Dragon Tales: Reincarnation.

The Teleportation and The Carriage in Trouble.

"To the teleportation room, we go!"

"Yay!" I cheer with her.

We walk a relatively long path. Then I see a double door. The door was made of wood with intricate markings. I think It could have something to do with magic because the markings and cravings are on my mask too.

"By the way Twixie, What are these lines on this mask? There are markings and carvings on this door too." I ask.

"These? They are magic circuits. They help in achieving the desired effect when making magic items. The circuit on your mask is for concealment of aura and it also reduces your presence. It also grows stronger with you because of the aura that it absorbs. So it's for protection too." She explains what these lines and markings are.

"so I can make these too?" I ask in curiosity.

"yeah. I mean the whole library is inside you, remember? It does have the magic spells and the energy but it also has knowledge related to the magical items and magus. You are the moving hunk of knowledge on magic. You just have to learn it yourself by going through it. You should have the knowledge but you can't use it from the get-go, can you? You would have to practice first." She explains.

"This knowledge thing… do I really deserve all of this? I'm a nobody that just dies and got reborn like this… I don't think I'm virtuous enough to be accepted…" I murmur.

"you shouldn't worry about that stuff. I look up to you now. Isn't that enough? Make your own image in front of other people. This could be a clean slate for you. Live your life as you haven't lived before. You can have as much time as you want. Whatever the path you choose, I will be with you, forever. This was my promise to Fervie. Right here and right now, I also make this promise to you. I will stay by your side until I perish." She says in a very confident voice.

Why is she like this?

I'm just a stranger. She met me after waking up from being sealed and experiencing her friend's death.

Does it have to do with my past life?

I was so used to being alone. Maybe that's the cause that I can't understand her feelings?

I wish I could have my memories back. I wish that I could remember things I've experienced.

The three years with no memories have been hard but I've held on by myself.

My friends or I should say, the 'friend' my former self had couldn't approach me again.

A girl. Her name was Nishimiya Miko. By the actions and the things she said, it seemed she liked him. Because the last time she came to see me, she said she couldn't bear to see me in pain when she loves me so much.

Honestly, I didn't understand it a bit. The feelings my former self had. What were they? Did he like her too? There's no way to find out.

Thinking about Twixie, she feels so approachable and easy to trust. It's like there's an aura of kindness emanating from her.

"Hey, Twixie. Let me promise something too. I swear on my futile life that I would protect you until the day I die 'again'." I say while I look at her with utter resolve.

"Your life isn't going to be futile, you are going to be an amazing person." She says.

"We are here."

We arrive at the door.

"APERTAS!" Twixie shouts In her tiny voice as she places her small hands on the door.

Is that some sort of magic spell?

"Twixie, what's that thing you say every time?" I ask.

"This is a keyword recognized by the protective magic on this door. It opens the lock."

So like a voice automated password?

The door starts to open with a creak. I see a wide room with a big circle on the ground. The circle is filled with intricate designs and in the center of the circle, there is a pillar protruding. The pillar has a hand mark on it and a ring placed in a carved holding.

"We are going inside the circle," Twixie says while she looks at me.

"So, Is that the Teleportation thing? It looks so good." I say.

"Yup. That's the teleportation circle I built with Fervie. It's suuuper efficient and it has coverage all over the world." She says.

"All over the world? So is it connected somewhere else too, aside from the entrance?" I ask.

"hmm… no… not currently. We would have to link it manually by drawing a circle over the place we want to teleport… I think." She says while she thinks.

We walk into the circle. I sense something weird.

"is there Mana in here too? I sense something weird…" I say.

"You can sense it? There's residual Mana in here I think. The last time this was used was when Fervie went out. So it could be that there's some of her mana still in here. That's what this pillar is for by the way. You put your hand here and supply it with mana. The residual one will be forced out to disperse and it'll be filled with your Mana" she explains.

So Fervina went out of here last time?

The Mana is here after so long….

