Dream Evolution

Chapter 10

Chapter 10 A Nerve-Wracking Challenge

Even if the skill disappears, Wang Ling has gained enough benefits in the novice world, but he tried so hard to reach the last level, how could he be willing to lose the skill and return there, he immediately gritted his teeth and said, “I have to continue the adventure!”

It’s not that Wang Ling doesn’t know how to advance or retreat. He has all the skills of Mario, as well as two sets of spare fireworks and mushrooms. If he doesn’t dare to fight, how can he be worthy of his courage!

“The main quest has changed. The new main quest is: Defeat the Demon King Kuba and rescue the princess of the Mushroom Kingdom: Peach.”

Wang Ling stepped out of the transit fortress. The sky outside was not a beautiful azure blue, but a gloomy dark gray. There was a heavy sense of depression in the air. Along the bare masonry road, there is no grass, only tall cactus with thorns.

The oncoming person was a black iron-shelled worm. The fireball had no effect on the worm’s iron shell, and Mario’s head-stomping technique couldn’t do any damage to it. Wang Ling didn’t want to get entangled with this kind of monster, so he accelerated and ran past the next one. Super jump, leap over the head of the Iron Beetle.

The moment it landed on the ground, Wang Ling fired fireballs in succession, burning the chestnut boys in the row behind the iron beetle, and then burning a piranha rooted in a water pipe to ashes. After jumping over a series of long cross-section traps in a row, he saw the “patta turtle”, which is basically the same as the wind turtle, but with two white wings and can fly up and down.

The monsters in the eighth castle are much denser. If it weren’t for the use of fireballs, the monsters could be burned to death from a distance. I’m afraid even the first area would not be able to pass. After all, Wang Ling’s super jumping and head-stomping skills are far inferior Mario himself is skilled.

However, the biggest danger is not the monsters, but the traps… After advancing for more than an hour, after passing through dozens of traps, Wang Ling, whose clothes were soaked in cold sweat from nervousness, finally reached the final platform.

He did not board the 12-meter-high platform, but came to the ground in front of the flagpole. Wang Ling launched an accelerated run. Under the effect of a 70% jump boost, with the super jump, he jumped to a height of more than 8 meters, just reaching the height of the flagpole. midsection. The flag also slid down on its own, and with this jump, 1,000 common currency points in the dream space were harvested, and the adventure in the first area was ended at the same time.

As expected of the final level, the second area is even more difficult than the first area! After going out from the transit fort, there was a cloud of happiness floating over, and there were also flying turtles on the ground. Wang Ling didn’t have the time to destroy Happy Cloud, so he had to keep running at full speed. Although he didn’t start the accelerated run that consumed mental energy, the speed brought by this skill LV7 increased by 20%, and the effect of the basic footwork LV5 level made him run. It’s not slow.

While running, dodging the red hedgehogs that fell from the sky, shooting fireballs to knock out the flying clatter turtles, and avoiding the cross-section traps on the ground made Wang Ling feel like he was going crazy! However, he had already arrived here, no matter what, he had to bite the bullet and move forward – even if he ran under the hidden treasure bricks, he didn’t jump up and hit, all his attention was devoted to dodging and launching fireballs.

Wang Ling, whose nerves were stretched into a string, rushed straight for a distance of five kilometers, and suddenly saw a pitch-black cannonball flying towards him! The surrounding area happened to be a cross-section trap, so I didn’t dare to use jumping to avoid it, so I had to go straight to meet it. The shells that hit the body immediately exploded, and violent shock waves shot in all directions! However, a white light blocked the explosion and the shock wave. Wang Ling quickly shrank in the white light and returned to his original size of 1.75 meters.

Taking advantage of the 1-second invincibility time to jump over the trap, Wang Ling immediately took out the enlarged mushroom from the badge space and ate it. Another cannonball hit him. He fell on the ground and rolled to dodge, then used the fireworks. At this time, he saw a new cannonball being reloaded in a two-headed turret with a skull pattern on the surface in the distance, and he quickly launched an acceleration run and ran over, jumping right above the turret.

The top of the two-headed fort is extremely safe. After a while, Wang Ling, who was running wildly, knelt on the fort, supported his body with his hands, and looked into the distance out of breath. He found that there were multiple artillery batteries in front of him, constantly firing shells, and the happy cloud behind him caught up again, and a sense of powerlessness suddenly surged.

“Damn, this is simply not letting people live!”

There was no time to rest at all. Wang Ling jumped off the fort and continued to run. He kept jumping, squatting, and even rolling, shuttling through a pile of flying cannonballs, as if he was on a battlefield full of war! The hedgehog thrown by Happy Cloud at the rear almost stabbed him a few times, and was knocked out by a fireball at a critical juncture.

Finally, after leaving the fort area, the difficulty dropped. He carefully advanced and jumped over a few traps. Wang Ling finally reached the platform in front of the flagpole. After jumping up and pulling the flag, he gained another 1,000 currency points.

The moment he entered the safe transit fort, he collapsed and fell to the ground, not even wanting to move a finger. The experience in the second area made him exhausted to the extreme, from mental to physical strength.

