Dragon Roar Master at Hogwarts

Chapter 70: Professor Snape’s favorability has increased

Although Dudley couldn't go to class like other students, it wasn't like Ron said he didn't have to go to class at all.Dumbledore arranged for each teacher to take turns teaching Dudley privately at Dudley's residence after class, and today it was the turn of Potions teacher Snape.

After seeing Snape, the Harry trio hurriedly said goodbye to Dudley and left Dudley's room as fast as they could escape.

"Concentrate, Dudley Dursley." Snape blocked the back of Harry and others from leaving and said coldly, "Let me tell you in advance that I do not intend to let you off the hook in the final exam, even if it is rumored that you defeated the Dark Lord. Great heroes are no exception."

Snape may be a little unkind, but he is indeed very strict and responsible in teaching.Snape, as if he hadn't heard what Harry said before, taught Dudley the lesson in a matter-of-fact manner.

"Your foundation is really poor." At the end of the course, Snape frowned, "If I were you, I would definitely seize the time to study the skills of potion preparation. After all, you now have to rely on one hand. Only animal magic potion can sustain life, you'd better master the ability to prepare this potion yourself."

Snape paused, seemed to hesitate, and then said slowly: "Speaking of which, I have told you before that since your innocence has been proven, as a bet, I must bear the consequences and leave. School......"

"You don't need to do this, Professor Snape." Dudley quickly interrupted Snape, "I saw you bravely resisting Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest. I know very well that you are not on Voldemort's side. . Besides, I have to take the potion you prepared now, so I should thank you for this."

Hearing Dudley mention what happened in the Forbidden Forest, Snape's momentum suddenly weakened: "Dumbledore also used this reason to reject my resignation... In this case, until your body returns to its original state , I will postpone my commitment for the time being. It is really ironic that in this situation, you are actually one of the few people who still believe in me."

"Don't get me wrong, I don't care about the rumors outside." Snape saw Dudley's eyes and shook his head, "In fact, I deliberately allowed this theory to spread. Due to the reappearance of the Dark Mark, Those Death Eaters who have been hiding themselves are starting to make moves, and the rumors about me are actually conducive to my work."

"So after Voldemort failed again, has your Dark Mark faded again?" Dudley asked curiously.

Snape shook his head with a complicated expression, then pulled up the sleeve of his left hand and showed his left arm to Dudley.

Dudley could clearly see that there was a black mark on Snape's left arm, and he could only vaguely see the outline of a skull and extended chaotic lines.

"I don't know if this is because the Dark Lord used the Dark Mark to punish me, or if the marks of other Death Eaters have also become like this." Snape's voice was slightly trembling, and it seemed that he was suffering from the pain of that night. I still have lingering fears.

"I have never seen such a Dark Mark before. Generally speaking, when the Dark Lord dies, our mark will gradually fade and will reappear when he is resurrected. I have confirmed the situation of the Dark Lord with Professor Dumbledore , now he should be closer to death than before, there is no reason why we should still retain traces of the Dark Mark."

Dudley frowned. Although it was unlikely that Voldemort would be resurrected again, it would be troublesome if his followers didn't know about it and thought he was resurrected and gathered to cause trouble.

Especially Dudley himself, since the rumors of defeating Voldemort were already spreading, he could easily attract revenge from the Death Eaters.

Just when Dudley was about to ask Snape to further inquire about the Death Eaters' movements, there was a crisp and rapid sound of footsteps.

"Dudley, I, Potter, they said you moved here - ah... Professor Snape, late... good evening." Pansy Parkinson burst into the door excitedly He came, but when he saw Snape standing here in the room, he immediately froze.

"Ahem, okay, that's the end of today's class." Dudley seemed to see a smile on Snape's lips for a moment, but it soon turned back to an indifferent expression, "I'm going back first, Dudley Dursley, remember to consolidate today’s lessons and I will test you again next time I come over.”

Then Snape turned around and strode out of the room. As he passed Pansy, who was motionless, he whispered: "Miss Parkinson, please don't go back to the dormitory too late later, so as not to be caught by Filch after the access time. "

"Bang!" Snape closed the door as he left. In the dim light of the room, Dudley could see Pansy's face turning red.

"Why do I feel that Professor Snape feels a little different today," Pansy said in a low voice, "It seems that he is a lot more easygoing than usual?"

Dudley also felt that his relationship with Snape had become slightly better today, which was good news for Dudley.In fact, Dudley had no ill intentions towards Snape, but he had been misunderstood by Snape unilaterally. If a good relationship could be established, Snape would still be a very reliable companion.

Pansy saw the Mirror of Erised in the corner of the room and walked over curiously: "Is this the mirror you were looking at, Dudley, when I came to rescue you last time?"

"This is the Mirror of Erised, which allows people to see what they desire most." Dudley stood next to Pansy, "What did you see in it?"

Pansy stared at the Mirror of Erised, looking a little lost in thought, then suddenly glanced furtively at Dudley, who saw her face turn redder than before.

"No...it's nothing," Pansy immediately turned her head and couldn't help but glance at the magic mirror again, "I saw that I became a prefect...just holding the college cup, it's nothing. Big deal.”

But Pansy's face suddenly turned gloomy, she lowered her head and murmured as softly as a mosquito: "But it's impossible...Dad can't agree to me being with you."

ha?Dudley didn't know whether to laugh or cry. This child's topic was too jumping, and he suddenly didn't know where he was talking.

"No...that's not what I meant!" Pansy came back to her senses, realized what she had just said, and grabbed Dudley's arm in a panic, "I mean, my family will not allow me and Ma Making friends with wizards who are born in melon... This is the tradition of our family."

"I know, I know, Pansy, you're holding on too tightly." Dudley's hand was so painful that Pansy realized it and quickly let go.

Dudley rubbed his still aching arm and looked at the girl in front of him who was so shy that he wanted to find a hole to crawl in. No matter how stupid he was, he felt the girl's feelings.

But for Dudley, although he also liked this little girl who had reformed, he only had the same feelings for his sister and had no other thoughts.

After all, Pansy was only 11 years old, so it was okay to tease her, but if he really took action, Dudley felt that he was completely hopeless as a spiritual adult.

But if it were a little older... Ahem, Dudley stopped his random thoughts in time.

What he cared more about was the part about Pansy's words about her family.The Parkinson family is one of the 28 sacred families in the wizarding world, a famous pure-blood supporting family.

Dudley realized that this was a good starting point if he wanted to understand and change the deep-rooted pure-blood ideology in the wizarding world.

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