I hope Twixie doesn't feel sad again…

"Now! Put your hand here! Supply it with Mana just like you did before."

Just like I did with my clothes?

I put my hand on the mark on the pillar.

Mana? Is it like the energy?

I can only feel a single source of energy inside me though.

Are energy and Mana the same?

I should just test it out…

I feel the energy flowing and imagine it coming out of my hand.

The next moment, the pillar lights up, and the marks inside the circle light up too, gradually.

Once everything is glowing evenly I lift my hand.

"So, is energy the same as mana?"I ask Twixie.

"Both of them are the same things. I just used the term energy for you to explain. It's the Mana inside you that is your energy." she explains.

"What do we do now?" I ask Twixie.

"This ring. It will allow you to get in and get out. It's a pass and the key to the teleportation. Once you wear it and supply it with Mana, we will be teleported to the linked teleportation circle on the exit." She explains as she lifts the ring with both of her hands.

"It looks heavy. Give it to me." I take the ring from her hands.

"I'm not that weak and small you know?" she says looking annoyed.

"I didn't say anything though" I reply.

"wha?!" she blurts out.

She baited herself. He-he.

I look at the ring closely. The ring has a magic circle carved on it. It's another piece of work. I guess Twixie is the only one who can carve something this small.

I put on the ring. The ring makes a ting sound and shrinks to my size.

"Now, supply it with your Mana."

I do the same thing again and the ring glows and goes back to normal.

"the ring is filled with your Mana now. Now say 'LANUA'".

"Lanua? What's that?" I ask.

"It's a teleportation spell. It's used for short teleportation but we use it for activation of the circle here." She explains.

"So, should I just say it?" I Inquire.

"Yup. You just say it."

Twixie comes close and hops under my hood in my hair.

"Now." She gets ready.

I should say it.

What was the pronunciation again?


I say the word in my head and then—

"Wha-?! You didn't even-" she is stopped mid-sentence as everything goes blurry and wobbly.

"Whoa! I feel dizzy!" I shout as everything around me distorts.

A couple of moments later maybe not even a second, the whole scenery changes.

What I see in front is stunning and so breathtaking that one could say that I was in heaven.

I see green fields with grass waving in the air under the bright sun. The sky is so blue that one could ask if that really is the sky or a blue ocean. The grass glistens so stunningly under the sun that it seems glitter is scattered everywhere. There are a bunch of flowers waving along too. Colorful ones. We're now standing under a huge tree, about 6 Meters tall.

"Twixie! What is this place?!" I ask in a frenzy.

"More than that! Tell me why we teleported all of a sudden!" she shouts at me.

"I don't know! I just thought to pronounce the word and the teleportation activated on itself!" I answer.

"Silent incantation?" she murmurs to herself.

"What's that?" I ask her.

"Hmm… it's when you don't have to say the spell Yourself and say it in your mind. That spell was shortened too…" She says while she thinks to herself.

"Leave that! Where are we now? This place is so gorgeous!" I ask in excitement.

Honestly, I haven't seen anything this beautiful in my life, even in pictures. I don't know about my former self though. That's why I want my memories back.

"I don't know anymore. I don't know how much time it has been since I was sealed." She said.

"So what do we do now? We are out but even you don't know where to go…" I say to myself.

"Hmm… we could use your skills… like… world perception?... and … your wings to fly?" she says thinking to herself too.

"World perception? What's that?" I ask Twixie.

"Hmm… how to explain it easily… basically… it allows you to sense the world from far far away… the terrain… objects… living things… you get it don't you?"

Uhh… So is it like a Radar? Or a map?

The name itself tells me… it has something to do with maps or radar.

So? World Perception?

I think to myself intending to activate it.

The moment the skill activates, my head is filled with a sharp pain as insurmountable information floods inside my brain.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" I scream and fall to the ground.

"Master?! did you turn it on already?!" she flies close in an emergency.

"AHHHHH!" I keep screaming as I try to bear the pain.

