DRAGONS REBORN: The Era After SI (GOT story)

Chapter 4

Chapter 4-Long Live the King!

The death of King Aerys Targaryen in 290 AC has been a source of quite some historical debates. Many attribute it to natural causes; others believe it to be caused by his pursuit of arcane arts. But the exact cause of it was revealed by the recently released documents of the Iron Bank of Bravos by the Royal Family.

These documents, dated back to 290 AC, clearly mention the transfer of vast amounts of wealth to the famed House of Black and White. The mysterious guild of assassins that worshipped Death itself. Also, confirming the presence of such a group to the general public.

Interestingly, the amount mentioned is presumed to equal that House Targaryen paid to procure the three Dragon eggs.

A Conspiracy!


Rhaegar rushed on his horse through the Rosby Road, constructed by the Conciliator himself. They had passed by the seat of House Rosby a couple of hours ago, only stopping to get on fresher horses so that they could make haste toward the capital.

A small retinue of guards and his two loyal Kingsguards rode hard with him. And now, with the night beginning to cloud their surroundings with darkness, they could see the edge of the city.

The walls of the Outer City were now visible. Tall and thick stone walls were manned by archers with scorpions on the five major towers. His eyes narrowed as he spotted the increased number of guards over on the walls. The doors that led into the city were closed as well.

They rode hard and made their way to the gates. Stopping upon hearing the sound of the Huge horn from the top of the Wall.

The gates opened, and he was surprised to see an armed army squadron come out to greet him. The Captain got down from his horse and bowed to him.

"Why are the Gates closed?" Rhaegar questioned the man.

"The orders came from the council, my prince. All the gates to the city were to be closed. To be opened only after further instructions."

Rhaegar nodded at that. Still trying to reason out the cause for such a measure. The captain then turned and shouted.

"OPEN THE GATES!" and Rhaegar saw the gates open slightly. He nodded to the captain, pulling the reins of his horse, and rushed through the city that his father had built. The city was quiet, lacking the usual hustle and bustle associated with it. The houses were much smaller and made out of wood mostly, unlike those in the inner city.

Though much like the inner city, the streets were clean, the main road paved. The people moved out of his way, spotting the Targaryen banner from afar. Many of them blessing him as he went past them.

Bless the Prince. Live Long Prince. May the Targaryen prosper.

Yet all this was not on Rhaegar's mind as they spotted the inner city walls. These walls were much taller and with a much larger number of men. Though the gates would open without any stoppage this time, and he would rush into the inner city. The Red Keep, visible on the edge of the city. He noticed the army once more, fully armored and patrolling the city.

He reached the castle and was greeted on the gates by two of his father's council members.

Stannis Baratheon, his cousin by blood. The second son of Lord Steffon Baratheon, one of his father's most loyal friends. He had been serving as the Commander of the City Watch for quite some time.

And the other was a much older man. He was responsible for the command of the army in the absence of the King or the Prince. He was also wearing full armor, with a distinctive sword strapped to his belt. The sigil, a striding huntsman in red on a green field, is proudly displayed on the chest. Lord Of Horn Hill, the King's general. Ser Randyll Tarly. A strict but competent man nonetheless.

"My Prince," both of them bowed to him as he descended from his horse.

"You have our condolences for your loss," they said.

"Thank you for your concern. But where is my mother," he said as he began to walk briskly through the castle. The two of them followed him. The sheer hush and the black clothing of the people highlighting pronounced the spread of the news.

"The Queen went to her chambers sometime ago, my prince," Stannis replied.

And Rhaegar began to walk towards the Queen's chambers. The various servants hushed and bowed to him as he hurriedly moved past them.

He reached the Queen's chambers and saw someone quite familiar coming out of the room. It was Elia's lady-in-waiting and the sister of his friend Arthur.

Ashara Dayne, well, not anymore, he corrected himself. She had been married to the heir to Horn Hill and was now called Ashara Tarly nee Dayne. She was wearing black as well, her eyes having similar coloring to his own but with a much lighter shade of purple.

She bowed to him immediately.

"My prince, you have my condolences for your loss." She said, and Rhaegar just nodded. He would have to get used to such words.

"Where is Elia?" he asked her.

Ashara had arrived in court a couple of moons ago when the master had confirmed that Elia was pregnant with their third child. It had been a surprise for them, for they had said that after the birth of Aegon, it would be difficult for her to become pregnant once more.

"My Prince, she just went to her own room to put Aegon to bed. Rhaneys actually fell asleep inside and is with the Queen."

Rhaegar nodded at that. Arthur and Ser Barristan would be taking over the command of the situation. He needed to talk with his mother.

"Has Arthur returned with you as well, my prince?" she asked him. And Rhaegar nodded.

"Yes, he did. Him and Ser Barristan are with the Lord Tarly and Stannis at the moment."

