Dragon Roar Master at Hogwarts

Chapter 71: Difficult choices for pure-blood family members

"You want to know about my family?" Pansy seemed a little shy when Dudley asked about her family, but she still sat at the small round table and slowly introduced the Parkinson family to Dudley.

As a pure-blood family with a long history, the most famous member of the Parkinson family is Perseus Parkinson, who served as Minister of Magic in the 18th century. He is famous for his efforts to promote legislation prohibiting intermarriage between Muggles and wizards. .

Although Perseus failed in the end, his concept of maintaining the integrity of the wizarding bloodline has been passed down as the family motto of the Parkinson family until now.The Parkinson family is also one of the few wizarding families without any known Muggle ancestors.

"However, in recent generations, the number of men in the Parkinson family has become increasingly rare. In my generation, there are no other heirs except me." Pansy sighed and said quietly, "My father always hoped that I could Marry into another pure-blood family, and then one of the children can inherit the Parkinson's name."

Dudley knew that the decline of pure-blood families was almost inevitable. Intermarriage between relatives in order to maintain pure blood would inevitably lead to a decrease in fertility.Moreover, pure-blood families are more or less involved in black magic. It is rare to find a few men, but most of them died in Azkaban. It is unreasonable for such a family to continue to extinguish the bloodline.

Of course, the Weasley family is the exception.Although they are a pure-blood family, they are surprisingly blessed with many children. It can only be said that this is God's special favor for this upright and kind family.

"But Pansy, since you are the last inheritor of the Parkinson family, you can try to change the family's outdated ideas yourself." Dudley tried to guide Pansy, "As the only daughter in the family, if you have any opinions If you are tough enough, your family will have to accept it."

Pansy was silent for a while, as if thinking about Dudley's words, but in the end she shook her head regretfully: "Even if you take a step back, my father allowed me to indulge my willful thoughts. But other pure-blood families will definitely regard us as Those who are traitors and gather to avenge the Parkinson family - just like the Weasley family, they are secretly suppressed in various ways, and then gradually become poorer and poorer."

"Ah, Dudley, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to insult your friend." At this point, Pansy suddenly panicked and said hurriedly, "Besides, the Weasley family is relatively lucky. There are people in their family. Working in the Ministry of Magic, we have a wide network of contacts. But the Parkinson family does not have such conditions. Once we are regarded as traitors by other pure-blood families, the consequences will only be worse."

Only then did Dudley understand that for members of pure-blood families, it is not enough to rely on their own consciousness to get rid of outdated pure-blood supremacy. They also have to face the revenge of other families.

Although Sirius and Nymphadora's mothers bravely drew a break with their families, they were not the only children of their families, so the restrictions and surveillance they received were not that severe.

And asking Pansy, a little girl, to ignore the safety of her family and fight against the huge forces hidden underground in the wizarding world would be too difficult for her.

As if feeling that the atmosphere of the conversation was a bit heavy, Pansy and Dudley talked for a while and then said goodbye.Dudley looked at Pansy's somewhat lonely back and felt that it might be more difficult to remove the Death Eater forces behind Voldemort than to defeat Voldemort.

Dudley's college life passed quickly since he no longer had to worry about Quirrell and Voldemort's plot.Although it had been a long time since he had been able to feel the warmth of the sun, Dudley had gradually become accustomed to living in the underground secret room.

The Harry trio and Pansy often come to visit Dudley, so life is not very boring.Sometimes I can practice Quidditch with Harry at the place where the Flying Key test was originally played, but unfortunately Dudley probably won't be able to play again for a long time.

"Don't worry, since you can't play for objective reasons, I can suspend our previous bet, and we won't expel the young dragon because of this." Snape was much more talkative than before, "But, I didn't remove you from the game. You are only temporarily absent from the Ditch team, and once your body recovers, you will still be Slytherin's Seeker."

Although Snape said so, until the end of the semester, when the games with Hufflepuff and Ravenstraw were over, there was still no progress in dealing with the curse on Dudley.

Unable to appear in front of other students, Dumbledore waived Dudley's final exams and replaced them with individual assessments by teachers in each subject.After passing the assessment of all courses, Dudley had to face the biggest problem now - the upcoming summer vacation.

Due to the influence of the curse and the long-term underground life without seeing the light, Dudley was much thinner than before, his skin was as pale as a ghost, and his body had no body temperature at all and was cold.

If it were before, Dudley would definitely be happy about his weight loss success, but the problem is that he looks less and less like a living person.There was no telling how much trouble there would be if we returned to the Dursleys in this state. In the worst case scenario, the Dursleys might not allow Dudley to go to school again.

During the previous Christmas holidays, because Dudley was imprisoned, he could not go home or send a letter explaining the situation.

It turned out that the Dursleys were very nervous about this and almost went on the TV to scold Hogwarts for illegally abducting their children. Even the Ministry of Magic was alerted. Dudley sent several letters in succession before they calmed down.

When Dudley was worried about how to explain the changes in his body to the Dursleys, Dumbledore came to Dudley's residence and proposed a solution like a timely gift.

"As for this, you don't have to worry about it for the time being." Dumbledore showed a smile that had been planned for a long time. "In fact, I have already made arrangements for this matter. If you are willing, I plan to let you participate in an off-campus program this summer. Activities - just think of attending a summer camp, this will also prevent your family from worrying about your physical condition."

"Extra-campus activities?" Dudley noticed that Dumbledore did not come empty-handed today. He was holding an old suitcase. "But Professor, you should know that if I come into contact with the sun..."

"For this problem, it is more convenient for your temporary guardian during this summer vacation to explain it to you." Dumbledore slowly placed the suitcase on the ground, and then gently knocked on the suitcase.

With a crisp sound, the suitcase opened automatically. From the opened suitcase, a wrinkled hand stretched out and waved towards Dudley, signaling Dudley to come over.

"Come down, kid, Norberta is waiting for you."

(To be continued)

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