Dragon Tales: Reincarnation.

Throwing a Tantrum and Refusing to become a Dressup Doll.



"Wait! What'd you just say to me?!"

What the hell did she say to me?!

"I just said that you're a woman! have some decency master!" she says in an angry and lecturing shout.

What is she talking about?!

I'm obviously a man!

Why is she saying that I am a woman?!

This doesn't make any sense!

"Don't say things that I won't understand! I'm a woman?! What do  you mean by that!" I shout in a confused voice.

"I mean exactly what I'm saying! You-are-a-wo-man!" she says while pointing at me.

"No! I'm a man!"

What the hell is going on?!

"Have you gone mad! You're evidently a woman! How can you deny your gender?! Even I can tell just by looking!" she shouts pointing at various points on my body.

"Look! Your chest! Your face! Your-" she stops shouting and goes red when she points down.

"What! Why'd you stop?!" I say that to know why she stopped so abruptly.

"You want me to say it?! How indecent you are! Look closely yourself and figure it out!" she says that as if I've just said something very rude.

"What do you mean 'look closely'?! Where?!" saying that, I look down under my blanket.

I try to look down and yes.

What I saw there was something I never imagined that I would see.

I mean, I never had a girlfriend.

"Wha?!" I blurt out and look up at Twixie.

"Do you get it now?! You wanted me to say it! Now you can't even speak thinking about it, can you? Speaking about other's private parts is bad!" she says that as she lectures me and gives me an annoyed glance.

"But what's going on Twixie? I don't understand! How am I a girl?!" saying that I grab her in my hand.

"Master! Don't crush me! You're going to kill me! Let me go!" she says as she makes a stuffed screech.

"Ok ok! Sorry!" I let go after knowing what I was doing.

"Gasp!" she takes a deep gasp. and calms down.

I take a breath myself and sit down with my head cradled in my knees.

Twixie comes close.

"What do you mean you don't understand? I mean you're a girl. What's wrong with that? Everyone has a gender. You can't change what you are. Did you want to be a man? But why? It's always decided what gender you're supposed to have. You can't just go change it." She says all of that as if she's consoling a child that just threw a tantrum and now had calmed down.

"But… Twixie… I was a man before~" I look up at twixie with teary eyes and say that with a small squeaky voice.

"Master! You're crying?!" she sounds surprised like a person that had made a child cry.

Flying around frantically she tries to figure out what to say that will make me feel better. Once again she comes closer to my side.

"Master…please don't cry… I don't get the 'I was a man' but… it's going to be fine! I mean being a girl isn't that bad! You can do lots of fun things!" she says with a cheerful and a prideful voice while striking her chest with a fist.

"But Twixie~… i.. don't knowww~… it's so sudden! I mean… I know that I was reincarnated but… I won't be able to get over it~" I say that with tears flowing down.

I'm such a crybaby. It's a pretty big deal

"I won't be able to marry anymore!"

"No no no! women can marry too! What are you saying? You can marry as a woman now!" she says while she moves her hands in a confused manner…

"But Twixieeee~…." I go down to my knees once again.

"Master. Don't worry about it! Just think of this as a fresh start! I know it won't be easy but… you can just enjoy the charms of being a woman!" she says that with a tone that suggests that she is pretty proud of being a girl.

"First let's just get you clothes. You can't be naked all the time, can you? You're not indecent right?" she suggests that I wear some clothes while she pats my head.

"Hmmm…" I give her a yes with my squeaky sad voice.

"Okay!" she flies towards the far plain wall opposite to the gate.

Once she gets there.

"APERTAS!" she shouts in her small voice.

In the next moment, I hear a sound. A sound of rock sliding on the floor.

I lift my head from my knees.

What I see is that the plain wall that has been just there was opening like an elevator door.


The door was about high as too normal doors stacked over each other.

Twixie flies back once again and says this with an enthusiastic voice.

"Come on! Let's go, master!"

