Dream Evolution

Chapter 11

Chapter 11 Dangerous Quba Castle

Wang Ling stood there for ten minutes. After taking a deep breath again, he gritted his teeth and took a few steps back. Then he ran and jumped up the stone steps.

Fifteen meters ahead, is the ground and the flagpole, but these four suspended stone steps are not so easy to jump! He successfully stepped on the center of the stone steps with the first jump, but the second jump was a little off from the center. During the third jump, there were no stone steps, but empty air, and it was about to fall and die!

“Ah ah ah ah ah…”

Wang Ling shouted frantically, his hands stretched out and grabbed the stone steps!

Now he is in a state of becoming a big fireball, and his wingspan is twice as long as normal. He finally grabbed the stone steps and did not fall, but his entire body was suspended in the air, and there was no point of focus under his feet.

Fortunately, the strength also increased exponentially when it became larger, and it was barely able to control it so as not to fall. He glanced down from the corner of his eye, and was suddenly dizzy. The cliff below was at least 500 meters deep. If he fell, he didn’t need to care about the main quest, because he would definitely die instantly.

“calm down…”

Wang Ling controlled his body so as not to tremble. His current situation is very similar to the scenes that often appear in some Hollywood blockbusters. While watching it, it is thrilling and exciting, but it is not so exciting when it is his turn, only panic and fear are left.

It was not easy to calm down a little, Wang Ling clenched his teeth, raised his body with both arms, and tried his best to climb up. He squatted on the stone steps, which were only about one square meter, and felt that his feet had become weak.

“No, I can’t rest here, I have to jump again, I have to jump over!”

Wang Ling plucked up his courage, got his bearings, controlled his body, and made a super jump. Although he didn’t land in the center this time, most of his body was lying on the stone steps, and there was no big crisis.

The next step was easy. He used all his strength to jump, and after crossing an arc, he fell directly on the masonry ground (Note: No life is deducted, so it is not considered damage, and the state will not disappear when it becomes larger) , Because of inertia, it rolled a few times, and it kept hitting the flagpole before it stopped.

The flag fell immediately, covering Wang Ling’s body from head to toe, looking like an honorable funeral after sacrifice (Note: the flag covers the body…).

Wang Ling was powerless to take care of the flags on his body. The hairs on his whole body were still standing on end. He jumped over four narrow hanging stone steps in a row, and there was a cliff under his feet. , and now he is a corpse.

“Sure enough, it’s a difficulty upgrade… not just monsters, but also terrain and traps…”

At this time, a reminder from the Dream Badge: “You have pulled out a Kuba Devil Battle Flag. With your performance when pulling the flag, you will get 100 Dream Space currency points.”

Hearing this prompt, Wang Ling just smiled bitterly. He lost 900 currency points, but he was not lost. After all, he successfully jumped over, which also means the successful end of these three areas.

“There is still the final level, the Demon King Kuba and Princess Peach are waiting there… Whether this novice world mission is successfully completed, or it will fall short in the end, or even get the ending of death, it depends on my performance in the next area. Now…” Wang Ling muttered to himself, he suddenly had the feeling of taking the “college entrance examination” ahead of schedule…

I rested for a while in the transit fortress, and now, ten hours have passed since I arrived in Super Mario World, and I still ate a few mushrooms and didn’t feel hungry.

“There is one last level, come on!”

The second and third areas are so dangerous, the final area can be imagined, but Wang Ling encouraged himself, gritted his teeth, and stepped out of the transit fortress.

The exit of the transit fortress leads to another castle. This castle is towering and has an architectural style different from any known style in the real world, because this castle is a mountain!

There were many huge caves that intersected each other in the mountain, and a long tunnel was built out of hard white rock, leading to the unknown darkness… There was also a red light flashing in the tunnel. Wang Ling knew that it should be the magma. of light.

At the front of the corridor connected to the exit of the fort is a huge portal. The portal is also made of white rocks. There are four crooked characters on it. Although Wang Ling can’t understand it, he can understand that it should be “Kuba Castle”. four words.

At the top of the portal, there is a giant war flag flying high. This war flag is not the green devil’s head, but the Demon King Kuba himself! The hideous face, the huge teeth, and the spiky carapace all came alive on the battle flag.

Just looking at it, you will feel a huge psychological pressure!

“The last level, I can definitely do it!”

Wang Ling narrowed his eyes, staring at the Kuba battle flag with a determined look. He took his eyes back and resolutely stepped into the dim, pale corridor. On the rock portal behind him, the battle flag was roaring in the wind!

Stepping into the Demon King Kuba Castle and walking, you can still see things in the dark corridors – because the corridors are led into the magma river, emitting a faint red light.