You know, he was originally just a high school student, a big boy who likes to play games and read novels, not a special soldier, killer, etc., who are more powerful than ordinary people in spirit and body. This tensing adventure, as if dancing on a tightrope, was really exhausting to him.

Recalling the previous experience, Wang Ling couldn’t help but feel a little scared. In the adventure just now, if he hadn’t concentrated on dodging cannonballs and shooting fireballs to knock out hedgehogs, if he was just a little distracted, he would have died.

Wang Ling, who was extremely tired and lying in the transit fortress, did not fall asleep, but was thinking about a strange thing.

After entering the eighth castle, the dream badge did not explain how many skills can be left after completing the main quest, can they all be left? He doesn’t think so. You must know that the skills taught by Mario have four basic skills in addition to the six skills such as speeding up and stepping on the head.

If all ten skills can be left, the rewards will be too rich, and the dream space cannot be so generous – even if the difficulty of the scene is upgraded.

“Could the final harvest be related to my performance at this mark?”

Wang Ling had a hunch in his heart, but he couldn’t be sure, so he stopped thinking about it, closed his eyes, and silently recalled the monsters and secret passages in the last level of Super Mario 1 on the Xiaobawang learning machine that he played when he was a child. .

After lying in the transit fortress for more than two hours, Wang Ling, who had fully recovered his physical strength, stood up and moved his body and limbs, then curled his arms, clenched his hands into fists, shook in front of his body, and cheered himself: ” come on!”

Leaving the safe fortress and heading to the third area, which is the 8-3 in the game, there was no happy cloud that followed the hedgehog and he rested for a long time. Wang Ling’s mood also improved.

This is not to say that it will be easier than the second area – this can be seen from just advancing 100 meters, a dark cannonball from a two-headed fort in the distance, flying in the direction of Wang Ling, this is the At the beginning, the fort appeared!

Fortunately, there was no harassment by Happy Cloud. After leaving the fort area, Wang Ling saw two big turtles standing up on the floating bricks ahead. This is a very dangerous monster: the hammer turtle!

The hammer turtle has a hard green shell on its body and a green helmet on its head. It looks like a hunchbacked old man fully armed with green armor. It can continuously throw a large black hammer, and the hammer head is bigger than a football. Even bigger, one can imagine how terrifying it would be after hitting him! And the frequency of throwing hammers is extremely high, covering the front area in an arc, making it difficult to jump and pass through.

When Wang Ling was more than 50 meters away from the Hammer Turtle, he stopped, and two fireballs raised his hand and launched them out, but the Hammer Turtle did an action that could not be done in the game: sideways dodge!

Seeing the fireball flying past the Hammer Turtle, bouncing on the ground and continuing to advance until it hit a stone before disappearing, Wang Ling couldn’t help frowning slightly.

“Looks like it’s only getting closer.”

After approaching more than 20 meters away, the hammer turtle under the floating brick suddenly launched a charge towards Wang Ling, and at the same time kept throwing a large black hammer in his hand.

Wang Ling narrowed his eyes, raised his wrist, and two fireballs flew out of his palm, hitting the ground and bouncing back. When it was impossible to avoid at close range, the Hammer Turtle was immediately ignited by the fireball, red flames rushed all over his body, and he screamed loudly.

Wang Ling was unmoved by it, and two fireballs flew out of his hands, making the fire even bigger. The hammer turtle’s figure also kept retreating under the impact of the fireballs. UU reading www.uukanshu. Com, who was covered in flames, was still desperately throwing the hammer, but unfortunately the distance between the two was beyond the attack range of the hammer.

Seeing this, the other hammer turtle jumped over to help. Wang Ling first threw a fireball at it, and when the turtle was dodging, it suddenly jumped up, and its body rose rapidly until it reached five meters in mid-air, and then doubled. Drop the feet together.

With a heart-pounding “click”, the hammer turtle’s head, under the heavy blow of Mario’s head-stomping technique – actually including Wang Ling’s body weight – collapsed downwards and sank straight into the neck cavity. A cavity of blood was squeezed and sprayed out, which looked extremely cruel!

Its neck bones have been broken by a foot and become smashed! The head was stepped on, and even the green helmet followed the sagging hammer turtle. The body swayed a few times from side to side, and finally fell to the ground powerless.

The power of Mario’s head-stomping technique is really too powerful!

The previous hammer turtle was burned to ashes in the flames, and only the turtle shell, helmet, and a few scattered hammers remained on the ground. Wang Ling kicked it with his foot, and found that when he touched it, the dream badge reminded: “Story monster equipment, cannot be used and carried”, so he raised his foot and left.

In front of it is the cannonball area again, there are slap turtles flying around in the middle, and then there are hammer turtles. Wang Ling was very familiar with such scenes, and after repeating the same scene a dozen times back and forth, he reached the front of a stone stair.

This is the bottom of the 8-3 pass. Seeing the scene in front of him, Wang Ling couldn’t help but take a breath:

In the suspended area with a length of about fifteen meters, there are four small stone steps suspended for people to step on and pass through. The bottom is not an ordinary trap, but a real cliff! If you are unstable when jumping through, you will immediately fall to pieces!

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