I look up at twixie and see that she's worried about me, but puts on a cheerful face.

"Okay…' I say that and stand up myself.

I walk towards the entrance while twixie flies beside my face.

I notice something.

She keeps looking at me for some reason.

I should ask why.

"What's wrong Twixie?"

"Huh? Oh. It's nothing." She says while she looks away denying it.

"Tell me. I know that there's something on your mind. Are you worried about me?" I ask her in a concerned tone.

"Um… it's really nothing. I am worried about you. But it's just that… I've met someone after so long… I'm getting flashbacks from before. You resemble her in many ways… your looks might be something completely different… I mean you're a beauty and you should accept it because I'm the one saying it. But it's not in looks that you resemble her…'

She stops after she says that much.

"Tell me. Don't stop now. Were friends now.'

"Friends…" she pauses over the word and looks up.

"Okay… you don't resemble her in looks… but in your heart and actions… even after I just met you… I see her picture in my heart when I look at you..." She completes her reason.

"You want to see her?" I ask her because  I think she loves her very much.

"I can't. She died. As I told you before, I set the seal to activate once she died. We went different ways. We talked now and then through telepathy. She told me she got married. She was 32 when she married. Then she had two kids. A boy and a girl. the girl was born after three years the boy was born. Their names were Julius and Marsella. She told me many things. How she was growing old. And how her kids had kids then. But when I was working here one day…'

"[    ] how are you?" …

"Oh! Fervie! I'm top-notch! What are you doing? How are you? I haven't heard from you in days! Where'd you go? I was so worried! You always contacted me so often!"

"Hmm?, I… was just busy. Busy doing work…"

"What's wrong Fervie? You sound… sad"

"Oh no, it's nothing. I was just thinking… I should've taken you with me. I'm such an idiot  for accepting your request to protect the sanctuary… all alone..."

"What are you talking about? I wanted to stay behind and protect what we- you and me –created together! What's wrong with that?!"

"No. I should've taken you with me… I miss you…"

"Why are you saying that?! And… why do you sound so tired…"

"[    ]… I might not be able to talk to you anymore…."

"What! No! don't say that! What's wrong!"

"Nothing special… I'm just going into a long sleep…"

"Long sleep?.... what… no… you don't mean… it's not-"

"Yes… it's a harsh reality… that's why I miss you…"

"Frevie! I'm coming right now! Tell m-"

"No… don't come… everyone's gonna freak out… they're all by my side…. you're not gonna be in time."

"Please! Fervie! This is too sudden!"

"Death is always sudden my precious… you cant avoid… death… even the immortal ones… could one day… experience death"


"[    ] I bid you farewell my dear … and precious friend… I enjoyed our brilliant days together… I'll feel proud all eternity…that I got to meet you… and became your friend…[    ] let me tell you something… when you wake up… don't be sad… ill be with you forever… not in flesh… but in heart… I'll never leave you alone… think of that person like me… love him… stay by his side… as I want you to be happy…"

"Fervie wait! Why are you saying stuff like that?!"

"Never cry over my death… because… you'll… never be… alone…[      ] I love you….a..nd..... good…bye...li..ve… hap….py…"

"Fervie? Fervie?! Answer me! wha-?!"

"The moment the connection got broken… I was enveloped in a blinding light and… the memories continue from me waking up finding you on the ground…"

We were talking while we walked….

Twixie looks at me…

"Master?! Why are you crying?"

"Huh? Oh no don't worry… anyone would…" I stop saying that as I wipe my eyes with my blanket.

"Master… please don't cry… you'll make me cry too… she told me not to cry… please…"

"Okay… I'll stop now…"

I sniffle…

"I didn't know it went like that…"

"Let's leave that here. We got to dress you first. Let's walk faster. To the wardrobe!" said in a cheerful voice as she flies in front of me.