Looking at the crimson magma and feeling the scorching heat as it approached, Wang Ling’s courage was rapidly fading… When magma is in the real world, it is completely legendary. Except in movies and games, ordinary people would never see it with their own eyes. see.

The magma was bubbling, and the hot waves swept through it. Under the section of the road in the 8-4 area, there were such magma pools. If you fall into it, I am afraid that it will be worse than falling under the cliff before. After all, falling off the cliff will only be smashed into flesh, and falling into the magma will completely turn into ashes!

“It’s too dangerous here…”

Wang Ling frowned tightly. After he started speeding up, he jumped over a magma pool. When he jumped over, he could feel a heat coming from the shoes on the soles of his feet!

Passing through the pale-white rock corridor, below is a pool of lava flames. Such a scene with monotonous colors and a harsh environment creates a lot of psychological pressure, making Wang Ling almost breathless. The water pipes in the Devil’s Castle are also No longer green, but the same pale white as the rock.

Wang Ling knew that the Devil’s Castle in the last level of Mario 1 was actually a big labyrinth with corridors extending in all directions.

But the maze didn’t threaten him – he couldn’t get through the last level of Mario 1 at the beginning, so he asked questions through Baidu on the Internet, and learned the correct way to move, because he spent 10 points of knowledge for this answer at that time. So remember clearly…

This is also one of the reasons why Wang Ling dared to jump to the final castle. The way of the maze can even be said to be the biggest threat to the Demon King’s Castle, surpassing the Demon King Kuba! Without addressing this threat, trying to complete the main quest is a joke.

While destroying the monster, he advanced to the third white water pipe and knocked out the rooted piranha. Wang Ling jumped in along the water pipe and emerged from another water pipe.

Moving forward again, since this world scene is larger than in the game, the scope of the castle is also much larger. Wang Ling trekked for several miles, almost wondering if he had made a mistake. At this time, he saw a rock step in the air. On the step was a white water pipe, which was also rooted in a piranha.

“That’s it!”

Wang Ling jumped up the steps in surprise, knocked out the piranha with a fireball, climbed into the water pipe, and then emerged from another water pipe. As soon as he appeared, he saw a few red fish with big eyes, round bodies, two small wings, and a meter long in front of them, flying in the air and hitting him.

This is the famous flying fish in Mario 1 generation!

The speed of the flying fish was much faster than that of the cannonball. Wang Ling was afraid that these nasty things would become bigger and disappear, so he hurriedly fired a fireball to knock them out. Seeing another flying fish flying in the corridor in the distance, he hurried forward, jumped over a water pipe, and jumped into another water pipe.

Wang Ling, who was sliding down the wall of the metal pipe, felt that something was wrong. There was a stream of water in the pipe, and after spinning him for a while, it shot him out violently. Good, but there was a surprise in his heart: This shows that the route in memory is not wrong, and UU Reading www.uukanshu.com has finally arrived at the right place!

After being ejected by the water pipe, Wang Ling found himself in a sealed water area. The water flow was blue, similar to sea water, but there was no seabed silt or coral algae. The bottom and top were all rocks – this is the Kuba Demon King’s. Underground fish tank, where sea water is introduced into the tunnel, where pets are kept.

“What an amazing ability to breathe underwater!”

The water is not dim, the rocks emit a faint blue light, and the light is enough to see things. Wang Ling found that there was a transparent film close to the skin on his nose and mouth, which resisted the backflow of water into the respiratory organs. He took a few deep breaths and found that the film blocked the water flow, but filtered the air in. It turned out that this film That’s the key to underwater breathing.

The ability to breathe underwater is not only here, but also has an additional effect at level 4: when in the water, each physical attribute increases by 4 points, which is close to the body value of half an adult. However, this ability is not perfect. The film blocked the water flow to the nose and mouth, but did not block the water flow to the eyes. In the water, Wang Ling felt uncomfortable in his eyes and could only insist on swimming forward.

Is this water safe? Of course it’s impossible, because the pet that the Demon King Kuba keeps here is a white king squid! The current Wang Ling is 3.5 meters tall, and the top of the king squid together with the tentacles stretched out from the bottom is actually 4 meters long!

A king squid spotted Wang Ling who was swimming forward and immediately swam in this direction. When Wang Ling saw the strip-shaped tentacles as thick as a child’s arm, he was stunned and quickly raised his hand to shoot a fireball. However, he then discovered a terrible thing: the fireball can not be launched in the water!

This was unexpected in advance, and Wang Ling’s heart suddenly surged with an ominous premonition like a desperate situation…

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