"Master! Turn it off if you can't handle it!" she tells me to turn it off.


I think that I should try to bear the pain a bit more…

"AHHHHHH!" I roll around in pain.

"Master! Please!" she screams, worried.

Some moments later as I screamed constantly, the information levels out and the pain settles down.

"Hnngh…" I get up from the lying position.

"Master? Did you turn it off?" she asks me.

"No… it's on. I… can see… the land? What's that? … an animal…?.no… it has Mana…"

I feel the terrain and the living things nearby. I can also feel the Mana in them. It's like a 3D map in my brain but… I can't see it… I can just imagine it.

"Master what do you see?" she asks in curiosity.

"I see… the terrain… the living things… the Mana in the air… what's that?... A… road?!" I say as I browse through the live info coming in.


"I found a road Twixie!" I shout in excitement.

"You found a road? Which direction?" she asks me for the direction it is.

"That way!" I point to my right.

"Should I use my wings Twixie?" I ask her.

"Can you get up now? You shouldn't be reckless when you don't know what's going to happen." She warns me.

"Yeah, I know." I stand up while saying that.

"But Twixie… how do I bring my wings out? Would I have to transform again?" I ask Twixie.

"You don't need to transform back… you can use the wings skill as it is… your clothes are special so they would fit your preferences." She explains.

I think about my wings.

The back of my coat glows and two separate holes appear on the back. From the holes, my wings manifest out of nowhere.

"Oooh!" I exclaim in surprise.

The wings are colorful and bright.

I don't know what I was like when I was a baby dragon and even now I don't know what I look like in my dragon form.

But why silver hair when my wings are so colorful?

"Master let's go…"

Twixie hops in my hood again and snuggles into my hair.

I flap my wings hard and launch into the air.

Being in a human body and flying in the open sky is such an amazing feeling that can't be replicated.

"Wooooooohoooooooo!" I scream as I soar through the air.

"Master! Slow down a bit!" Twixie screams from inside.

I guess I'm going a bit too fast. She must be scared.

I slow down.

"Is this fine?" I ask.

"Y-yes… thought I was a goner there."

"But Twixie… I can see so far… can I really sense this much?" I ask her.

"That's why your head felt pain. So much information flew to your head that you couldn't handle it."

The scale of this sense is so vast that I should say that I can sense things clearly within 20 kilometers.

Everything… every single thing. The live info goes through my brain.

After a bit of flying, we see the road.

I flew so fast even after I slowed down that we covered the huge distance in just 10 minutes.

The Road obviously goes in two directions.

"Which direction should we go?" I ask Twixie.

"Dunno. You make the call." So she says.

I turn to my right and head in that direction.


All of a sudden I get a rush of malice.

"What's wrong Master?" Twixie asks if something's wrong.

"I sense someone with malice…"

No… it's not a single source….

Twenty? Riding on an animal?

Wait… it's not just malice… there's fear too… two of them?

I can feel… a sense of loyalty… from five… riding on animals.

"Twixie! I think someone could be in danger! Five people are protecting the two…. In a carriage? There are twenty people that I can feel malice from! They're chasing them!"

"Master! Do you want to help them?" Twixie asks for my confirmation.

"You might show your powers!" she says.

"That won't be a problem! Let's go! Hang on!" I shout.

I speed up using my extra speed skill.

After a minute or so I see the carriage.

The carriage is crashed and the people protecting the carriage are knocked out.

Three of the sources with the malice are gone. Killed by the people protecting the carriage.

I see two girls, the sources of fear. Kneeling on the ground.

Two men holding swords against their chests.

One girl is wearing a maid outfit and the Other is well dressed.

The girls look the same age. About 18 years old. The well-dressed one has red hair. The maid has black hair.

The man gives the order to kill them. I can see it from his actions.

The man holding the maid thrusts his sword against her chest. Blood flows out from the center of the chest.

"Wha-?! Twixie!! Brace for impact!"


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