Dragon God’s System

Chapter 42 – Avatar of Death

By the time we reached the next colony of bats, I had already worked out a plan and learned a valuable lesson. I would never go into a situation without, not only a plan, but also a backup plan. Fortunately, the trip had been completed in complete silence and I was able to regain my composure. In fact, I was starting to regret some of the images that I sent to Hyggiandi when I was upset. Luckily, she was giving me the silent treatment. Hopefully, it would last for the rest of my life.

A part of me was starting to think that I hadn’t reincarnated but was in a personalized hell. I finally decided on one of the indicators that I was definitely in hell and not reincarnated into a fantasy world. Of course, I would need to wait until I grew into a juvenile and was able to determine my gender. 

Since that was still a long time away, I pushed those thoughts aside and went over my plan. I really didn’t want to hear Hyggiandi start complaining again. As with the previous adventurers, I would have to rely on my breath weapon. I found it oddly annoying that with all the magic I possessed, the best weapon for the situation was still my breath weapon. Still, I probably needed to practice with it anyway. 

The breath weapon was obviously obscenely overpowered. Now, instead of feeling like a stalker with ether breath, I felt like a god. About the only downside was the fact that I couldn’t differentiate between enemies and allies. That meant that I couldn’t use it carelessly, especially around innocents. While Alsvartr might not say much, I definitely didn’t want anything to happen to her, despite the fact that she sucked up a lot of experience points.

Actually, I had to take that back. I wasn’t being fair to my familiar. Lately, she had actually been bringing in some experience points. She hadn’t stopped killing bats and other creatures as she scouted around for me. In fact, although I hated to admit it, I wouldn’t have been able to get any of the experience points I already gained if it hadn’t been for her help. 

Together, we traveled deep within the sprawling network of underground caverns, where stalactites hung like jagged teeth and phosphorescent fungi cast an eerie glow. The air was thick with the scent of damp earth and the distant echoes of dripping water, a world away from the open skies I had once called home. For some reason, I was feeling poetic. 

I couldn’t help it sometimes. When I was an angsty teenager I had written poetry, and even had some of the poems published in magazines. Of course, I only earned enough money to buy a couple of Happy Meals. Sometimes I wondered if I had still had it and would try to imitate the style I had written in so long ago.

We soon reached our destination, and above me, small bats circled with predatory grace, their leathery wings slicing through the stale air of the cavern. The bats Alsvartr had found this time weren’t giant bats, but after thinking about it, I was actually glad. My main attack, the twilight breath, might not be powerful enough to kill the giant bats outright. 

The crimson eyes of the small bats gleamed with hunger as they screeched, their voices bouncing off the cavern walls in a while I crouched behind a jutting rock formation. Although I knew that I didn’t have to use hand movements, I traced sigils in the air anyway. The reason was because it made weaving together strands of arcane energy slightly easier. I smiled as the Zone of Death spell took form. It was an invisible sphere of necrotic force that stretched across the cavern floor, awaiting the unwary giant bats.

Alsvartr fluttered nervously nearby, with fur as dark as night itself and eyes that gleamed with intelligence. With a flick of her wings and a soft chitter, she prepared herself. I wanted her to be ready to cast a Sleep spell should the need arise. Several bats, drawn by the faint disturbance we were causing, dipped through the darkness toward us. Their screeches of surprise turned to wails of agony as dark energy surged through them. With a twitch, they succumbed to the lethal magic and crashed to the rocky ground below.

The remaining bats circled above, wary, but driven by their insatiable hunger. They hesitated when they sensed danger. However, the lure of fresh prey was too strong. They swooped lower. Their keen eyes searched for the source of their torment. I waited patiently, heart pounding in anticipation, still maintaining my concentration on the spell. I was glad that I hadn’t needed to use my twilight breath on the first group of bats. 

When the next wave of bats drew closer, they also entered the Zone of Death and screamed in agony, further agitating the other small bats that were hanging above. Unlike the last time, many of the bats survived. Because of this, I took a deep breath and released my twilight breath attack. The bats screeched in terror and pain as the necrotic energy from the Zone of Death and my twilight breath engulfed them.

