Dragon Roar Master at Hogwarts

Chapter 117: Reversal and shock at the trial scene


Just when Dudley almost couldn't help but say something, he saw Dumbledore standing in front of him waved his hand slightly behind his back, as if to stop his movements.

"Ahem," the bald Minister of Magic, who looked very confident because of his confidence, cleared his throat gently, and then continued, "As we said when we described the case before, these prisoners broke into the Ministry of Magic with A magical suitcase, which was then opened in full view of everyone, unleashing a vicious and brutal dragon to wreak havoc."

"Although we asked them to bring the suitcase and the venomous snake that killed the Auror when we summoned them for trial." The Minister of Magic raised his head and pointed his nose at Dumbledore, "But they seem to want to continue. Cover up their crimes and hide the tools of their crimes."

"And this Mr. Gilderoy Lockhart, as we all know, is a famous wizard who has solved many dangerous magical incidents - unlike some people who rely on their past glory to gain fame, he is young, promising, brave and resourceful. "

"He assisted our French Ministry of Magic in the investigation very early, and Mr. Lockhart lived up to expectations and successfully got closer to the truth of the matter. But unfortunately, before the culprit was about to be found, he was forcibly imprisoned by some lawless elements."

"But Mr. Lockhart was much luckier than poor Bernard. He managed to save his life in the prisoner's lair, and broke through their tight guard to escape - and even went one step further to help us obtain important evidence! "

The Minister of Magic introduced Gilderoy Lockhart almost in one breath, his face flushed with excitement, making Dudley worried that he would be out of breath.

Following his lengthy introduction, a tall figure appeared at the door of the courtroom. Gilderoy Lockhart, with flowing blond hair and high spirits, enjoyed the attention of the entire courtroom. He held his head high and strode toward the center of the courtroom. Come.

Lockhart looked up at the Minister of Magic and smiled his trademark confident smile.

"Welcome, Mr. Gilderoy Lockhart, and thank you for your courage to testify for us even after experiencing such an unfortunate memory." The Minister of Magic looked at Lockhart kindly, "Then, please allow me to ask you A few questions, please-"

"Oh, no need to ask, Mr. Minister, Professor Dumbledore is right. I hold the same view as him."


If the expression could be realized like in the comics, Dudley would probably fill the whole room with question marks.The entire courtroom was silent, so quiet that everyone's breathing could be heard.

The expression of the bald Minister of Magic was completely frozen, and he still maintained his smile, but it looked very stiff and strange.

"Cough cough."

The minister reacted first. He rubbed his ears, then took a deep breath and said slowly: "But... maybe Mr. Lockhart just came in and hasn't figured out the situation yet. What I want to ask is - —”

"Minister, don't waste your time. Your subordinates have just told me the general situation. And no matter what, I am on Professor Dumbledore's side, and I agree with all his views. If If you have any questions, just ask Professor Dumbledore directly."

Following Lockhart's words, the Minister of Magic's face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and Dudley could almost see the blood vessels pulsing in his forehead and temples.

"No, it's impossible." The minister held his forehead, as if he still wanted to escape reality, "You, you obviously helped us bring out the suitcase containing the dragon, this, this, this... "

"Oh, first of all, I want to clarify. I never said that there was a dragon in it. I have always told you that it contained very dangerous things... and I didn't give the suitcase to you, either. You took it from me by force.”

At this point, Gilderoy Lockhart suddenly turned around and bowed to Dumbledore gracefully: "Speaking of which, I must apologize to Professor Dumbledore. You clearly told me to take the skin off I took the suitcase to a safe place, but as soon as I came out, I was forcefully invited over by a gentleman from the Ministry of Magic..."

"Oh, it's not your fault, Mr. Lockhart." Professor Dumbledore sighed and said softly, "Ignorance, recklessness, and arrogance. There will always be people who do wrong things because they cannot control these traits. ."

"Are you crazy? Gilderoy Lockhart!" Auror Able leaned out from the gallery and shouted excitedly: "Have you forgotten what you have done for us? Are you not afraid of being exposed? Are you ruined?"

"Huh?! What are you talking about, Abel." Lockhart responded mercilessly: "I have been coerced by you from the beginning, and I have always opposed your despicable behavior. When I found that you were out of control, I immediately fought with you. Do you draw a line and inform Professor Dumbledore...or do you want me to tell you how you treat a little girl in front of so many people-"



The Minister of Magic banged the gavel in his hand hard, and the loud sound echoed in the courtroom. Dudley even worried that the gavel would be broken by the overly excited Minister.

"I...I understand, you are already in a group, and I have fallen into the trap!" The bald minister gasped, as if he had aged dozens of years, "But I still don't understand... ...What is it, what is in that suitcase?”


Suddenly there was a loud noise from nowhere, and the entire courtroom shook. People in the spectator seats looked around in fear.

"This is our personal belongings, you should not open it...and I have made it clear in the description of the situation to you. If you have looked carefully, you should be fully aware of what is inside." What."

Dumbledore's eyes were serious and cold, and Dudley felt pressure emanating from every one of his white beards and hair.

"Arrogant, arrogant, unwilling to admit your ignorance, and unwilling to pursue the truth of things. Even if you realize your mistakes at any time in this incident and reflect on your actions, you will not let things fall into the This situation has caused so many tragedies!”


A huge noise sounded again, and dust fell from the ceiling of the courtroom. People in the spectator seats began to become unable to sit still and began to leave their seats in panic.

"Don't worry. If you keep a distance in anticipation of a dragon inside, there should be no casualties. But it's hard to say what will happen to the Ministry of Magic headquarters if this continues."

Dumbledore pointed his wand at his throat, and his loud, commanding voice echoed throughout the courtroom—no, perhaps even further.

"Everyone should try to stay away from the creature. Do not try to attack or get close. Those who have room can let the civet guide the creature to an open place to reduce damage-"

Then, Dumbledore put down his wand and looked sharply at the Minister of Magic who was slumped in his position.

"Now, the trial has not officially ended, and the Minister and I still have some things to discuss."

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