Now looking back… the scale of everything is so big… now that I'm in a human form I can see well how tall and big the ceiling was. Even the hallway we are in is so high but it's not big like the library. I can also imagine the scale of the caves back there much more easily now. I guess I'm used to being in a human form that's why everything is much clear now.

Back there the library was so beautiful. Beautiful designs of black, silver, and golden were on the walls and the pillars. The shelves were so white that you might ask if they were made from pearls. The floor with contrast was lined with a carpet of white, black, and golden.

The hallway we"re walking in is beautiful as well. It's long and never-ending but… the walls are beautiful having brown wallpaper with intricate designs of dark brown colors. Literally, it's so different from the library that I ask myself if I've traveled somewhere else.

"Just asking… why is the hallway so long? Where not getting anywhere…" I ask.

"This hallway has traps in it. They're disabled for now. We placed them if and a big IF- someone could break through and be aiming to raid the library. I mean the only way to get in here is through the teleportation circle."

The only way to get in is… teleportation?

"But how did I get in here?" I ask because I don't understand.

"Why would I know that?" she says while looking at me puzzled.

"You don't know?  Then how did I get here?"

"I really don't know… did she put your egg there?" she says as she puts a finger to her chin.

"We'll never know…?"

As I say that I see three doors, two besides one another and one opposite in the distance.

"What's that?" I ask.

"Those are the bedrooms." She says.

"Then where is the wardrobe?" I ask.

"It's just after these bedrooms."

We keep walking and then I see a double door.

"That's the wardrobe I guess?" I say.

"Yup. We're going to dress you up~!." She says as she mischievously looks at me.

"Oi… what are you planning?" I suspect that something is up and I ask.

"No no… nothing" she looks away.

I push open the door.

The door opens and I see a bunch of girly clothes lined up in the wardrobe.

"Let's go! Dress up party!" twixie says as she flies in.

I start to look through the colorful clothes.

"Oi twixie! I'm not going to wear these!" I say that as I deny the clothes she was forcing onto my face with her little hands holding them.

"awww~ I thought I was going to see you in this ~," she says that sounding disappointed.

So that's what she was planning?

"No! I'm not over the gender thing yet! Show me something else. Something a bit modest."

She looks over the clothes.

"Master! How about this! You'll look cool in it!" she shouts as she finds something.

"What is it? It better not be something flashy-oooh!" I stop mid-sentence when I see what she's holding.

"This is good! I'll wear this!" I say that as I snatch it from her hands.

It's a coat. A coat with a skirt and a hood. The material is of good quality. It looks cool in white color.

Next, she brings something black and jeans-like

"Oooooh!" I take them from her hands.

"I'm happy that you love it," Twixie says getting closer to my face.

"Huh? No no, I'm…"

"You don't need to deny that you like these…." She says it in a tone as if she's messing with me.

"Just leave me alone okay!"

"Okay okay… But before wearing these let's look in the mirror. You haven't seen yourself have you?"

"Oh. You're right…" I say.

"Then let's head over there." She points to the mirror in the distance.

I walk towards it.

"huh? Who's this?! Is that me?! and me is beautiful?!" I just made a mistake in my words because I can't say anything in shock.

"My face…."

I'm still in my blanket but I can see my face.

I see red glistening eyes, and silver hair with colors on their end.

Small colorful scales on my cheekbones. Looking closely, they fade. They are on my wrists too.

"Me? I'm like this….?" I question myself in disbelief.

"Get it now? That's why I said that you should believe me when I say that you're beautiful!"

"Yah! huff! there!"

I pose myself in the mirror to see what I look like.

These curves. So this is what women's bodies are like?

In the middle of posing, I try to smile.


"Master! You have pointy teeth!" says Twixie shocked at what she sees.

"What?! Why are they pointy?" I ask Twixie.

She thinks for a second.

Why pointy? I don't understand...

"Hmm… could it be because you're a dragon?" she says.

