DRAGONS REBORN: The Era After SI (GOT story)

Chapter 3

Chapter 3-The Journey Across the Sea!

The voyage of Prince Aemon to Pentos in 290 AC is a highly significant event in the History of Westeros. The exact details of the journey have been the cause of much debate, but it is a common consensus that this was a planned journey made for one single purpose. To obtain the greatest treasure of House Targaryen.


It had been rumored that Elissa Farman stole three eggs from the Targaryens before she began her journey across the seas. These eggs were sold to someone unknown in Essos, though many speculate that it was the Iron Bank of Bravos. King Aerys had been on the search for them for the major part of his reign. And in 290-AC, he would find them. Buying them for what is now regarded as the greatest Transaction of History.

Yet Alas, he would never be able to gaze upon them himself. Dying in 290-AC and those Dragon eggs would bring a huge storm for the Targaryen dynasty.


Aemon Targaryen watched the endless seas from the deck of his ship. The Titanic was perhaps the biggest ship in the Targaryen Armada. Its unique name was given to it by his father.

The sailors and the navy officers worked on the deck as they waded through the narrow sea. Finally, they were on their way home. He was excited as well. This journey had taken him way more time than estimated. But the issue's sensitivity was such that he could not rush anything.

Aemon had spent quite some time at sea. His father had given him the task of overlooking the trading endeavors of the Targaryen family. And for this, he had been on several voyages across the Narrow Sea. Sometimes to check on their routes and sometimes to meet magisters and merchants of the various free cities as an envoy.

Aemon reached into the pocket of his doublet and took out a very special object. The object which had allowed Targaryen to surpass the Sea Snake in their endeavors over the sea. It was a small wooden box. He rotated the small dial on edge, and the lid popped off.

Revealing a small piece of paper with a needle rotating over it. The whole apparatus is covered by glass. The needle trembled as it rotated a couple of times before one of its ends settled on the N. indicating the direction of North.

"The arrangements have been completed, my prince," came the voice from the side, and Aemon immediately closed the compass. Turning to see the person who had spoken up.

It was Captain Davos. A smuggler turned trader in his father's fleet. One of his father's peculiar choices over the years. But a fruitful choice nonetheless. The man had much skill in seafaring and had risen to the rank of captain over the years. That status was about to change in light of his recent services.

"Would you like to do an inspection, my prince," the balding captain spoke up once more. Aemon nodded his head at that.

"Yes, I would."

The man nodded at that, and they began walking over the deck. Moving to the special quarters of the ship. The crew bowed to him when he passed by them.

"I still cannot fathom how you even found these. Moreover, getting the person to sell them at all." Aemon spoke hushedly as they made their way to the captain's chambers. The two guards guarding it bowed to him as he passed by them. Aemon commanded them before going in.

"No one comes in under any circumstances. No one!" the two guards nodded, and then he opened the door, briefly followed by Davos.

"My Prince, we have been searching for them for over a decade now. Those of us recruited by your father were given this task by him specially. We actually located them a couple of years ago," Aemon frowned.

"Then why are we only buying them now?" he asked. And the ex-smuggler smiled at that.

"At that time, the magister was unwilling to sell them, for he had money and influence. So, the King decided to erode that money and influence. And through our efforts over the last couple of years, we were able to cripple him and his mercantile empire in a way forcing him to sell them."

Aemon just shook his head at that. It was just like his father. If he wanted something, he would turn to heaven and earth to have it. Over the years, he had seen his father enact various changes in the realm. Changes that seemed small at the time, like funding the Alchemists guild, building a trading fleet, taking direct control of some farmland, and giving rewards for exotic innovations. Each of them individually did not seem like much.

But their combined effect had changed everything. The compass made by the guild, now in possession of each captain of the Targaryen fleet, had transformed seafaring. Through it, they were able to trade more efficiently. The exotic innovations had been the most innocuous, and combined with the farmland under their control; the crown now had its own farms. Farms that gave almost double the harvest of those of the lush farms of the Reach.

The increased crop was used to make other things. Things that had never been seen before. Exotic Drinks and foods of various kinds. Which were then traded and added to the wealth and prestige of their House. It all came down to one of his father's philosophies.

"Wars are fought by men and won by Gold."

The aged captain reached one corner of the room. The lamp above illuminated it, and then he opened the huge metallic chest lying there.


