Dragon Tales: Reincarnation.

Basic knowledge about The World, Skills and a Reveal.



The shock causes me to lift my head again.

"Bonk! Ow!"

My head hits the ceiling once again and chips of the ceiling fall as it was cracked…

"Master! You're going to ruin the ceiling! I told you this took a lot of effort, didn't I?

Forget the ceiling for now!

"Hey! What did you just say?!"

I Can take a Human form?!

What does she mean by that?

I am a dragon now right?!

"You can take a human form, that's what I said"


"What's so surprising about this? "

After going through that! All it took was a word from her!

"Surprising? I thought that I would stay in this form forever!"

"I guess it could be surprising for you but… wait… how do you know what humans look like anyway? And that this is Your form?"


"You shouldn't know anything about humans… I was going to tell you about them… yet you speak like you know exactly what you're talking about. Even though you were just born. A newborn shouldn't know anything about humans… "

She says all that with a suspicious tone eyeing me for answers.

"Ah… that…?"

Shit… what am I supposed to do now…

Should I tell her?

How will she react? Will she become hostile?

"What are you spacing out for, master?"

I should tell her… she gave me a name.

She told me about herself too…

Here goes nothing.

"Twixie… I… have memories of a previous life…"

She hears this and then goes into her thinking pose again. With a finger on her chin and looking up trying to figure out what I was saying.

Then she looks as if she figures something out…


"Y-yes twixie?"

"You said that you have memories of a previous life?"


"I don't get it!"

She puts on a silly face and blurts that out…

She's so dumb…

"I mean exactly what I said, I have memories from my previous life."

'I get the part where you said that you have memories but I don't understand the previous life thing…"

Come on…

She doesn't get it? How can you be this dumb?

But… I guess she couldn't be blamed for it.

It's not like you get to meet people like me every day.

"I'm saying that I was alive in another world and died there."

"So you're dead now?"

How can I be dead? Well, technically I did die…

"No. I'm alive. But I died in the previous world."


"Then I got reincarnated here…"

I try to say it in a way so that She could understand.

"So you're saying that you were alive and died in the previous world and then somehow got reincarnated as a dragon here?"

"Yeah, that's the gist of it."

"Then… what does this have to do with your knowledge about humans?"

She can't figure it out from this much?

Can't be helped.

"I was a human in my previous life."

She goes into her thinking pose and says,

"That means… you know about humans because you were a human in a previous life? And you are a dragon now…"

"Yeah. That's what I'm trying to say."

She starts to think again…

"This… doesn't bother you?"

"Hmm… this certainly is a bit surprising but it's fortunate itself… a person that has died before knows the value of life. And knowing that you were a human before… you could understand the meaning behind their actions."

She accepted it pretty easily…

I guess she doesn't get surprised anymore.

"So will you stay with me even after that?"

"Why wouldn't I? This is perfect. If someone else had gotten this power and used it for malicious reasons, I wouldn't have been able to stop them. You will use the power responsibly right?"

"Responsibly? I guess you could say that. I just don't wanna cause trouble anywhere."

"Then let me teach you a few things."

She's gonna teach me?

She could,S because she got all sorts of knowledge. She's thousands of years old.

"Were you thinking something rude about me master?"

"N-no… why do you say that?"

"Nothing. Just a hunch."

What is she? A telepath?

"Then. I'm going to give you basic knowledge abot this world. Let's start with the races. There are magical races; they are the ones that possess intelligence and spend their lives. Then there are magical beasts; they are usually called monsters by humans but they are used for different means by different magical races. They can be hostile as they possess animal-like intelligence that's why humans become adventurers to fight them."

"So there are adventurers too?"

"Yes. But not only humans, they have magical races among them too. There are mixed races too. Mixed races are with partial human and magical race blood."

Children between magical races and humans.

"The adventurers are not the only ones who hunt magical beasts for resources. Magical races do that too. They're just animals but much more dangerous and they possess magic."

"So they live in harmony?"

"No. Not all humans respect magical races. The only few accepted into human society are dwarves, elves, and beastmen … I don't remember any more than these. Races other than these are discriminated against by the majority of the society."

"So not all of the magical races are given equal status? Then where does that put me?"

"I forgot to tell you this but you aren't a magical race anymore."

"I'm not a magical race now? But you said that I was."

"I forgot to tell you in all of that hectic events but you are now one of the divine creatures."