I realized then that I should be thankful that the bats weren’t immune to necrotic damage. If they were, I would have been in a lot of trouble. However, they weren’t, so I was able to slay wave after wave of small bats, only occasionally needing my familiar’s assistance. 

At those times, Alsvartr, as if sensing danger, would close in, darting through the chaotic scene. With a wave of its wings, it would cast the Sleep spell, targeting the bats that managed to survive the Zone of Death and my twilight breath attack. One by one, those bats succumbed to a deep, dreamless sleep from which they would never awaken.

Of course, not all the bats chose to attack. Some decided to flee. They were the smart ones. As for those bats that tried to escape, Alsvartr would also try to cast the Sleep spell on them as well, but it was like trying to stop a leaking dam with a finger. 

The fight seemed to take forever but was actually taking barely any time at all. If I still needed time for my breath weapon to recharge, I would also cast Sleep. I wanted to reap a lot of experience points since I really needed to get more powerful as quickly as possible to survive in this magical world.

As the last echoes of the bats' cries faded into silence, I stood amidst the corpses of a countless number of bats, my chest heaving with exertion. I surveyed the aftermath of the battle with a mix of satisfaction and relief. Around me, the cave returned to its natural quiet, broken only by echoes of water dripping in the darkness.

Fortunately, this time, everything had worked out as planned. In fact, things worked out even better than I had planned. I had totally forgotten about the Death Bringer class feature. I continuously received health points back with every bat I killed. What little damage they did to me was healed as quickly as it was inflicted. However, despite the success of my amazing plan, the vast majority of the bats were able to escape. There were just too many of them.

In fact, by the time the last few bats managed to escape, I was actually feeling like an abusive adult who was beating up small children to steal their candy. The swarms of bats had no chance at all. Of course, I would have had to retreat not long after the fight started if it hadn’t been for the Death Bringer feature. Also, when combined with the Soul Collector feature, I was able to cast the Sleep spell continuously due to the soul remnants I was collecting. After all, each time I used my breath weapon, I filled up enough soul remnants to cast the spell again.

While none of the bats were a threat on their own, just the overwhelming numbers of bats made them deadly. If they had been able to hit me at the same time, Death Bringer wouldn’t have been enough to save me. However, the recent increase in my armor class had turned out to be very useful. I could almost foresee where likely attacks would come from based on the bats’ aerodynamics. I could anticipate their attacks based on physics.

With such a high defense, and with Alsvartr backing me up, I was easily able to deal with the swarms of bats that tried to attack instead of fleeing. Between my breath weapon and Alsvartr’s sleep spells, as well as my own Sleep spells, we decimated the local population of bats with no real danger. 

In fact, I had worried about Alsvartr, so I had made sure that she stood behind me. I didn’t want her to be affected by my twilight breath. I also didn’t want her to get ganged up on by the small bats either. I could barely contain my excitement as I tried to guess just how many experience points, I had gained during the hour-long encounter. 

Of course, that short encounter depleted all mine and Alsvartr’s spell points. I was just about to look at my information screen when a pop-up screen appeared.


ACHIEVEMENT - TITLE UNLOCKED: AVATAR OF DEATH. For your own selfish desires, you have hunted down and killed numerous creatures to satisfy your thirst for power. You have gained additional Evil Favor. 


“Oh, come on. That isn’t fair,” I said, stamping a foot, although half-heartedly since I was exhausted. “How come I am judged for killing bats? Is it because they are normal bats and not monsters? Is it because I did it for the experience?”

“Actually, that is correct,” Hyggiandi said. “Many of the gods feel that wantonly slaying normal animals that you aren’t intending to eat is evil. Considering the countless number of bats you have slain, can you justify your actions as being moral and upright? You do know there are gods of nature and of hunting?”

Hyggiandi didn’t stop the lecture, but continued, “Also, it is obvious you had no plan on using them to feed your kobold tribe.”

“Actually,” I interrupted, “I did have a plan. I planned on using the Beacon Ring to alert the tribe so that they can send someone to come and get the food. While we are waiting for them, we can rest and recuperate our magic.” I was quite pleased with my explanation. Of course, I totally made up the story on the spot. I really hadn’t considered the possibility of collecting the bats for food. 

