Dream Evolution

Chapter 12

Chapter 12 Tentacle Monsters And Scary Monsters

In fact, it can’t be blamed on him for not thinking well in advance. After all, the scene world here closely follows the original appearance of the game, and in the game, fireballs can be launched in the water. To deal with the squid, just like dealing with the hammer turtle, it is not dangerous to knock it out with a fireball directly from a distance.


Wang Ling was very anxious. Even if his physical attributes increased, he did not have the confidence to deal with a 4-meter-long king squid in the water. Not to mention, the current state of the larger fireball will return to its original shape as long as it takes a little damage!

It is obviously impossible for a person to swim faster in the water than the squid. The king squid quickly rushed to Wang Ling’s side. It only had four tentacles, each of which was 2 meters long, and two tentacles immediately reached out. , the strength on the tentacles is extremely strong, bringing a burst of violent water flow.

Wang Ling turned sideways and tried to dodge, but his body was not flexible in the water. The first tentacle wrapped around his right leg, and the second tentacle wrapped around his neck. The soft strips contained surprising contents. the power of.

Then, two more tentacles were wrapped around his waist. This king squid has a lot of experience in hunting. First, he wrapped his legs with tentacles to prevent escape, and now he used two tentacles to restrain his waist to prevent the prey from struggling. The other one Tentacles wrapped around the neck responsible for strangulation.

With the contraction of the body cells on the tentacles, the strength became stronger and stronger, and Wang Ling gradually felt that he could not breathe, but at this moment, a burst of white light surged from his body, directly bouncing the king squid away.

Released from the tentacles, Wang Ling’s heart was not happy, but a chill. Sure enough, in the white light, his stature shrank rapidly, the enlarged state had disappeared, and even the ability to launch fireballs had disappeared together…

The one second of invincibility was fleeting, and the king squid that was bounced off rushed up again. Wang Ling knew that he could not escape under the squid’s pursuit. He gave up the idea of running away, a fierce look flashed in his eyes, and instead greeted him.

In his hand, a large kitchen knife half a meter long with a dark back and a bright silver blade appeared!

Although the kitchen knife found in Mario’s kitchen was only a white equipment with an E-rank rating, its attack was only 1-1. But this is not the same as the game. The data only represents the basic evaluation of the weapon, and the real damage is affected by various factors. The sharp edge of the kitchen knife is not just a 1-1 attack power that can be shown.

Moreover, with a weapon in hand, people’s courage will be strong, so after obtaining the mushrooms and firepower, Wang Ling did not throw away the kitchen knife. He had previously filled the badge space and hung the knife on his body. Later, he used up a group of mushrooms and flowers in the space, and put the knife in the space for preservation. Now that he was in danger, he just took it out.

The four tentacles of the king squid were wrapped around again. Wang Ling let the tentacles wrap around his body and neck without any resistance, because all his energy was on his eyes and hands!

The tentacles are as tough as beef tendons, and Li Dowler’s bones are creaking, especially the neck bones, there is a premonition that they are about to break. The strength of the king’s squid tentacles is mainly used for contraction and tightening, and does not completely restrict the movement of dead Wang Ling.

With his free left foot, Wang Ling suddenly stomped towards the base of a tentacle, and while the tentacle swung, his body followed and approached the squid.

His hands clenched the big kitchen knife tightly. Although the king squid had never seen a knife, he instinctively sensed danger and released one of his tentacles to roll towards the kitchen knife. Wang Ling’s neck was restrained, and his face turned red, but he tried his best to probe his head, opened his mouth, and all his teeth were on the tentacles!

The strongest attack on a human body is the teeth, even a child can bite off the hard phalanx of an adult with a single bite. Wang Ling’s teeth cut through the flesh, and the salty liquid poured into his mouth, and the tentacles that were bitten twitched violently.

The tentacles of the king squid were bitten by the teeth, and they felt abnormal pain. The tentacles that restrained the neck were even harder, so that Wang Ling’s body could not help but start to tremble in pain! Except for the other two tentacles that were bitten, they released their waists together, and with incredible strength, they pulled towards Wang Ling’s head!

The attack like an iron whip slammed into Wang Ling’s head. If it is an ordinary person, if the vital point of the head is attacked by such a huge force, even if he does not die directly, he will probably faint from a concussion. But now Wang Ling has the head of steel. This LV7 passive skill can not only offset 70% of physical damage, but also resist an additional 30 points of basic physical damage!

The fierce tentacle slams only reduced the blood bar above Wang Ling’s head by about 1/7. And taking advantage of this opportunity, he grabbed the kitchen knife with both hands, handed it forward with all his strength, and inserted it straight into the top of the squid and the middle of the tentacle. On the black torso connecting the two parts, the half-meter-long blade was completely submerged. All that’s left is the handle of the knife held by both hands!