"A divine creature?"

"Yeah, basically you've left the realm of races and transcended into immortality. Until someone kills you, you won't die. I doubt anyone could kill you as you are now. Even the other dragons might be weaker than you."

Other dragons?

"There are dragons besides me?"

"Yes. There are six elder dragons besides you."

So there might be others like me?

"The six of them are based on their separate elemental origins. Namely fire, water, wind, earth, light, and darkness but there is also a seventh element known as space. There is no dragon with that elemental origin."

Elemental origins… different powers and strengths. And no dragon with space element?

"So elemental origins mean the elements they can control?"

"That's basically what it is. They rule over the element they possess and are masters of the origins they possess… by the way do you know what elements you have?"

"I have elemental origins too?"

"Yes. Every creature has the destined element that they possess before they are born. That also works in the case of skills. It's just that Dragons are much stronger in these fields than any others."

Meaning every magical race and humans have elements but they're not strong as Dragons.

"So? What's your element?"

"I don't know?"

"Just think that you wanna know about your elemental origins. It's that easy for dragons. Other races and humans have to use magus to identify what their element could be."

"So I just think about it?"


Just like that time? It worked for my skills too.

Do dragons always have it this easy?

I just feel that it could be a bit overpowered and unfair  because I did not work hard for this…

Hmm… think about it…

My elements…

What are they?...


Just the moment I thought about my elements, the info just popped up in my head…

It feels so weird to know something that you didn't know before, all of sudden without saying, seeing, or listening.

But… there's a more pressing matter here on hand…


I thought people were supposed to have a single element.

Why do I have so many then…

Am I wrong about the single elements thing?

"What's wrong? You can't do it?"

"No no, um…"

"So what is your element? Is it fire? Or is it wind?"

"So here it is… fire…"

"I see! So you're a fire elemental!"

There's more, Twixie…

I try to continue…

"…Water, Wind, Earth, Light, Darkness…. and Space"

She looks at me as if I had said something beyond her comprehension.

"What did you say…"

She says in a small and confused voice, inquiring for further explanation…

"I'm pretty sure what I meant to say, is that I have all of the elements."

Her chin touches her chest as she droops her head down.


"So cool!"

It's cool?

I thought she would be more panicked about this…

"I never thought that you would have all of the elements. I know that it hasn't happened in all of eternity before but! This is so exciting that my heart might pop out! No wonder it said Celestial!"

I guess she's a kid at heart.

"The maximum of elements possessed, recorded in history are three! And look at you here! You're lying down in this cramped space with all of them!" The

She's so loud now.

Her calm teaching demeanor has completely disappeared.

"Master! You must have special skills too! Tell me more!"

She turned into a curious little kid now. She says that while she crouches in front of my face with her hands around her knees.

"So… skills? Special ones?"

Special skills….

What special skills do I have…?

I think about the special skills and as naturally as before, the info pops up in my head.

I look up as at Twixie…


"They are like this…

    [ King of Rage: Ragis ] [ Queen of Gluttony: Gluttonia ] [ King of Pride: Prigmasia ]

    [ Angel of Light: Urias ] [ Angel of Mercy: Zadif ] [ Angel of Justice: Mikela ] [ Angel of stars: Kokulas ] "

"Three of the seven deadly sins… and four angelic skills?"

"Is that it?"

"That's amazing thinking that you were destined to have them from your birth…"

So these are the special skills that i was meant to have from the beginning.

"Can you tell me about skills?"

"Oh yes. We were talking about your human form right? That involves a skill."

"It's a skill?"

"Yes. Every elder dragon and magical race including the human race have basic skills unique to themselves. It's just that the transformation skill that helps you turn into a human form is much of basic of the basic ones."

"So what you're trying to say is that every elder dragon possesses the transformation skill?"

"Yes, that's what I'm trying to say. And on the previous matter about how elder dragons are treated in society, they are considered royalty among royal families of Humans and magical races. So they are spared any hostility even among normal people."

"You say royalty but all I can think is that, they think of them as threats that's why they keep them in good regards."

"That is one of the factors but… a creature transcended from the realm of races is just plain divine in literal words that's also why they are thought so highly of. Out of respect. Even if you go Knock on the door of a castle and say that you are an elder dragon you will automatically be accepted because there doesn't exist a person that would say that they are an elder dragon. That's how much they are respected among people."

"So basically I can get any privilege I want?