However, considering the obvious need for food, I could be seen as being quite virtuous instead. Waiting a moment, I wondered if I would get another achievement. Maybe I would get one for going the extra mile and acquiring food for the tribe. Unfortunately, I’m going the gods were fully aware that I was spewing nonsense and just wanted the experience. Obviously, I would never admit this to Hyggiandi though.

After activating the Beacon ring and sending a message, I sat down and started nibbling away at my food. I had actually eaten a lot of the supplies on the way. I just hoped that the kobolds who were on their way here wouldn’t step into the little presents I left behind. As for it being gross, crass, and unhygienic, Hyggiandi really shouldn’t complain. I mean, what two day old hatching doesn’t have accidents. At least I wasn’t polluting the environment with dirty diapers.

Since there was no time like the present, I decided to look at my information screen while I waited for my fellow kobold tribesmen to arrive.



Evolution:  Tiny Wyrmling

Chaotic Evil

Race:  High Kobold (Nox Ancestry) 

Experience:  13928/6500

Awakened Bloodline:  Twilight Dragon (Feathered) 

Speed:  Walk 30ft, Fly 30ft 

Armor Class:  18

Hit Points:  24/24 

Magic Points:  0/55

Mental Energy:  5/5

Soul Fragments:  3/3

Strength 6, Dexterity 16, Constitution 10, Intelligence 20, Wisdom 12, Charisma 12

Racial Abilities:  Darkvision

Draconic Gifts:  Blindsight, Body of Twilight, Entropic Quills, Flight, Heightened Senses, Immunity (Mental Effects, Magical Aging), Lucky, Twilight Breath, Twilight Zone (Pocket Dimension 1ft x 1ft x 1ft)

Eldritch Sigils:  Mental Enhancement (Telekinetic Gift, Telepathic Gift, Mind Alteration Power)

Languages:  Common, Draconic

Proficiencies:  Mining Tools, Natural Weapons, Simple Weapons, Thieves’ Tools

Saving Throws:  Constitution, Intelligence 

Skills:  Animal Handling, Arcana, History, Insight, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Stealth (Expertise), Survival

1st Level Eldritch Mind:  Class Features (Death Bringer, Shape Magic, Sorcery, Soul Collector)

3rd Level Twilight Theurge:  Class Features (Arcane Recovery, Eyes of Night: 1/1, Twilight Aura 1/1)

Attunements:  2/4 (Boots of the Firelands, Phylactery of Hyggiandi)

Favored By:  Até, Dolos, Gleypa 

Titles:  Avatar of Death (+5 to Damage), Child of Até (+2 to Mind-Altering Spells), Mendacious (+1 to Deception), Voracious (+1 to Resistance to Overindulgence) 

Social Status:  Level 5 - Tribe of Einvaldskonungr: Gothi, Level 3 - Tribe of Groenneitr: Andskoti

5th Level Familiar:  Alsvartr - Tenebrous Bat 

| Dancing Lights
| Eldritch Bolt
| Guidance
| Light
| Minor Illusion
| Prestidigitation
| Vicious Mockery

1st Level Spells
| Bless
| Cure Wounds
| Faerie Fire
| Healing Word
| Shield of Faith
| Silent Image
| Sleep

2nd Level Spells 
| Alter Self
| Blindness/Deafness
| Darkness
| Invisibility
| Spirit of Healing

| Alarm
| Augury
| Ceremony
| Comprehend Languages
| Detect Magic
| Identify
| Illusionary Script
| Silence

There was so much information on the screen that it took me a few seconds to see what had changed. Obviously, the experience had gone up. However, several other items stood out. I now had half a dozen extra skills. In addition, just as stated in the description of the necklace, Intelligence and Wisdom had both increased. What surprised me the most was that my Armor Class had improved dramatically. 

Remembering what the note had said about the necklace, I could infer that the increase in Armor Class was due to my being able to add my Intelligence attribute to it somehow. More than likely, each two points above the average baseline of ten would increase my Armor Class from now on. 

One of the things I was most pleased with was the spatial storage space. Having that was amazing. I couldn’t help but smile. I really was on my way to becoming overpowered. Actually, I already was now that I thought about it. For some reason, I wanted to rub my hands together and cackle, “Fear my wrath puny mortals! Bow down before a god!” Just thinking about it made me smile. Of course, my mood was ruined immediately by Hyggiandi.

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