And inside were two cups. But they were no simple cups. Each of them with a smoky pattern that rippled over their surface. Aemon picked one of them up, running his hand along the cool metal. Valyrian Steel.

"We have also spread the rumors that House Targaryen has bought Valyrian Steel. This way, the rumors about our true purchase could be suppressed." The old man said with a smirk.

Aemon nodded as he placed the cup back in the metallic chest.

"And where is our real purchase."

The old man nodded, closing the chest and locking it once more. After that, he walked towards the captain's table. Bowing down, he pulled something like a lever from underneath the table.


A plank loosened from the captain's table. Aemon walked to the side, joined by the aged merchant, who pulled the wooden plank to the side to reveal the metal contraption underneath. There was a circular indentation in the metal.

"Place your compass in it, my prince. Only someone with a compass can open it."

Aemon nodded and took out the wooden piece in the indentation in the metal. He felt it click, and then, after a turn. The whole side of the table was separated. Revealing a hollow space. A space currently occupied by three rounded petrified eggs. Three actual Dragon eggs.

Dragons that had been the source of the power of their house's strength. Lost during the dance in what his father often called the most tragic war of the Targaryen rule.

"According to the Magister, they were bought from lands beyond Asshai years ago."

Though Aemon was not paying much attention to the man. His attention was totally captivated by the petrified pieces of stone that could change the course of history. He raised his hand, trying to touch them.

"DON'T! THEY ARE VERY HOT!" but the old man suddenly stopped as Aemon touched the eggs. Their rough stony exterior is warm to the touch. He looked at the old captain beside him.

"What are you talking about? They are just a little warm." He said with a frown. And the merchant frowned as he raised his own hand but pulled it back with a hiss after touching the eggs. Making Aemon frown as he looked at his hand.

'What was this?' He thought. He shook his hand, putting this in the back of his mind.

"Who designed this whole secret space? And does every ship have it?" he asked, intrigued by the secret mechanism. Captain Davos shook his head.

"I am afraid not, my prince. Only a few ships have it. And from what I recall, one of the smiths from Kings Landing designed it with your father. Ser Tobho Mott, if I recall correctly."

Aemon nodded and put the information in the back of his mind.

"We actually used this to smuggle silk worms from Yi-Ti as well," the captain added with a smirk. Surprising Aemon once more about the source of one of the crown's other business endeavors.

Well, you did not become the richest house in the realm without a bit of trickery. And while House Targaryen had no gold mines in their lands. They had become the richest House in Westeros, surpassing even the Lannisters. But while the Lannisters' wealth was safe in the ground in their mines. House Targaryen had invested its vast wealth to transform its holdings. Hence betting on an increase in revenues from their various ventures.

Though his father was planning to build a bank to in the capital as well. Another one of his efforts to centralize their control over the continent. Aemon closed the chest, and then they placed the wooden covering back on the side. Hiding their true treasure once more.

Aemon then walked to the chair and sat on it.

"I will check on the crew," and with a bow. Davos left the office, leaving him alone in the chambers. Aemon closed his eyes as he thought about his return to Westeros, specifically, what awaited him.


Aemon Targaryen was a price of the realm. A second son, a spare. But unlike the other second sons. His father had chosen not to gloss over him. He had been trained along with Rhaegar by their father to rule. And now he had been given a whole city. Duskendale for him and his heirs to rule till the end of time. Over the years, various offers had been made from historic houses like the Lannister, Tullys, Tyrells, and Arryns for his hand. But his father had been reluctant to accept such offers for some reason.

But the issue could not be delayed any longer. So, he had been asked to make a choice himself. And he had narrowed it down to two.

Jane Tyrell and Laena Velaryon. Both matches had their own pros and cons. The Tyrells had been grumbling for a match for quite some time. They were the second richest House after the Lannisters, apart from the Targaryens. The match would put House Tyrell at ease.

On the other hand, Laena Velaryon was the daughter of Lord Lucerys Velaryon. His father's master of Ships. The Crown had invested heavily in the crown lands. And a match with house Velaryon would go on to prove the crown's belief in the houses loyal to it.

Just as he was deep in those thoughts, the door to the chambers was knocked violently. He frowned and got up. He opened the door and saw Captain Davos standing there once more.

"What happened?" Aemon asked as he saw the worry on his face. The man replied.

"My prince, it seems we have a problem."

Aemon frowned at that. What was happening now?


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