical abilities might deteriorate. Even magic itself can be affected, causing spell failure or botches. All creatures will gain a level of exhaustion and permanently lose health points equal to your level in addition to a number of health points equal to your current health points. 

ENTROPIC QUILLS: Your feathers carry with them the impending deterioration or death everything and everyone faces as time draws everything ever closer to oblivion. Creatures and objects affected by your quills will age one year for each quill. All creatures will gain a level of exhaustion and permanently lose one health point. For each quill used, flying speed will be reduced by one percent until the feather regrows.

I wanted to go to the nearest wall and bash my head against the stone. This ability was overpowered. It was simply amazing, and I hadn’t been using it. “Oh my gosh, this is why information is king. Knowledge is power.” 

Quickly, I looked at the rest of my information screen to see if I needed to ask any other questions. However, nothing else really stood out to me. Sighing, I quietly gave myself a pat on the back. “Being a genius sure helps,” I said as I looked at my information screen, almost ready to burst into giggles at how powerful I had become in such a short time. What was even better was the fact that I would be able to increase my power as soon as I absorbed some of the useless magic items, I traded the bag of holding for when I returned to my room. 

It was almost like a dream. In fact, could it be a dream? Was my entire kobold existence a dream? Was I actually sleeping in my bed at home? Had I really reincarnated? My heart started to beat faster as I started to question reality. Then I thought about something Einstein had once said. What was it?

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