Rhaegar knocked on the doors to his mother's chambers. Entering them, he saw his mother sitting on the edge of the bed, wearing black, much like everyone he had seen. Her hands casually passed through the hair of the child asleep on her bed. Rhaeneys had fallen asleep on the Queen's bed and was clutching Queen Rhaella's arm as she slept.

She looked up to see him, and Rhaegar saw the hollow look and the dried tears on her face. He silently walked to her side and lowered himself as she enthusiastically embraced him.

No words were spoken, and none were needed. Queen Rhaella Targaryen had married her brother Prince Aerys on his grandfather's insistence. The beginning of their marriage had been marred by the second greatest Tragedy their family had faced since the Dance itself.

Summer Hall burnt and devastated, taking away so many of their family. The sickly price Jaehaerys would take the throne, and then the Blackfyres would rebel, aided in their greed by the Gang of the Nine.

King Aerys and Queen Rhaella had faced all those tribulations with no one but one another for support. And while Rhaegar knew that there had never been much love between them, they had built a healthy relationship based on respect.

He separated from her, taking a seat on the edge of the bed itself, giving his sleeping daughter a kiss on her forehead. The girl just turned slightly in her sleep, unaware of his presence.

"What happened?" he asked his mother. The Queen spoke up after a while.

"It was assassins," and his hands would stop as he heard those words. He had suspected as much with the deployment of the army and closure of the gates.

"It has not been confirmed yet, but probably the faceless men somehow were able to infiltrate the castle. Ser Lewyn was able to kill one of them, but there was a bund of them, and they killed your father."

And Rhaegar's mind was racing as he tried to think of the people who could afford such a hit. The House of Black and White asked for a specific amount of gold to carry out an assassination. And that amount varied with the difficulty and influence of the person that was to be assassinated. For his father, that sum would have to be quite an astronomical figure.

"I then summoned Stannis and had him call up the army and then wrote to you."

She then looked up at him and said in a small voice. Her free hand went up to his face.

"You have to be careful now, Rhaegar. I have a bad feeling about this," and he nodded his head at that.

"I will be. Where is Daenys?" he asked her, and he saw her expression falter.

"She was inconsolable. She has locked herself in her room. Ser Gerold is there guarding her."

"I will talk to her after this, but I have to ask you something, Mother?" he said in a much more serious tone. Queen Rhaella nodded her head, and Rhaegar spoke up.

"Do we have any lead, any suspicion about the preparator?" he asked her. She was quiet for some time, only speaking up after some time.

"Lands across the narrow sea have been discontent with your father for some time due to the rising power of the Targaryen family. The Triarchy still hates him for the defeat they faced in the war. It could be anyone."

It was true; rumors about concern regarding the rise of Westeros had been reported to them by their spies. No plot had been discovered, but Pentos, The Triacrchy, and many other lands in Essos had been growing wary at their culminating strength.

"But I do have something to tell you. It is about your brother and why he sailed to Pentos," she added mysteriously. And he frowned as he heard those words.

"Your father sent Aemon to Pentos to buy something that he has been looking for since almost the beginning of his reign."

His eyes widened as he heard the exact words.

"Dragon eggs."

Drago eggs. His father had been searching for dragon eggs, and if Aemon's trip was any indication, he had found them. But why? Dragons had been lost for centuries.

"Your father had an idea on how to hatch these eggs and had been looking for them for some time now. And he wanted it to keep a secret from the rest of the world, so Aemon was sent discreetly to buy them and disguise this venture with the buying of some valyrian steel cups they had also found."

And this was just more shocking to him, and Father had an idea of hatching dragon eggs. Then why hadn't he mentioned it during the Summer Hall incident? He was just about to ask her the same question when there was a knock on the door.

He frowned at the noise and got up from the bed. He opened the door and saw Arthur standing there. He was flushed and anxious as he spoke up.

"My Prince, there has been an emergency. Prince Aemon's fleet has been attacked," and Rhaegar's eyes widened as understanding dawned on him. He looked towards his mother and saw her expression marred by extreme worry as she heard those words.

First, the assassination of his father and now an attack on his brother. This was not a coincidence. This was a well-concocted plan, a conspiracy to bring their house down.

Yet he would not let them succeed. Such cowardly attacks would not cow house Targaryen.

And just as he was about to speak once more.


The whole castle shook as the sounds of two large explosions spread everywhere. The explosions had come from outside. He ran to the window and threw the curtains open. His eyes widened as he spotted the source.

The whole area around the harbor was burning. But the flames were not normal. No, they were green.

Wildfire, he thought. His eyes narrowed as he spotted another ship sailing dangerously toward the harbor. Wearing a banner that was very much recognizable.

Golden Kraken on a black background. The ship crashed into the harbor.

BOOM. And another explosion rocked the city. Anger rose in his heart. Greyjoys.

Those fuckin Greyjoys! Those fuckin Geyjoys!


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