"Dragon?... probably…" I had to agree with Twixie. It could be because I'm a dragon. I mean dragons are supposed to have pointy teeth right?

"Now Master. Put it on." She says pointing at the clothes on the floor.

"There's the changing room." Next, she directs me to the changing room.

"Okay. Let's do this" I said bracing myself.

I step into the changing room and close the door.

"Okay… sooo…"


I hear a small faint knock on the door. Must be twixie.

I open the door a bit and say through the crack.

"W-what is it?"

"Before putting them on. Put these on first. You can't go without these can you?"

I look towards her hands…

"Wha-?! No! I'm not gonna wear those!" I refuse in confusion.

"Don't worry they're new. And your size." She says in a matter-of-fact tone.

Yes. They're undergarments.

Pants and a b…. I can't say it!

"Oi! Don't make me wear those!" I say pleading for mercy.

"You can't go commando! Wear them! Or you're going out naked instead!"

She says that in an intimidating tone.

"Okay~" I surrender in a squeaky voice.

God… why do I have to go through this?

I try to put them on.


I put the pants on but I can't wear the b- can't say it!

My hands won't reach.

I open up the door a bit.

"Twixie~ I can't put this on~ HELP ME!" I say that to twixie.

Life for a girl must be hard with stuff like this. how do they even do this? do they have hands-on their backs too?

"Okay okay I'm coming in okay?" she flies in as she says that.

"You do this and then this and there! Voila!" putting it on me by herself she says that in a proud tone.

"Now put the clothes on."

"Okay," I say.

She flies out of the room.

[shuffle] [shuffle]

"I'm coming out okay?" I call for twixie.

"Okay! Come out! Come out!" I can hear her excited voice.

I step out of the room.

"They don't fit me!" I tell twixie.

"That's not a problem. Supply your mana into them. They'll fit automatically. They're special clothes, they come with enchantments." So she says.

"How do I do that?"

"Just think of energy flowing through your body."

Imagine again?

This world requires a lot of imagination.

Hmm... a flow of energy?

I try to feel the energy just as she said and imagine it coming out.

I can feel it. at the center of my body. a ball of energy. in the center

The clothes give off a faint light and shrink down to my size.

"Ooooh1 that's cool!" I say.

"I know right? I was the one who made them." She says.

"Thanks, Twixie! I'm glad I met you!"

"Okay okay! Your gonna make me blush!" she says while she turns her back towards me.

"Now that you've got clothes, let's head to the magic items room. You can't go out with your aura bursting out through." She says.

"My 'aura'? What's that?" I say.

"Aura is the amount of energy leaking out due to abundance. We have to conceal it until you learn how to do it yourself." She says.

After some time we arrive in front of two rooms opposite each other.

"This one on the right is the magus room and this one is the magic items room," Twixie says that pointing at the doors.

We step into the room.

The room is full of junk in boxes.

"Why is it so messy?" I ask.

"We never went into this room and that one very often so we couldn't be bothered to organize it…" she says as she rummages through the junk.

"Master, put this on" she hands me a mask after a while.

"But there's no way I can see through when there are no holes in the mask…" I say taking the mask from her hands.

The mask is white colored with black markings engraved on it with a beautiful design.

"Don't worry. It's enchanted. You'll be able to see through and conceal your aura." She says.

"Really?" I say in confusion.

I put on the mask. the mask fits onto my face.

"Ooooh! I can see through! It's like there's nothing on my face!" I say in a surprised voice.

"See? Told you." she says crossing her arms and lifting her chin.

"Humu humu!"

"Now your aura concealed 'enough'" she says.

"What do you mean by 'enough'?" I ask her.

"Hmm... to say in simple words, your aura is so dense that it cant be concealed fully by our magic items. not just ours, no magic item can conceal your aura completely. I mean, you're an elder dragon aren't you?"

We should head to the teleportation room!"

She says in a leading voice.

"Okay!" I say matching her tone.

"To the teleportation room, we go!"

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