Dragon Roar Master at Hogwarts

Chapter 118: Dumbledore’s proposal and final judgment

Boom! !

The entire courtroom felt obvious shaking, and there was no one in the spectator seats. Everyone followed Dumbledore's words and began to evacuate, except for the pale-faced Minister of Magic in the courtroom.

"Albus Dumbledore! Did you send that suitcase in on purpose?!" The bald minister gasped and shouted angrily at Dumbledore. "Are you crazy? You dare to destroy the headquarters of the French Ministry of Magic!"

"As I said just now, I have told you the truth in advance. It was you who forcibly took the suitcase away and then forcibly opened the suitcase at the Ministry of Magic - all the jurors can hear this." Professor Dumbledore said solemnly. said. "And with all due respect, Mr. Minister, what really ruined the French Ministry of Magic was your disgraceful performance in this incident!"

"Let's go back to the trial. I hope you can issue a statement of innocence for Dudley, Fleur and Newt, and then reveal the truth about the disappearances near Selemuni based on the report I submitted to you before, and assist us in uncovering the truth." Traces of the dark magic forces behind Gini..."

"Wait...wait a minute!" Cold sweat broke out on the bald minister's head, "Dumbledore, you...are you threatening me? How dare you threaten an international Minister of Magic?! "

"No, I'm just making a suggestion - it's up to you to decide whether to accept it, Mr. Minister." Dumbledore said slowly. At this moment, there was another loud noise outside the courtroom, and the benches around him were shaken by the strong vibration. It became very messy.

"It's just a dangerous creature... With the elites gathered at the Ministry of Magic Headquarters, we will definitely be able to -"

At this time, the white-haired man Dudley had seen before - the head of the French Department of Magical Law Enforcement hurried in. Without looking at Dudley and the others, he just said something impatiently in the ear of the bald minister.

"Hmm...well, then you should arrange the retreat route...just do it the way Dumbledore said." The bald minister's aura suddenly weakened, and there were beads of sweat as big as beans. appeared on his bare forehead.

There is no doubt that the people from the French Ministry of Magic cannot control Castague at all. After all, the human sea tactic is not feasible for Castaag, and the miscellaneous fish wizards cannot even cause effective damage to him.

Although the bald minister had never seen Castague, judging from the vibrations and movements, he immediately understood that this was a powerful threat that could destroy the entire French Ministry of Magic headquarters.

And Dumbledore, one of the most powerful wizards, is here. Asking Dumbledore for help is undoubtedly the best choice to protect the headquarters of the Ministry of Magic - but he is still struggling with whether to bow to Dumbledore.

"Of course, my proposal is not completely without consideration for you." Dumbledore said calmly, as if the shaking movement around him did not exist at all: "I can give all the credit for investigating the truth. I’ll give it to you, pretending that you independently found out the truth, and you won’t be held accountable for the Aurors’ evil deeds of kidnapping innocent girls.”

"In this case, Bernard can die as a hero - which is the best outcome for his companions, his family, and your already precarious reputation."

Boom! ! !

Minor cracks appeared on the ceiling and walls of the courtroom, and Castag's destruction of the French Ministry of Magic headquarters continued.The bald minister seems to have realized that there is not much time left for him to choose. If this continues, the place will soon be irreparably damaged.

"I understand...Due to insufficient evidence, as Minister of Magic, I am withdrawing the accusations against Dudley Dursley, Fleur Delacour, and Newt Scamander about breaking into the Ministry of Magic. and a charge of suspected murder." The bald minister slumpedly picked up the wool pen and wrote something quickly on a piece of parchment in front of him.

Then, the bald minister threw the parchment away angrily, and the parchment floated in the air and slowly flew into Dumbledore's hands.

"You're satisfied, Dumbledore." The bald minister said through gritted teeth, "Then please fulfill your promise and solve that problem for me!"

"I reiterate, I did not promise you anything in exchange for their declaration of innocence." Dumbledore took the parchment and looked at it carefully for a moment, then nodded with satisfaction and put it away. "But, Minister, you can rest assured, of course we will take away our personal belongings."

"Take all your wands back." Hearing the implication of Dumbledore's words, the bald minister threw all the wands of the three people on trial over angrily, "Don't keep any of the troubles outside!"

"Okay three, congratulations on your innocence." Dumbledore turned around and faced the Dudleys with a smile, "But before we go back to celebrate, we still need to solve a little trouble here. ."

Leaving the bald minister alone in the courtroom, who seemed to have aged decades in one breath, Dumbledore led Dudley, the three men and Lockhart, and strode out of the courtroom.

"Congratulations, beautiful Miss Delacour." Lockhart walked to Fleur and showed an attentive smile: "It is the best thing to see you regain your freedom, especially when I can do this When you do your part—"

"Stay away from me! Gilderoy Lockhart." Fleur frowned, as if she saw a nasty bug. "I haven't forgotten what you did to Gabrielle. I won't hold you accountable." The representative has forgiven you for what you did.”

Dudley approached Dumbledore and asked carefully: "Professor Dumbledore, I am very grateful to you for saving us, but would it be too dangerous to release Karstagg here? I have fought with him, and he has Not the kind of enemy that can be dealt with easily."

"Don't worry, Dudley." Dumbledore smiled kindly, "In fact, I opened the suitcase privately before setting off. Although Ms. Maxim was beside me for safety reasons, I didn't care about Cass. Tagg—that's what you call that ghost, I still have some sense of his strength."

Only then did Dudley realize that Dumbledore had already tested Castague's strength, and based on his tone, he had successfully forced Castague into the suitcase again. He couldn't help but be a little surprised at Dumbledore's strength and courage. .

At this time, Newt walked up to Dudley and showed a meaningful smile: "Dudley, you may usually see Dumbledore as the principal-educator more often, but if you often accept Dumbledore's tasks, You will know that he is more radical and bold than you think... Being Dumbledore's proud student is not an easy task."

Boom! !

This time the loud noise was much stronger than before, and it was obvious that the place where the sound came from was very close to them.And Dudley clearly felt that the temperature was dropping sharply, and the floor in front was covered with a thin layer of frost.

Dudley and Fleur, who still had lingering fears about the battle with Castag, immediately raised their wands vigilantly, ready to fight at any time, but Dumbledore waved to them with a relaxed expression.

"Don't worry about the children. You don't need to take action. Just protect yourselves later." Dumbledore exuded a reassuring and steady aura. "Next, leave everything to me."

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