"If that's what you want but dragons don't get much involved with others. They like to stay among fellow dragons. The six elder ones. They are the only ones that have achieved the upper realm so they stay together."

Dragons living together…

"I would love to meet them…"

Other dragons like me?

I would be beaming if I met one.

Twixie changes gears and gets on to the next matter.

"We can talk about skills some other time."


"First. Let's get you free. You won't be able to go anywhere like this. The original need for the transformation skill is for situations like this. Elder dragons are big and tall so they can't go anywhere if they're so chunky."

Yeah. I'm stuck in this library. There's no way I'm getting out like this. I mean I can't even fully lift my head.

"So this skill is based on the need to mingle with society?"

" That's one aspect but the other one is for utility. You can't enter caves and cities like this can you?"

"Yeah. That's is true."

"Now, you should have a skill called 'all-knowing' now. That skill helps you use skills without saying anything or doing anything. It allows you to know about all of the skills you possess automatically. The info is always present In your head so you can use them whenever you want just by thinking."

"But I could use some of my skills even before, without thinking."

"That's because you knew about those skills but the point of 'all-knowing' is to give you knowledge on all of them so you could use them immediately by thinking."

She is so knowledgeable.

"But how do you know this much about dragons?"

"Not dragons. Elder Dragons. Fervina made me study all of this. But I don't know why… she was so intimidating when she locked me in a room full of books about elder dragons."

She 'made' her study?

Did she know about me?

That I would get reincarnated?

That's not possible, right?

I have a hunch that it might be true but let's leave it here.

"So how do I transform?"

"Just think about the transformation skill and think about a human body. You'll be transformed into your gender once you do it."

So I just have to think and imagine?

A human body huh?

The transformation skill…


I felt as if something started stirring up in my body.

"That's the Mana charging for your transformation."

She tells me as if she knew what I was thinking.

I'm telling you, she's a telepath.


Human body… head… hair … hands… feet…fingers… torso?

It takes some time to imagine all the appendages but once I'm done imagining a human body…

The library is filled with blinding rainbow light.


Twixie lets out a cry as her eyes are blinded by the light enveloping my body.

The light pulses and pulses. The dragon gets smaller and smaller. Eventually, It turns into a ball of mass about the height of a human.

A ball of glowing rainbow mass floating in the air.

Then with the rainbow beams still filling the atmosphere with beauty, the ball slowly begins to take a shape of a human.

Hands, then a torso.

Then turning into legs.

Lastly, a head takes shape and hair takes form.

The light then begins to carve the features.

It flows equally, pulsing. Letting out blinding beams of rainbows.

The hands, and fingers along with the fingerprints appear as the light fades.

The legs, the feet, and the fingers.

Then the long hair turns into silver with its ends being of different gradients of Red, Blue, Brown, Green, Yellow, Black, and Purple colors, glistening and waving in the rainbow light.

After that, the light begins to fade from the head.

The face is carved with beautiful big crimson red, ruby-like eyes, and long silver eyelashes.

The nose and the lips are then carved and then came the ears, so delicate as if they could break if you touched them.

The skin tone was mildly pale. So smooth and delicate like silk.

The light fades completely.

The body stops floating in the air and lands on the feet.

Twixie removes her hands from her eyes which she had instinctively put on.

She had already thought of the possibility of the dragon being naked so she quickly puts out her hand to open a small portal leading to her temporary storage.

She takes out a blanket and puts it on the shoulders of the dragon.

"Master? Are you okay? Here you go, put this on."

Twixie puts on a blanket on my shoulders with her tiny little hands

"Uhh… that was weird"

It felt as if I was being carved out like a clay mold.

I felt everything. The transformation of every part. Even when I was a ball of mass.

"You look very beautiful master."

Oh? She's complimenting me?

"Thank you."

I try to inquire what sort of body I had transformed into.


I look around waving the blanket over me.

I notice something strange. And a strange empty feeling down there.

Why is my chest a bit bigger?

I look closer and then I look down…


"What's wrong, master?"

What's wrong?!

"Where's my stuff?"

There's nothing down there!

"What do you mean by 'stuff'? Down there?"

She looks down, eyeing where I'm referring to.

She thinks for a moment and her face goes red all of a sudden.

"Master! You're so indecent!"

"What are you talking about!"

Ohhh! I see!

I guess it is indecent for her. She's a girl after all.

"Have some decency! You're a woman!"



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