A burst of blood mixed with ink spurted out, dyeing the surrounding waters black! The king squid twitched like an electric shock, and then the tentacles wrapped around Wang Ling’s neck. After finally supporting it, it finally loosened and drooped unwillingly.

Although this king squid has a large body, its defense is actually very weak. Otherwise, in the game, it would not die after eating a fireball. Wang Ling’s kitchen knife directly pierced its black torso, which is actually where the nerve center is, so it is natural to die.

Wang Ling spat out the tentacles that were still biting, and then coughed so violently that he even coughed out tears – his neck was black and purple, with obvious streaks and burning pain.

After finally letting the cough subside, Wang Ling had time to spit out the salty liquid in his mouth, along with saliva, and quickly left the blackened waters.

With the experience of fighting squid this time, in the following waters, Wang Ling killed four king squid in a row. However, this water is the home of squid after all, and he has lost 6/10 of his life value, plus the previous 1/7, it is already very dangerous.

What Wang Ling relied on in his fight was the kitchen knife in his hand, the extra attribute increase brought by water breathing LV4, and the powerful physical resistance of the head of steel LV7 – these squid will instinctively use tentacles when hunting and encountering danger. Attacking the head of the prey, it is precisely because of this reason that he can successfully kill so many terrifying king squid!

It is worth mentioning that when killing the last squid, a wooden key was dropped. Wang Ling directly used the key in the water and summoned a wooden treasure chest. Inside was a two-meter-long, milky white tentacle that was slightly thicker than ham sausage. It felt soft and tough to the touch.

“Squid tentacles, material props, can be processed into whip weapons.”

A very simple explanation, only a few eighteen words, through the wooden treasure chest that holds the tentacles, it is definitely not a precious thing. But after all, it was the first time to get the props by opening the treasure chest. Wang Ling cherished them very much and included them in the badge space.

At the end of this body of water, there was a horizontal water pipe channel. When Wang Ling swam in, he felt like the water in the toilet was spinning, and then was sprayed out by a standing white water pipe.

When Wang Ling came outside, he immediately did three things:

First, take out the life potion that can restore 50 health points in your clothes pocket and use it without hesitation.

This is one of the two potions in the newcomer gift pack. So far, there are four gifts in the newcomer gift pack: random exchange items, life potions, spiritual potions, and E-level skill refresh stones. Only the potion that restores 50 points of spiritual power is left.

Second, take out the enlarged mushroom in the badge space and eat it.

Third: Take out the fire flower in the badge space and use it.

After these three things were done, Wang Ling had recovered all his health values, and had become a state that became bigger and could launch fireballs.

The last set of spares in the badge space was also consumed, and Wang Ling put all the spiritual potions, gold coins and silver coins that were also wrapped in the pockets of the clothes into the vacated space.

In the current badge space, the eight grids are:

Spirit Potion·1, Mushroom Pocket (Life-enhancing Mushroom·3), Sliding Tortoise Shell·9, Tracking Tortoise Shell·3, Bronze·62, Silver·1, Gold·2, Squid Tentacle.

Wang Ling himself, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com, is still holding a large kitchen knife. This half-meter-long blade is like a small dagger in his hand, which is 3.5 meters taller.

This move was the final preparation for facing the Great Demon King Kuba. Because after leaving the water, you will reach the central area of the final castle, where Kuba’s palace is located – actually called the palace is a bit exaggerated, it is actually a stone room, and the captured Princess Peach is imprisoned in the stone room.

Wang Ling stood on the water pipe and looked into the distance. The end of the corridor could not be clearly seen, but there was a hammer turtle guarding him a few hundred meters away. Behind the Hammer Turtle is a ten-meter-wide magma pool. You can see round fireballs rising and falling in the pool.

“Yes, after killing this hammer turtle, it should be the Demon King Kuba.”

Wang Ling didn’t set off immediately, because he was familiar with the maze and didn’t spend much time in the final castle, so he had plenty of time now. He jumped down from the water pipe and rested against the pipe wall for a while, letting the wet clothes dry slowly, while recovering the physical strength spent in the water.

After resting in place for more than half an hour, Wang Ling stood up and walked along the corridor. After killing the Hammer Turtle who was guarding the tunnel, he started to run, and while running at full speed, he started to accelerate again, making a super jump, jumping over the ten-meter magma pool, and the fireball rising from the pool was thrown by him. behind.

Wang Ling, who jumped over the magma pool, immediately focused his eyes. In front of the corridor, there was a two-hundred-meter-long stone bridge built with white hemp strips! Below the stone bridge is a hot magma river with rolling flames, black smoke and golden red liquid flowing!

The deck of the stone bridge is not wide, only more than three meters, there are no handrails on both sides, and there is a terrifying monster five meters high standing on the bridge…

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